Jeff G.
10/07/2015 12:00:00 SA
About a month ago I had Bumblebee come out to my house, it is a rental and my daughter lives and manages the house, we rent by room. My daughter texted me that the air went out around 8am in the morning. So I wen to Yelp and started reading reviews, I was leaning to go with one of the big air conditioner companies in Phoenix which constantly advertise on TV. However when I checked their Yelp reviews the big AC companies had mediocre reviews even though their TV ads were pretty good. I checked out the top Yelp AC companies in Tempe Az and their was several with really good star ratings. Bumblebee reviews, not just the ratings, were fascinating to read, it really sounded like the owner's of this company knew, understood and practiced customer service, it wasn't just words. Anyways I emailed my daughter the several AC companies I was looking at on Yelp, she read the reviews and also decided on Bumblebee. Bumblebee came out to the house around 1pm and stated they needed to go into the house cause the AC problem wasn't on the unit on the roof. My daughter had left instructions to Bumblebee dispatcher to call me 30minutes before they reached my rental home and I would meet them but the dispatcher didn't relay that information, luckily the Bumblebee service technician (I believe it was Steve, but I am not sure of his name) had my phone # and texted me that he needed to get into the house. I thought it was awesome that the AC technician would text me instead of leaving, I texted the Bumblebee technician it would take 30 minutes for me to get their and he said he would wait. After arriving at my rental I opened the door and the Bumblebee technician found out it was a faulty thermostat, I payed something around $180 dollars for the new thermostat and to have it installed, which was what I was OK with.
However this is where the problems began, I asked Steve for a receipt (btw I was really impressed with Steve or what ever his name was, he gave me a biography of his work experience and what I was impressed with was that Bumblebee wanted and recruited the best technicians, which I consider awesome). I asked for a receipt, the problem was Steve couldn't give me a receipt then cause the billing company for some technical reason wouldn't allow Steve to email me a receipt, because of this I gave Steve my personal email address and he stated he would email the receipt later. After a couple of days waiting for the receipt and not getting any I called Bumblebee and the dispatcher told me they would relay the message to the owners, which I believe is Lisa, I said OK. However about 2 weeks went by and I had no receipt, so I called the dispatcher and told them I wanted a receipt that day or I was going to write up a bad Yelp review. I got a response very quickly from Lisa saying a receipt would be emailed to me, however I got no receipt, it turned out Bumblebee had been emailing my receipt to my daughter and not me, after this got cleared up Bumblebee emailed me an invoice which I finally got; again there was a problem because on the invoice there wasn't anything which could be plainly seen by the IRS or my accountant that the invoice had been payed. By this time Bumblebee was texting me and I was texting them and I was actually receiving several invoices in my email so several people at Bumblebee must of been trying to get me a receipt. I texted Bumblebee that the receipt was totally inadequate, that what I wanted is an invoice emailed to me with Payed in Full clearly stamped on it, some thing that the IRS would understand as a receipt. This was during lunch hour and I guess Bumblebee staff/owners were out to lunch but they said they would do this as soon as they got back. Within about 30minutes of Bumblebees text about being at lunch, I got several receipts with Payed in full stamped on it in my email. Lisa then texted me that the billing software and company, they had just recently gotten, fulfills all of Bumblebees internal accounting requirements, however she said my case clearly showed that they need a new billing software/company and she assured me they would fix this problem for future customers.
I tell this story not to discourage people to call Bumblebee, but quite the contrary, please call them they are a excellent company. It is very very very rare that you have a company that is truly concerned about their reputation and the service they provide each customer. Even though I had technical billing problems with Bumblebee, once they realized the problem they bent over backwards to fix it, it truly was a breath of fresh air to me. I wish this company ALL the SUCCESS in the world it was truly amazing to work with them.