Snake Guru, LLC offers 24/7 services. Our specialty is humane, ethical removal/relocation of snakes, amphibians and Gila monsters. We are professionally trained scientists who engage the community to become an active participant in wildlife stewardship with the use of citizen science. We offer a very different, better option instead of the classic pest/exterminator services.
Established in 2021.
The business Snake Guru, LLC was officially launched in 2021. However, the owner, Nick Massimo, has over 14 years of experience as a professionally trained herpetologist. Before Snake Guru opened, Nick spent years volunteering in his community's helping spark curiosity and understanding of reptiles and amphibians. Beginning in late 2022, Snake Guru, LLC moved to Phoenix, Arizona where we are proud and excited to help our community.
Nick Massimo is a native Arizonan that has always enjoyed spending time in the outdoors. Growing up, he could often be found running around trying to catch lizards, snakes or other critters near his home. He attended undergraduate school at the University of Arizona finishing with a dual degree in Biology and Nutritional Sciences, and a minor in chemistry. He later received a Masters of Biology from Arizona State University along with a Scientific Teaching in Higher Education Teaching Certificate.
Nick founded Snake Guru, LLC as a way to offer safe, ethical and humane services to the community. Nick is extremely excited to share his passion for wildlife conservation with you and offer a better alternative to the classic exterminator.
Crawl Space and Attic Services, Virtual Consultations, Pest Inspection, Wildlife Control Services, ,
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