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Seal Out Scorpions

Seal Out Scorpions

124 West Orion St Ste F6 Tempe, AZ 85283


Scorpions - Get and Keep Them Out of Your Home. Our service starts where others have failed. We do not tolerate scorpions in our homes, neither should you. Since 1999 we have been supporting residents in keeping scorpions out. We help educate you on why your home is getting scorpion activity, why pest control fails and why previous sealing didn't seem to work. You do not have to live with scorpions in the home. We have strategies that are highly effective and allow you to relax in the home without the constant fear of scorpions. Our expert scorpion sealing contractors feature over 15 years of service, satisfied client results and reviews, and an Arizona state contracting license through the ROC. If your Arizona home is in need of scorpion sealing or you just need advice and pointed in the right direction, contact the experts at Seal Out Scorpions today! Seal Out Scorpions 124 West Orion Street #F6 Tempe, Arizona 85283 Phone: 480-820-7325


Established in 1999.
Hello! I'm Georgia Clubb, Founder of Seal Out Scorpions. William Clubb, Mike Golleher and I have been helping valley wide residents get and keep scorpions out of their homes for over 10 years. Are you; -Fearful or frustrated because scorpions are getting inside? -Unable to relax in the house - ready to move? -Afraid you or a family member will get stung? -Received poor results from a pest control technician or sealing? -Are you using harmful dusts and poisons? -Are you just concerned they're in the neighborhood? There are reasons many scorpion services do not work. We educate clients why and how to get their property under control. We also introduce clients to scorpion repellents and help them find pest control technicians that are using best practices - or we teach residents how to do it themselves.


Third generation Arizona Native, raised in Tempe.

Growing up I did not know we had scorpions in the city, let alone they got into the home.  This changed when I purchased my first house.

I've experienced what most of my clients have gone through, including being stung.  The first time was in the bed, which was the last night I spent in the first house.

For almost 12 years I lived in fear of scorpions.  I worked with many pest control and sealing companies, nothing seemed to work.  In my fourth home, after finding 32 inside within a 2 month period, my phobial turned to an obsession.  This sent my on a course to study scorpions from a scientific perspective.  There was no thought to create a business, that happened by accident after keeping them out of my own house.

See our website and read "About Us" for more information on how I over came my scorpion fear and how I control them at my own home, in a heavily scorpion populated neighborhood.


Kate L.
Kate L.
This is the third home we have had them seal and what a difference it makes! It is so worth the price! What a great investment in your home and peace of mind. I finally quit living in fear of scorpions!! We had them seal the interior and exterior and do the monthly pest control. I highly recommend this company. Everyone is fantastic and 10 stars to all the guys today.

Darren G.
Darren G.
I just saw this G. My belief is, astute business owners such as yourself and Billy would be aware enough to let comments such as my own just be. But you felt the need to put a positive spin on any shortcomings you have whether realized or not. You're misconceptions of reality will follow you until you finally figure out what you told me and the techs working for you numerous times we don't know anything about pest control Thank you for your well wishes. I am doing fine as usual. Too bad you didn't see the experienced, valuable and knowledgeable employee that you had. Cheers!

Kevin C.
Kevin C.
Matt, Cassidy, and DJ did an awesome job!! Extremely detailed and easy going crew! You can tell they take pride in their work with good old fashioned customer service mentality. They left no crack or crevice unsealed and the owner really knows what she's doing with a very plain english explanation of their product! Pricey but totally worth it in every aspect. Like my Father taught me Buy once, Cry once

Leanne O.
Leanne O.
Behind all the positive reviews they have grown to fast, they don't answer their office phone and make excuses to reschedule service you have already paid for. I will be looking for a new provider. If you are looking keep looking.

Jan D.
Jan D.
This actually works!! We had one scorpion a month in our house and then one appeared in the baby's room, i called these guys - desperate to get the scorpions out of the house.

They started the business because they experienced the same thing and believed there had to be a solution. They sent a crew of 3 guys to our house, who spent 5 hours sealing the interior and the next time another crew spent several hours sealing the exterior. They also advised us on how to landscape the yard to detract scorpions from our house.

No kidding, the scorpions were gone!! This really works. And I believe in it so much, we recently moved so I had them come and sell the new house before we moved in. Worth every penny!

Alexis B.
Alexis B.
They are the best Scorpion company in AZ and worth every penny! The are efficient, quick to respond and truly passionate about what they do! I wish more businesses could be like them. They are so knowledgeable and helpful with any kind of scorpion situation and Seal out will visit your home ASAP to assist with any situation. I would highly recommend them and would give them 10 stars if that was an option. We literally thought we would have to move because of our scorpion situation but because of them we are able to stay scorpion free! They are just Fantastic!!

Taana A.
Taana A.
When we figured out that our new house in Tempe was infested with Bark scorpions (a few months into living there, and undisclosed by the seller), I was terrified and didn't feel safe living in my own house. We found out when the weather started warming that our 40 year old house was basically wide open to pests, and we had bought a house in a Bark scorpion-infested neighborhood. I learned to never buy a house in Phoenix without doing a night time inspection with blacklight flashlights on both the inside and outside of the property (a word to the wise!). We began blacklight searching outside and inside the house, and in the first month, we found 250+ Bark scorpions on the outside of the house, and had 7 LIVE ONES inside the house. One was 2 feet from our bed, and I never would have seen it without a blacklight, since they are the SAME color as our carpet and slump block walls.

I found Seal Out Scorpions and Georgia online, and upon talking to her, learned that her nightmare scorpion house was one street over from ours. She explained that regular pest control doesn't work in this type of heavily populated scorpion neighborhood. We were low on cash from buying the house and undergoing a full renovation, so we opted to try and seal the house ourselves. They offered us the option to pay them $400 to come over and explain what to do. Her husband came over within a day or two, and spent several hours going through our house with us, explaining steps to take, gave us several products to use and explained how to use them. He was very patient and thorough, and although it was a daunting task, I started to feel at least we had a plan.

Georgia then provided a TON of support to me by responding to all my questions and emails. She even provided insecticide formulations to use that work to get rid of the scorpions. I am starting to feel MUCH better as we've completed sealing the inside, and are working on the outside. In the meantime, we've used her insecticide formula and I think it's worked really well. Fingers crossed.

I can't say enough about her helpfulness and willingness to support however she can. Very compassionate and helpful company. Highly recommend them!

S C.
S C.
They saved me with quick appointment option. The owner and tech were amazing and explained everything very thoroughly. They serviced the yard as well as a black light service. I definitely recommend them to others. Very knowledgeable!

Bernard G.
Bernard G.
World class business.  Georgia was friendly, knowledgeable, and personable over the phone and e-mail.  Mike was the onsite lead and was amazing as well with his explanations of the work and how scorpions get into the house.  Sealing took around six hours, they ever adjusted doors that weren't closing properly!

Highly suggest going with their company, they are worth every penny!

R A.
R A.
I had tried everything short of thermo-nuclear war. Multiple pest control companies, multiple products and still I was seeing scorpions getting inside.
It was SOS that solved the problem! We are approaching mid-July with many days above 110 degrees and haven't seen one!! It is more than just a service - it's also an educated plan of attack. I was skeptical and it was a bit pricey but I'm a believer! Cheaper than moving. Follow ups are included if necessary but I have not had a need. Keep up the good work!!

Ashlee P.
Ashlee P.
We have been having scorpion problems both inside and outside our home for over a year (since we moved in) despite changing our landscaping, getting on a strict professional pest control regimen & self-installing a plethora of traps/tape/borax/diatomaceous earth, etc. Once our infant son started crawling, we new we had to do something since all of our scorpions were bark, and thus potentially deadly to our baby.

Seal Out Scorpions came highly recommended by some coworkers, and, boy, did they not disappoint! From the initial request to the final seal out process, this company has this down to a science, literally. Georgia's (and the whole team's) insights into eliminating scorpions are invaluable, and they don't stop with the initial treatment. Knowledge is power. I highly recommend Seal Out Scorpions to anybody with any type of scorpion problem!

Betsy S.
Betsy S.
If you have scorpions (or even creepy little geckos) sneaking into your home call Seal Out Scorpions.  We were getting geckos DAILY and could not figure out how or where they were coming into our new home and.... being new to the area, they really creeped me out.  The last straw was when I saw one on the wall above our bed YIKES!  Although we didn't have Scorpions I ran across this company and read the reviews and called.  They are SO very knowledgeable about critters!  We had a walk-through estimate done and after explaining to me ALL of the openings in our home and the process they would use for sealing it up THE RIGHT WAY, I hired them and the fee seemed completely worth it, knowing peace of mind we would have and the fact that it was A LOT of work for them and their crew.  I saw the value and am so glad!!!! We have been gecko & scorpion-free for an entire year!  If you have little critters getting into your house, it is definitely worth it!  Not only are they knowledgeable, but very professional. I waited an entire year to make this post to ensure the end result of their service was still the same and it is.  So happy!  Call them!

Beth K.
Beth K.
If I could give this business 10 stars, I would. Seal Out Scorpions turned our home from a scorpion infested house of horrors into a safe home for ourselves and our toddler. When we first we moved in and discovered the scorpion problem I honestly thought we would have to move again ASAP. I never thought we would feel safe in our home again. Georgia Clubb assured me during our first call that, with help from her team, we would be able to live safely and scorpion free. I trusted her and followed  Seal Out Scorpions program and we can finally enjoy our new home. Thanks for saving us!

Lisa B.
Lisa B.
I wish there were words to describe how amazing this company is - I'll do my best!

When we purchased our dream home in the perfect neighborhood, I was overjoyed. That quickly came crashing down when we went to get the key from under the mat & a live bark scorpion scurried out. That was just the beginning. Black light searches revealed a TON in the yard - on the brick of the house, in the cracks, in the rocks, in the plants, and a few even inside the house (nope, nope, nopity nope).

I was an absolute mess. I had nightmares for the 3 weeks leading up to our move in - I would wake every single night crying, dreaming that they were crawling on me or that I would come home to find my dogs dead from scorpion stings. I felt like I was overreacting, but I've never had to deal with scorpions before, and I've never had fear like this. I didn't know it was even possible to be so scared of something so small.

Finally, after doing literally HOURS of research on both how to get rid of scorpions and how to get out of a house contract (haha) I found Seal Out Scorpions on a Phoenix blog. We contacted them immediately, and they were so fast! They squeezed us into the schedule just a few days later. I can't tell you how thorough they were. Troy was our technician and he spent about 8 hours sealing our home. Every single crack, baseboard, light fixture, light switch, EVERYTHING. And he even endured me following him around asking a million questions while he worked. He was very patient, knowledgable, and comforting.

While Troy was sealing, the owner William came out to do a walk through with me, and I don't know what it is but this team just has a way of making you feel understood. He was never once impatient, never once told me I was overreacting, and just in general made me feel so calm about the process. He didn't sugar coat things, but didn't make it scary either. He explained that we may still see a few, but he gave us advice on a pest control company, and tips like when to black light hunt & what to do landscaping-wise to keep them away from the yard.

We have since hired the pest control company they recommended, and we've also had to call them twice for touch-ups (seals were broken in a few places when we had some electric & plaster work done) and William came right out to re-seal! He even fixed a broken baseboard in our kitchen that was definitely not his responsibility - but he used to do floors for many years, so when he saw it was incorrectly done he did his best to fix it for us so that it wouldn't be an entry point.

We have been living in the house for 5 days now, and (knock on wood) we have had zero scorpions inside. I can actually sleep at night, and have even walked around barefoot once or twice :) we are still finding them in the yard, but I know that with the job SOS did sealing our house, the little bastards are much less likely to find their way inside. I can't say enough how awesome their whole team is. Georgia has been great with communicating with us and being so understanding of the situation.

Thank you thank you THANK YOU Seal Out Scorpions. I can breathe again :)

Cindy K.
Cindy K.
Seal Out Scorpions is truly an amazing company.  We have been a customer since 2012 and they are very passionate and caring in helping us and others keep scorpions out of the home!  Their customer service and responsiveness to your needs is the best I have ever seen with any company.  They are extremely knowledgeable and know just what to do to solve any issues.
Without their support, I would have moved out of Arizona by now and left my dream job and dream home.  Simply the best!  If you are experiencing issues with scorpions, I highly recommend Seal Out Scorpions.  I felt I had no where to turn, then I discovered there really was support and help out there that I needed to feel comfortable in my home.

Brad P.
Brad P.
We have used insect tek and happened to continuously find scorpions. Figured this service was worth a shot. Since the did their sweep we have found only one baby one, nowhere near the amount we have had before. Worth the money and service.....

J S.
J S.
What a great company! After moving Into my new home, I knew that scorpions would be a problem. My house was in the middle of raw desert after all. I had heard horror stories from my neighbors about the bad scorpion problems they were having and I Knew I needed to take action to protect myself.  I knew I couldn't handle have scorpions in my bed or stinging my dog too.
I was referred to Seal our Scorpions from my cousin who had a similar scorpion problem with his new build. He talked so highly of this company so I had to try them out.
I am now the one singing their praises. I haven't seen a single scorpion inside my house since it was sealed. The owners are great- knowledgeable and passionate about protecting their clients. This company is not the cheapest of the ones I researched but it's absolutely worth the little extra that you pay. Even down to the employees who wear booties when sealing your home and being extra careful to not nick your walls. I will use this company in every house I live in!

Marcus L.
Marcus L.
I was very pleased with the service, communication, and the gentlemen that came out to my place. They are extremely knowledgable, far more than any pest control person who just walks around with a can spraying.
I had about 35 scorpions inside the prior summer, and about 7-8 the follwing summer after their work. They came out again and sort of chocked it up to the 7-8 were probably already inside which i dont buy. The bottom line and the conclusion i came to was that the company does a nice job, but if you have enough scorpions outside, and they want to get in, they will to some degree, particularly the smaller ones. Id say it is worth the hefty price tag for their service but its a treatment not an exhaustive fix.

Joe R.
Joe R.
First of all, let me start by saying that I have not actually used this company for Scorpion control and hope that I never have to.  Nonetheless, this didn't stop Georgia from spending a good 20 minutes educating me on how scorpions think and gave me some GREAT advice.  For free...that's right, for free!

SOS has a database that can give them information on your subdivision pest problems and give you a good idea of what you can expect.  They can even do this before somebody buys a home in an area.  What a great thing!  And from what the reviews obviously share, they can solve your scorpion problem.  

I will recommend them, but hopefully never need them.  But if I do, there is little doubt that I won't feel a need to shop around.  Thanks Georgia!

Rob M.
Rob M.
We highly recommend using Seal Out Scorpions. We had our home sealed back in February.  Our installers, Matt and Jeff were great, taking care and time to seal our place and answer lots of questions. William did our walk through, taking hours to talk with us and teach us the best ways to keep our home scorpion/pest free. We did have William come out again for a tune-up last month and have had no scorpions inside since. Georgia may be one of the most knowledgeable people regarding scorpions we've met since moving to the Phoenix area. She spent several hours in total on the phone with us formulating the best plan of action to keep us pest free. This family run business goes the extra mile in making their customers feel like they are a valued part of *their* family. Please give them a call and see how they can help you!

Tiffany L.
Tiffany L.
It's hard to know where to start and there are just not enough words to describe how amazing Seal out Scorpions has been for my family and our home. We just moved to Phoenix and day 4 in the house saw a small scorpion that my husband got. We have lived in AZ before for 4 years-- before children and then with a newborn and NEVER saw a scorpion. I did not understand how immediately fearful I would become for my children's comfort and safety. I was referred by a mom's group and reached out to SOS right away. Georgia herself called me the next day and explained their entire process to me. By a shear stroke of luck and timing they were able to add our house on the next day-- they relayed this was unusual but were working a few minutes away from our home and would make every effort to be there. One of their great employees and also family, Austin came out and did a black light search of our property THAT night--they mobilized quickly and worked above and beyond at every turn. Early the next morning William and his crew was at our house. William took the same amount of time and compassion to explain and show in detail all they were doing and all we would need to do to reduce risk of scorpions inside. After a long day and wonderful diligent work by all their kind, friendly and understanding crew our interior was sealed. We arranged for outdoor pest control with them as well and a few days later Austin was back and walked us thru his procedure. He found one scorpion in our shed and showed my young boys with the emphasis to never touch, and know what to look for. This response, care, commitment and workmanship is unparalleled. My whole family feels much safer and like we have extended family in SOS looking out for us. They have gone above and beyond and take their business and your concerns serious at every turn. We could not be happier, will continue to work with them to keep all in control and would refer them to everyone! Worth every penny, and the peace of mind and education they offer and continue to support with is truly priceless! I wish I could give them 10 stars!

Kim S.
Kim S.
We had Seal Out Scorpions seal our home in 2013 and have them do an annual tune up.  We have always been impressed with their wealth of knowledge, courteousness and professionalism.  We highly recommend their services, which we find to be both effective and worth the investment.

Jessica D.
Jessica D.
Great company! They came sealed every crack and crevis we had.. Even ones I would never think about! What I love about them Is that they cleaned up and you would never even knew we had work done. They offer a free touch up if you have any other work done. Mike was great super informative and walked me around the property to show me things to pick up and look for. Georgia was great too she explained in detail their services and was very helpful.
Sealing our house even made it significantly cooler in the house! Definitely feeling better about scorpions and living in a scorpion area!

Mary P.
Mary P.
We moved into our home last September and were horrified to discover that we had a pretty significant scorpion problem (found about 50 of them outside in the first couple nights).  I started doing some research on line and found Seal Out Scorpions.  

Most places would not take the time to explain their procedures but Georgia was different.  She has obviously done significant research on scorpions as well as having knowledge on how to safely seal a home without causing ventilation problems, etc.  I was very impressed with this company's knowledge of both home construction and pest control.

They were able to come seal my home as well as another house that I rent out.  They have been extremely responsive and have returned to the rental at no charge when the tenant found another scorpion inside the home (we discovered she was not following Georgia's advice regarding spraying regularly and with 4 children & 3 pets, there may have been some open doors).

In any case, the support I have received from Georgia not only for my own home, but the time she has spent calming down a hysterical tenant has been beyond compare.  I recommend them to everyone!!

Kristen C.
Kristen C.
Great support and customer service.  Had issues back in 2011 and the crew did an awesome job.  We've had them come back out 3x to do maintenance and re-checks (we had a lot of remodeling).  Highly recommended.  These folks know their stuff!

Ashley M.
Ashley M.
I can't recommend this company highly enough!!! They have literally given us peace of mind in a home that I swear was infested with scorpions. We moved from CA a little over 2 years ago and almost immediately realized we had a scorpion problem. This discovery was made in the winter when they are supposed to be less active. We first tried the DIY pest control method which was not working and then talked with neighbors and hired Bulwarks. This helped some but in the end did not prevent my husband from getting stung in our bed which was the last straw. A black light search of the backyard revealed over 10 very alive scorpions in one night and in the 18 months we lived in the home we found/killed over 35 scorpions in our home (they were never dead). It was either move or seal the house as we have 2 kids and were not willing to take anymore chances.
I had already done my research and did not hesitate to hire Seal Out Scorpions as they were by far the most professional and knowledgeable of the companies out there. They might be a little more expensive, but I am a firm believer that you get what you pay for and we have been beyond happy with their workmanship and service. They do a much better job than other companies in terms of their workmanship and you can hardly tell our home has been sealed. I have seen other homes where the companies did a crappy job and you can see where everything has been sealed with extra goop all over the place. We also greatly appreciated the very thorough walk through of our property with DIY instructions for specific chemicals to use and spraying instructions customized to our property.
We had the interior of our house sealed June 2015 and the exterior sealed in December 2015 (they recommend exterior sealing in the cooler months). Since our interior seal last June we have followed their DIY pest control and our scorpion problem has been solved. We have found 2 scorpions in the house since then (within the first month or 2 of the interior seal) and they were crispy dead. Periodic blacklight searches of the backyard reveal usually no scorpions most of the time and at the most 1-2 and they are also crispy dead. If you are considering hiring them please do not hesitate! It was by far the best money we have spent on this house and I would hire them again in a nanosecond! No more worries about where we are going to find the next scorpion and getting stung. Top notch extremely knowledgeable service and quality workmanship....you really can't go wrong!

Iryna E.
Iryna E.
Poor quality materials used, poor quality job, dishonest company, really overpriced. They sealed a vacant house that we bought and missed a lot of sealing points, were very difficult to get a hold of for promised additional sealing and walk though that they will promise you but try to charge you for it additional fee later. They damaged our front door in front of us and after said that we bought a house like this. They will turn every point you bring and point to them that was done wrong against you. Please read my BBB review for more details. Stay away, not honest and poor quality overpriced company. Husband and wife trying to cover for each other.

Yazmin V.
Yazmin V.
I hate scorpions. Hate them. But I live in AZ so I'm bound to encounter the evil creatures, however more than 15 inside my house were 15 too many. I have 3 young children and I was terrified for them. I had another company (Ky-Ko) come to seal our house and I won't bore you with the details but in short:  They didn't sealed every thing as detailed in their 25 point check list , incredibly poor work on what they actually sealed plus cheap materials and bad customer service. Excuses and more excuses.

Not wanting to deal with them anymore and desperate I called SOS. They came today and I'm so impressed. They sealed my doors perfectly, they resealed my vents  (previously sealed with duct tape! Really?!), sealed every nook and cranny,  they even changed light bulbs for me!

They were extremely professional and knowledgeable about anything scorpions. Mike, Bill, Mike, Kyle and I forgot the other guy's name (sorry) were all a pleasure to have in my house.

They recommend pest control spraying regimens, either a company or if you want to DIY.

They may be a little more expensive than other companies but they are worth every single penny and more.

I can sleep better now.

Kevin L.
Kevin L.
It's been about a year since we had Seal out Scorpions come to seal the interior of our home, and I will say it was definitely worth the money! There has only been ONE scorpion in our house since then, and it happened about a month after we had it sealed, during the time in which they said we might still see them. The longer it goes without seeing one, the more comfortable I am in our home. Thank you Seal Out Scorpions. You guys are the best!

Nathan B.
Nathan B.
It's only been several days since my last review. This is an awesome company. Mike and Georgia have been there to answer all of our questions. I will be giving Seal Out Scorpions my business for life and referring them to anyone who requires their service. Thank you Seal Out Scorpions.

Tamisha W.
Tamisha W.
Seal Out Scorpion deserves a 5 star review for so many reasons. I've waited 5 months to write my review to show that I'm still beyond satisfied with the our service. Prior to contacting seal out scorpion we had hired a different company to come spray our home every month. Every month they would come and spray but over time, we would see the scorpions drop off and than continue to come back. I have been bit 3 times in my home and on the 3rd time I was done. Done being scared for myself, my husband and my 3 year old daughter. We found scorpions in the house and the backyard even with spraying. This lead us to finally doing the much needed research and asking our neighbors who they used. This lead us to Seal out scorpion.

From the initial contact through the sealing process, we receive wonderful customer services, highly skilled and knowledge staff. They are science based in their approach to dealing with scorpions. Georgia was quick to help us when I explained our situation as she too was tired of being afraid in her own home and thus started her company. Jeff and Mason were the two techs that came out to seal our interior. They were both so polite, worked effectively and answered all of my questions. I would highly recommend following the instructions provided by Georgia before they seal. I watched at jeff and mason took careful and skillful time to ensure we had a proper seal on all our exterior doors and all places I didn't even think scorpions could enter. Mike came on site during that time and did a great informative walk through of our exterior to provide recommendations on what we could do to exterior and yard to make our home less desirable to scorpions. We also sealed the exterior and jeff, DJ and Kevin did a great job and were easy to work with. Seal our scorpion also provided information for a DIY approach to maintaining our pest control or a recommendation for a pest control company they believed in. We went with the recommend company Mayo Pest management and Austin was also great to work with.

In the end, we are 5 months later and I can walk in my home without feeling afraid. It's an amazing feeling.

So say yes to this company. Say yes to science backed approach to dealing with scorpions. Say yes to great customer services. Say yes to feeling safe again. I'll continue to recommend them to all my family and friends.

Nicole C.
Nicole C.
I waited exactly one full spring, summer and winter before I sat down to write this review.  I wanted to go through a full season before I made my recommendation.  Let me tell you Seal Out Scorpions was worth every penny I spent!!  We lived in our home 3 years and never saw a scorpion let alone have a problem with them.  Then our 4th summer we were invaded.  Out of the blue we started finding them inside.  3 in one day!  Then we took a black light and went outside and there were so many we lost count.  We were absolutely terrified.  We have 2 small children and did not want them to get stung.  I have always had regular pest control every month and obviously it was not doing the job.  I then called Seal Out Scorpions.  Georgia was patient and understanding and dealt with my hysteria with empathy and professionalism.  They sealed our house.  Gave me a pest control regimen (we hired ScorpionTech) and I have been diligent about using the repellent products around my home and doorways.  Last summer we had none in our house and only one dead one outside.  I have not seen any this fall or winter and I will continue to follow the control regime.  I agree with other customers.  There is no quick fix on scorpion control but if you use Seal Out Scorpions and listen to what they tell you to do you will significantly reduce or eliminate your scorpion problem all together.  If you are on the fence HIRE THEM.  You will not regret it!!  Thank you SOS!  You gave me peace of mind in my home again.

Nicki C.

Tom S.
Tom S.
Great customer oriented team here.  

We moved into our Sun Lakes home in January and within a week left due to LOTS of scorpions inside and this is the winter!  We contacted SoS and were immediately welcomed and more important understood.  Georgia has tons of knowledge and even more patience.  We did contract for sealing service and switched to Orange Pest as recommended and went from 4-5 per day inside to zero literally overnight in late summer.  A special note is a big thanks to Matt and Jeff who did the sealing.  Incredibly competent and knowledgeable... Thanks to all the team!!

Dave B.
Dave B.
My wife and I have lived In Scottsdale for 8 years and have had virtually no issues with scorpions. This year has been significantly different including my wife being stung by a scorpion which caused serious pain and numbness.

Fortunately my internet research led us to Georgia Clubb and Seal Out Scorpions. After being educated we retained their services.

Shortly thereafter their team of Mike, James, Nate, Jeff, Troy and Nathan arrived at our home to start their process. They were professional, knowledgable, meticulous, polite and very careful to leave our home as they found it when they arrived. I am still amazed at their process.

Seal Out Scorpions is much more than a company that will seal your home. They are fully committed to partnering with you to solve your scorpion problems.

I rated them five stars only because I can't rate them six.

Jennifer D.
Jennifer D.
I can't recommend Seal out Scorpions highly enough!  When I found 2 scorpions on my property I didn't hesitate to start finding Solutions. During my very first call, Georgia took a tremendous amount of time talking me off the ledge and educated me from A to Z on scorpions.  She sent Jeff and Matt out to seal my home within 1 week knowing my level of anxiety and a week of sleepless nights and they are, hands down, the two most patient, polite and friendly technicians I've ever met. They both  answered my questions despite the tedious process and the day's work ahead and never made me feel silly for asking questions and relieved my anxiety, showing me what they were doing and giving examples of past projects to further educate me for any future home purchase. I can't recommend this company highly enough and for anyone considering selling (or burning) their house to the ground rather than facing these demons,  I would highly recommend this company ASAP!

Esme J.
Esme J.
We had Seal Out Scorpions do our first house and when we moved and found scorpions in the new home, they were the first people we called. We were finding 30 outside in a few nights and I was terrified they would come inside. I called Georgia and she did everything she could and got her crew out to my house in the same week. This is unparalleled customer service. She spent a good amount of time on the phone with me making sure I had all the information I would need. It wasn't really a question, Seal Out Scorpions is the best at what they do. They may cost more, but true peace of mind is worth it. Next time I move, they will be my first call.

Jess W.
Jess W.
I cannot recommend Seal Out Scorpions enough. They spent 11 hours sealing our small home, conducted two black light searches, and came back for two inspections of the sealing - all before we moved in! After we moved in, William (co-owner) came out and gave us a detailed walk through of our home and information on how to make sure we don't have scorpions. The thing I love most about them is that they aren't just a company who comes out, seals your house, and is finished with you - they emphasize that they work with you as a team to make sure the scorpions stay away. If you keep hearing that scorpions are just something you have to deal with in the desert and don't want to live in fear, Seal Out Scorpions is for you!

Lorraine R.
Lorraine R.
I cannot thank Seal Out Scorpions enough for giving me a sense of relief in my home!  Bill and Jeff were very patient and knowledgeable, explaining every step of the process and making recommendations for added protection.  I must also commend Jeff on his lightening quick responses; capturing a large scorpion on the side of my kitchen cabinet!

Cathy B.
Cathy B.
I've waited a full year to post this as I was looking for long term results when I did my homework on this company. My anxiety level has gone from a ten to a two regarding being able to relax in my own home. When we moved in in 2015, we found scorpions in the pantry, kitchen, laundry room and master closet. our neighbor had gotten stung by one in his couch cushions! So I was afraid to sit down on anything or go to bed for fear the creepy creatures would get me. We had tried the usual exterminators in our other house and it just wasn't enough. So... I did my research and called these guys.
We weren't in town when they sealed our house so a neighbor let them in. He said he'd never seen anything like it. Two guys working from nine to five without barely taking a break. ( we have a fairly large house). Our neighbor said they sealed EVERYTHING. Around door casings, light switches, ceiling fans, plumbing, outlets, light fixtures, air conditioning vents. Turns out scorpions live in your walls and can crawl into your room through any opening. They added weather proofing to our door sills and checked with a light to make sure no light escaped under the doors. You'd be surprised...
Anyway, it's been a year and we have not seen one. We did have them come back up for a tuneup this spring. There is a fee for that too but we felt it was well worth it before the summer months began.
If you read what the University of Arizona says about scorpion control on their web site, the first thing they recommend is sealing. It ain't cheap but it's SO worth the peace of mind!

Erik P.
Erik P.
We have used Seal Out Scorpions on three houses... our rental, our primary residence, and my parents' house.  Both the rental and the primary house had significant problems prior to hiring SOS, but my parents' house was done preventatively due to my mother's poor health and cognative issues.

The other reviews here state this pretty well.  Eliminating scorpions from your houe is a process, and it does not happen in 5 minutes, despite what other exterminators may tell you.  If you have an established scorpion population in your house, you will need to become an active participant in eliminating that population if you really want it to go away.  Sealing the house needs to be The SOS team really helps you get on that path.  Although on paper the primary service they provide is sealing your house to prevent scorpions coming in, I believe what they provide that is just as valuable during that time and going forward after that is education about the problem and how to deal with it.  They are always available (usually by email more than anythign as they have many customers now) but always respond with very good guidance on how to address particular issues post house-sealing.... when to spray, how to spray (who to have spray if you wish to hire out), habitat reduction, etc.

We have elected to do our own pest control at all three houses and have taken significant existent populations at both our personal residence and rental and taken them basically to zero with the occasional invader on the perimeter walls.  We are at the point now where we don't have to spend much time on this, and the counts still remain very low at all properties.  A HUGE chunk of that was the education provided by the SOS team.

Thanks so much for helping making my family, parents, and renters safe!

Becky T.
Becky T.
Had my house sealed by these amazing people 3 years ago and we are still scorpion free.  Can't argue with results.

Darrin B.
Darrin B.
I have waited six months prior to writing this review to ensure my comments accurately reflect our experience with SOS.  We purchased a home on horse property in north Scottsdale last thanksgiving.  During the inspection process, the seller disclosed an occasional scorpion, which we felt we could manage given we have lived in the desert for 25+ years.  Once we took possession and started our remodel, we noticed outside one scorpion that turned into two, that turned into six, that turned into 100, that turned into 300 - in the winter months when scorpions are not supposed to be active - most were 1.5-2 inches long adults - most were on the outside of our house!  Our home and property were infested with scorpions.  We seriously considered selling the property but came across Seal Out Scorpions during our research of available options.  What I didn't realize when they first came out was the level of coaching we would receive as we went to battle with these demonic beings.  We became the poster children of their feedback and instituted sealing, removal of debris around the house and property, DIY spraying based on their recommendations and black lighting every single night.  Fast forward to July and we have not seen a scorpion on our house or property in two months.  What we do see comes over the wall from our neighbors but Georgia even suggested a plan of attack for that issue and now we see NOTHING.  Going from over 100 kills a month to ZERO as the result of recruiting SOS.  Their technicians are patient, caring and wonderful to work with.  They seal everything that they suggest and also what we pointed out.  Not a single scorpion in our house during this whole journey.  I cannot recommend these guys enough.  It is well worth the investment!  We LOVE our house.

L L.
L L.
We called SOS after our pediatrician recommended them to us.  I, too would recommend them to anyone with a scorpion problem.  We had two different exterminators out to spray but it was not cutting it.  I truly think sealing is the way to go.  It's been four months and we've only found one inside that was essentially trapped.  This was after finding 1-2 a week.  Everyone is so knowledgeable and a pleasure to work with; they treat everyone like family.  Great company and effective service!  Hopefully the next scorpion I see will be suspended in a glittery resin paper weight.

T J.
T J.
I have nothing but great things to say about SOS. I have recommended them to friends and they had the same great experience that I did.

Suzanne S.
Suzanne S.
I cannot put into words how informed, talented, caring, understanding and professional the entire team is at Seal Out Scorpions is. The really solidify my faith and trust in American business.  My beautiful home that had become a nightmere has been made safe and even more beautiful with the care and skill of William, Mike Ian and Damian.  Everything is explained by Georgia and the onsite team: how they seal, what they use, how to maintain, what to expect after sealing, landscape suggestions and arranging the pest control with comprehensive training. It really is an end to end experience that continues well after the physical sealing. The onsite team William, Mike, Ian and Damien were such a pleasure to work with, skilled, professional, friendly and fun. The end result was amazing and my anxiety has gone from a 10+ to a 2. I feel I can really enjoy my home.

michael m.
michael m.
These guys give awesome customer support and they know their stuff.
We had quite a high level of scorpions and I had been spraying around the house with limited success. With a new grandchild now arrived who regularly comes over, I was directed to come up with a solution. Coincidentally I was given this company as a reference by a co-worker who has a rental in Chandler (with a large number of scorpions) and the renters had been freaking out, also my next door neighbors had two young kids and had gone to this company to resolve their issues.  Both are very happy with this company
Anyways they have a very sophisticated package / program which takes several months to implement. This involves a mix of education, inside sealing, external sealing, and chemical spraying etc. etc.  They also have a calendar which tells you when to spray etc. . Did you know that scorpion levels are highly correlated to moon phases?
Anyways - the program costs a bit of money, but in this case you certainly get what you pay for and as I said the service is outstanding. An example is they sealed the trap doors during the internal house seal (which took ~ 6 hours for my house), but they were very happy to come back around and do some re-sealing after we had some other workers do work on our roof space.
As Georgia will tell you it's not an over night fix to get rid of the scorpions - the program can take several weeks or months depending upon what time of the year it is. Having said that since these guys did their work we have only seen one scorpion in the last 4 - 6 months and I must admit the program created a little complacency on my part since there have been so few scorpions around I am not spraying as frequently as I am supposed to.  
These guys seem to be pretty busy - so it may take a week or so to schedule you in. However getting rid of scorpions is not something you can do in a week - it's a many months long program; so if your going to do it correctly - go with this company. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Dave D.
Dave D.
Don't know what else to say other than THANK YOU!   We were getting 2-3 scorpions in the house per DAY.    Two years later and we're luck if we get 3 per year.   Completely changed our life.  With 3 little kids, it's provided a feeling I'm not sure we thought we could ever have.   The only other option was selling the house that we loved.   We don't have to do that now thanks to this team!!!!!!!!!!!

Rich Y.
Rich Y.
Great company, great staff, helpful, courteous, on time, educated us and were just nice people to deal with.  I would highly recommend them.

B E.
B E.
This is our first summer since having our house sealed last year. In previous years we saw about 10-12 scorpions in the house each summer. In the spring we saw 2 scorpions in upstairs bedrooms. Seal Out Scorpions had mentioned that a few more might be seen when the weather warmed up and would be coming out of hibernation from attic spaces, etc. We were assured that this summer would be much different than prior years. Boy, were they right!!!! We have not seen any scorpions since spring! The only ones we have seen have been outside and dead! What a relief!!!! I feel like I can finally relax in my house again!

Vj S.
Vj S.
I got my TV wall mounted and Water softner installed. There were holes in the walls. I called them and Williams did the touch up for the wall.Amazing these people are. Very helpful. Thank you so much :)

M H.
M H.
We have/had a scorpion problem since moving to our East Mesa home last April.  It is absolutely terrifying after never dealing with them in any other Valley Location, as a 4th generation Arizona native.  I called several scorpion control companies and Georgia at Seal Out Scorpions was far and above more knowledgeable about how to actually control this issue.  We have had Bulwark spraying for the past year and we have seen no improvement so we had to make a change.  Matt and his team came out and spent almost 8 full hours sealing our home.  He walked me through both the interior and exterior of the house, showing me how scorpions could possibly enter the home and how and where they would proceed.  He also gave us great advice on trimming bushes 5 -6 inches above the base and ground and to eliminate any debris, or unnecessary stepping stones where scorpions like to hide.  I have never walked in this house without shoes, especially in the middle of the night, but now I will actually walk from one end of the house to the other because I feel far more secure my family is protected.  We still do monthly treatment for scorpions, but hired a company that does far more than just spray the ground with pesticides the scorpions aren't effected by.  I can't thank Georgia and Matt enough for their compassion (scorpions are so awful to me, I was a little dramatic), incredible customer service and knowledge.  

We are now building a new home and Seal Out Scorpions is going to seal the house as it is being built.  Peace of mind is so important when it comes to my family and their safety, and these folks know exactly what they are doing.  And they are so nice too!

C L.
C L.
In all fairness, this review relates to interior installation and not effectiveness.  Given that we just had the service installed this week, we can't speak to effectiveness yet, but will write another review when we have time to see there results.

First of all, these guys know scorpions.  Georgia spent a lot of time (uncompensated) explaining precisely what we needed to know about scorpions, their habits, how they were getting into our home, and pest control.  After several calls and lengthy emails, we set up an appointment for home sealing.

The SOS crew showed up right on time (even called before hand to say they were on their way).  They explained the process. They were not in a rush and spent the entire day maticulously sealing every possible entry point inside our home (outside sealing comes later, and was included in the price of the service).  

They took their time to make sure their work was neat and aesthetically pleasing.  I look forward to a scorpion-free rest of the summer thanks to SOS.

Amber F.
Amber F.
Highly, highly recommend Seal Out Scorpions!! When we moved into our house we realized we had a pretty significant scorpion problem. Pest control didn't seem to be helping, at least not as quickly as we needed it to with a 4 year old in the house. Called Seal Out Scorpions after finding 2 in my sons playroom. The person who answered the phone was very understanding and sympathetic. Georgia gave me a call back to discuss our problem. I probably kept her on the phone for 50 mins-she was very patient and knowledgeable. I felt better after just talking to her. A team was sent out the next day. The guys were all professional and friendly. William took his time to explain what they were doing and why. He also gave me a plan of action to put in place. Just sealing the house will not get rid of 100% of the scorpions (they're sneaky!) but he gave me a detailed plan on how to keep them out and away from the house. He was very upfront on what to expect and what I needed to do if I wanted them gone and off our property for good.

William has followed up several times since sealing our house a week ago. He even came back out when I was concerned something wasn't sealed. It wasn't something that needed to be sealed but William was more than willing to come out and seal it just to put my mind at ease. One of our doors was missing a striker plate which caused it to not shut as tightly as it should. William went and bought one, came back in installed it. This is not something just any company would do. I just can't say enough good things about Seal Out Scorpions. Not only are they professional but they truly care about the quality of their work as well as the individuals they're helping. I don't think I've ever worked with a company who cares on such a personal level. Most company's are done when the job is done, not the case with Seal Out Scorpions. They truly want to help with the whole process and go above and beyond.  Again, I HIGHLY recommend this company!!

S G.
S G.
James and Nate were very professional. The did an EXCELLENT job and were very detailed oriented.  The went above and beyond what we expected.  Based on their hard efforts we will recommend this company to anyone we know that may have scorpion problems.  The owners have also been excellent about following up and helping us through this process and we look forward to what the future holds... Thanks so much!

Dorrie K.
Dorrie K.
Love love them and Georgia is the best. She was the first person who understood my fear and put my mind at ease. She instilled trust on the first phone consultation, we have been following her program and have not sen a scorpion in the house since her company began working with us....

Kirby B.
Kirby B.
This company is amazing!! I am so thankful I found them!! We moved into a new home about 3 months ago and in the first few days we realized we had a scorpion problem!! I was so freaked out (I had never dealt with scorpions before) and hated our new home. I cried every time we saw one in the house, I hated going to bed at night, and I was afraid to walk into any dark area of the house. It was a nightmare and I felt so helpless. After searching online I found this company. I read their story about their scorpion problem and felt a connection.....I knew they knew exactly what I was going through! After reading their reviews I contacted them. Everyone I have dealt with is so kind and caring!! We had them seal the inside of our house (they are coming back to seal the outside as well) and it was the best decision we could have made. In the first 8 weeks we lived here we found 14 scorpions in the house (and many many more outside!!) it has been almost 4 weeks since they sealed the house and we have not seen any inside!!! I am so thankful for what they have done for us......we are starting to feel comfortable in our new home and are able to enjoy it. We would highly recommend this company!

Mel M.
Mel M.
Great customer service. Ongoing support is very much appreciated. I know they are busy this time of year, but they always call me back when I have a question or concern.

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