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Infinium Solar

Infinium Solar

1190 Dell Ave, Ste O, Campbell, CA 95008


It's never too late to jump aboard the energy independence train, and with Infinium Solar as your conductor, you'll reap the benefits of solar power in no time. Among solar panel companies in California, we are the leading full-service residential and commercial solar installer and distributor, having helped countless San Jose residents upgrade their properties with premium solar energy systems. Our solar company is committed to researching and advancing our products with innovative developments for solar technologies. Dedicated to maintaining, supporting, checking, and improving our quality systems, we continue to exceed the standards demanded by our customers


Jeff received his electrical engineering degree from Oregon State University before going on to get his MBA.  After fifteen years in the semiconductor industry he started ML Solar in 2008.  Throughout his career he prides himself as always putting customer service as priority one.



Ashish G.
Ashish G.
01/10/2023 12:00:00 SA
Infinium Solar did an outstanding job for a 14 panel Solar system on my house.
They were quick and were able to get the entire project done within the timeline they gave to me initially. Most importantly, i like that they are local to San Jose and have in house installers for electric and solar work.

Before starting with Infinium Solar, i was working with Project Solar (another company) who were not able to do any work in 8 months which was kind of disappointment for me.

Kenny(my solar consultant) from Infinium Solar was very professional and kept me updated through the entire process. I would recommend them to my friends and family for future solar work.

Witmik56 ..
Witmik56 ..
My Dad had the system installed in December 2019 and till last month it had been working fine I think. But last month there was a power out in the area
and are system went down no power for over 8 hour and are battery was at 72 % the whole time.
I called Infinium only to have them tell be there too busy and someone would  call me back. No one called me back After many more phone calls by me they sent someone out twenty some days later .
Now they say it's a firmware problem or software problem. so I am still waiting to see if it gets fixed.

Ashot M.
Ashot M.
Infinium installed a 13-panel residential system on my house. I chose Infinium for the highest advertised energy production at a reasonable price.

Installation was very quick and professional. Infinium also installed a 240V EV charger of my choice in my garage. Electrical conduit was painted to blend in with the house wall. Very professional and polite crew. Inspection and PG&E process handled smoothly and quickly. So, 5 stars for the installation process. 

However, first year production was 15% lower than advertised (see attached pictures), which is a big deal for me, as I was planning to buy another EV. Reached out to Infinium. Response from the owner: one or two panels are getting partially shaded in the afternoon by the chimney and the nearby tree, that is why peak production is lower and is in May, instead of June-July. My take: this doesn't add up, as 15% production loss implies that 2 out of 13 panels are fully shaded 100% of the time (2/13=0.15), and this is plainly not the case for my roof (see attached picture). So, 1 star for overstating production and not addressing my valid concern.

In summary, buyer beware: I did not get an honest deal from Infinium.

Brent W.
Brent W.
Infinium Solar did a great job on installing my 13-panel system with critter guard.  Gianni, the salesperson, explained the factors to consider like warranties, degradation rates of the panels and microinverters.

We initiated the process near the last three months of the year and was able to get the installation process completed in plenty of time to be eligible for tax credits for the upcoming tax filing.  The installers were friendly and professional.  

My questions throughout the stages of the installation were promptly answered.  Over the last month, my energy generation has been as advertised.  I recommend this provider.

Tuan N.
Tuan N.
Best solar installation. I have contact 4 different solar companies before talk to Gianni from Infinium.  A great and honest man. We work together on the project. He will so me each options and explain to me what will be best for our roof. Importantly, he also suggest me work with my neighbor cut down the palm tree leaves to increase solar production.

Everything work great so far. As a person who install solar-off-grid system myself. I am strongly believe you will be happy with the service and the quality of the solar system.

Kenneth L.
Kenneth L.
Gil, service technician from Infinium Solar was extremely helpful in relinking my gateway to my Solar Edge solar panels.  He took the time to explain and demonstrate how to do it without rushing.  Hats off to Gil!!

Praveen Kumar K.
Praveen Kumar K.
11/09/2022 12:00:00 SA
Excellent company for getting solar installed. They're very quick to give me a quote to start the process. Gianni (sales agent) has contacted me within a day and did a free inspection of the house and gave me a lot of data on figuring out what system size to install and what options are available to me.

Once I've finalized the quote, they were able to install solar within a month. The operations manager and sakes person have been very nice throughout the entire process, clarifying any doubts I have.

I'd highly recommend this company for your solar installation. Excellent customer service.

Eric C.
Eric C.
05/04/2022 12:00:00 SA
I installed a solar system 12 years ago with one of the big companies which will remain nameless (they are still in business, beware).  One day at Costco I talked to a solar salesman who said my solar results were terrible and that I should get my system checked out.  I called my old solar vendor and they said I was out of warranty and that they wouldn't come out.  They recommended Infinium Solar and three other vendors.

Infinium came out and said they could do much better.  I bought a whole new system with the same area and got SIX TIMES the power output in the first month at half the price of the old system.  

They also provided monitoring with Enphase.  This would have saved me $20,000.00 in PG&E bills if I had had monitoring before and realized how bad my old system was.  Now I am enthusiastic about solar and Infinium.

Gabriel O.
Gabriel O.
Infinium comes off like they know what they are doing. During the sale process, I was dealing with Jacob Sleep. He seemed to be very responsive and knowledgeable. A GREAT salesman. But he is exactly that, a GREAT SALESMAN. Once you sign on the dotted line, he is far less responsive. In fact, the entire company has this one fundamental issue. Once you sign the contract, you become a secondary citizen compared to the people they haven't signed yet.

Let me dig into some specifics:

My first contact with them was May 13th, 2021. By May 27th, they were already sending me the contract, promising me that the project would be done within a couple of months.

Today is December 13th. Solar panels are still not installed. Now let me be clear on what happened so that hopefully you understand the PROS/CONS.

When Jacob was out and he was surveying the house, he asked good questions and suggested things that I didn't know much about like optimal locations for the panels on the roof. One specific thing he suggested was the location of batteries. He recommened we put them inside the garage because it makes the batteries last longer when they are not exposed to the elements. I agreed. I also came away impressed with how knowledgeable Jacob seemed to be about the different types of panels and the batteries. I came away thinking that Infinium would treat me well as a customer.

After signing the contract, things started to unravel. Infinium got to working on the plans and they went silent for several weeks with no visibility or updates. Jacob became VERY unresponsive. I sent some follow up emails asking where we were at and didn't get responses. Finally, after about three weeks they responded saying that they are finishing up the plans. They told me that after approval, they would handle the permitting with the county and it shouldn't be more than a month.

A few more weeks go by and nothing. Every once in awhile Jacob would respond to my messages saying that they have just submitted or that they are waiting for feedback from the county but not explanation for why things were taking so long. Finally, on August 16th, I wrote Jacob saying that delays were longer than anything that they pointed to and I was wondering if there were some kind of discount they can offer as I was now losing any chance of taking advantage of the summer sun. Jacob responded saying that it was Santa Clara County's fault because they changed the guidelines since he spoke to me and therefore, it's not their fault. Didn't even acknowledge my asking about a potential discount.

Jacob and I spoke on the phone and I asked to speak with the owner of the company.  Jacob NEVER made good on that.

The first concrete bit of information also came in August from them but not from Jacob but from a Jackson Bigham who I believe was the project lead. He said because my batteries are placed in the garage, the county is asking for significant failsafes like barriers against cars potentially running into them, smoke detectors and potentially even sprinklers. Jackson was also the first to actually apologize for the pace of the project which I hadn't heard from Jacob. While it was not good news, I appreciated Jackson filling me in on the details of what was going on, again, months after I had signed and asked for updates.

By October, still no permit. Jackson explained that the issue was the Fire department and the county going back and forth and changing requirements on them in real time. On October 5th, Jackson looped in Jessica Stephenson who he said was now the project manager who has taken over the communications with the county.

Jessica and I spoke on the phone. For what it's worth, Jessica was more responsive than Jacob (at least initially). She was also willing to apologize (at least in words) for the delay. I once again asked to speak to the owner and to her credit, she did make good on that promise unlike Jacob.

A week later, I spoke to the owner, Jeff Long. He was pleasant to speak to and apologetic about the delays. I asked him to please tell his people to be more professional about communicating. He said he would though I could tell he was placating.

Jessica kept me aprised but ultimately the county required too many things so I asked for the batteries to be moved outside but for them to provide a cover. She ignored the cover and said the batteries will be installed outside. That was end of October. Finally on Nov 30, Jessica emailed and said the permit has been approved. They scheduled me for install today (Dec 13th) and tomorrow (Dec 14th). This morning, Jessica emailed and said that the weather won't allow for them to install. I had already told work that I wasn't coming in and now I'm scrambling because they waited until this morning to tell me something about the weather that they had known last week. Again, an issue of communication.

I'll update when the final install is done but I can't recommend this business based on my experience.

Stephanie L.
Stephanie L.
09/03/2022 12:00:00 SA
i recently got my solar installed. The team is great to work with. They are very prompted to provide all the details information you needs. The installation team is also great, they ensure you understand what they are there for and explain to you how they will do and what need to be done. You don't have to worry at all. I would recommend to my friend and family.

Nabeela A.
Nabeela A.
We hired Infinium based on their reviews after getting bids from three different solar companies. But I don't think we made the right choice. The initial consultation with Jacob went great. He came across as knowledgeable but the responsiveness and communication went way down afterwards. It took us asking about the panel plans and permit process periodically every few weeks (or month) to get anything done. Our first communication was August of 2021 and our panels got installed in mid February. I was ok with the late installation given how long it's taking to get permits in San Jose currently. But I do think it would have taken longer than February if we hadn't kept asking for updates periodically. The communication only happened when we reached out for the most part.
Once the panels got installed, we failed THREE inspections which is ridiculous. Every time an inspector would come by and show them what's wrong, they'd schedule a work day WEEKS from when the inspection was done (and where the entire power to our house would also need to be cut). This has happened three times already and we are on our fourth full power cut and solar work redo next week for another inspection.
We are in mid April right now and have been losing money every month from PG&E (~$500) since mid Feb because until the inspection is done, we are not going to see any money back from PG&E despite them taking our excess power constantly. The other frustrating thing is that the inspections are not scheduled until we get on their case.
After having solar for over two months now, and no money back that we've seen yet, and barely any communication, regular full day power cuts to fix issues that the inspector brings up, it's not been an easy journey with Infinium and I wouldn't recommend them in future.

Vinh P.
Vinh P.
Gianni was very professional during consultation. I am enjoying my current solar install.

Charles E.
Charles E.
10/12/2022 12:00:00 SA
Jeff & Karen at Infinium took good care of me.  Price was best that I received, and the installation seems top notch - looks clean, no issues after 4 months.  It was a little slow to get the intial install started, but once they got moving, they got through it in a day!  The City & PGE  were the slow steps - just beauracracy in motion, no problems with the install.  Very happy with end result.

Aaron E.
Aaron E.
08/09/2022 12:00:00 SA
What can I say!?Nicolas Borghi at Infinium Solar is the best Solar Rep you can find. Infinium solar like many other companies offer warranties on there work, professional installation and more. The prices are full of value and the consistency in customer service is 100% worth it if you find other companies with similar prices. I am so grateful for them. I got an unbeatable price with a 25 year warranty and even the best my payback rate is less than 5 years! I've already saved 3k on my bill in 1 year and as they say let the good times roll!

Jay D.
Jay D.
07/09/2020 12:00:00 SA
Infinium solar aka MLsolar is by far the best solar company I have every had to deal with. Their vast knowledge an expertise will truly impress you. We had a solar project installed on our home and I did my due diligence first. I request price quotes from 3 different solar companies and you guessed it! Infinium solar was by far the winning quote. They offered high quality panels and the latest technology in micro inverters which provide us with a state of the art system! The installers were on time, actually early which to me is on time, and were professional and courteous and friendly.
If you are considering a solar system, you must give Infinium Solar a call, you will be impressed!

Douglas G.
Douglas G.
Absolutely brilliant customer service. Incredibly responsive communications on all levels. Their installers were fabulous as they took the time to thoroughly explain all details of the new system and how to monitor it. Don't look at any other vendors - this company would get 15 stars if it were allowed.

lloyd b.
lloyd b.
09/10/2022 12:00:00 SA
Contacted at least 8 Solar Companies for quotes.  I had a concern about my main service panel size and increasing the size would be a major expense since I have underground utilities.  Every other Company said sign the contract and engineering will figure it out in the first month.  Jessica took my concern seriously and brought the owner, Jeff, to the house where in 15 minutes he had a solution with a small cost to add a sub panel.  Infinium' s quote( lower side ) was within a group of 4-5 quotes and my concern was addressed up front with a price already quoted.  The quote included the latest panel size/micro-inverters which meant for the same system size others were quoting, I had fewer panels.  I replaced my old shake roof before the solar was added and Infinium came out to install the rack standoffs prior to shingle installation.  Panel installation was done after roof inspection passed and took less than a day.  Jessica is great keeping you informed and timely in responding   Infinium had no issues with a few reasonable modifications I wanted to the contract and payment schedule whereas, many Companies said they would not alter the payment schedule.   My experience was great and not stressful with Infinium.

John M.
John M.
06/04/2021 12:00:00 SA
Infinium Solar made a great impression on us. We needed to replace a failed power inverter and the company that did the original install 7 years ago is long out of business. Most other companies we contacted wouldn't even give us the time of day, but Jeff replied quickly and with a competitive quote. A few days after the part arrived, he sent a member of his team out to do the install. During the install they found a major defect with the system, one that caused the original inverter to fail. His team documented the defect and took photos of the issues they found, then repaired the defect, free of charge, even though it was the fault of the original installer. We were left very impressed and with a fully functional solar power system. Thanks Jeff.

Alana F.
Alana F.
05/10/2021 12:00:00 SA
Contacted Infinium based on the reviews AND Solar Technologies who did the original install was going to charge and arm and a leg to do this. Thankfully ST referred me to Infinium. I needed our panels taken off and re-installed for a new roof. From beginning to end, Nicholas was awesome - great communication, easy to understand process, great crew, nice office staff. Not one issue to report other than GREAT service. Would HIGHLY recommend.

Peter L.
Peter L.
I had Infinium Solar installed my solar system in June this year. Since then, three of my neighbors in our court and two of my relatives have used Infinium to install their systems because of the positive results and experiences that I had working with Infinium. They all gave enthusiastic thumbs up for choosing this company. The whole process from the initial contact with Jacob to the final sign off of inspection worked out very smoothly and the overall experiences have well exceeded my expectations.

Robert M.
Robert M.
01/02/2021 12:00:00 SA
Infinium did an outstanding job from the initial estimate through installation, city inspection, and PGE activation. Their price was very competitive and they installed high quality equipment. I like supporting a local business especially when they do such a great job.

John L.
John L.
02/11/2021 12:00:00 SA
If you decide to work with this company be sure to get everything IN WRITING. When I initially contacted them I explained the project that I was interested in doing. I have a solar PV array to which I recently added a Tesla Powerwall; I wanted to add 3 to 4 additional solar panels because I had noticed that I had less energy independence than I wanted during the winter months. I wanted to be able to tie the new panels into the Powerwall configuration and was told that this should not be a problem because they often do this; they asked for a picture of my main breaker box and the response I got to that email was that this was perfect. They said that no permit was required because I was already permitted for solar panels. They provided a figure for the project and I decided to go forward with them, making a deposit to seal the deal.

A few days later I realized that nowhere in written documentation was there an indication that the new panels would be attached to the Powerwall (there was no contract, just a series of emails). I called and asked that this stipulation with respect to the Powerwall be put in writing, at which point I was told that not only was that never mentioned as a possibility previously, it was not something that would have been mentioned, which was not true. I reminded the representative of our conversation, at which point he admitted that he had said something about this, but tried to characterize it differently, as more of a potential option than something that they could do, and he began raising objections as to why it could not be done, trying to convince me that something else would work just as well, but it actually would not have been all that close. He then raised technical objections, claiming that they would need an additional part from Tesla, a part that they could not get from Tesla (despite being, supposedly, certified a Powerwall installer).

They were unwilling to reach out to any contacts that they might have with Tesla, so I reached out to Tesla myself to resolve the issue. After many hours on the phone and exchanging many emails with Tesla, I was able to find a way to resolve the problem without requiring additional parts; Tesla also wanted to see the plans for the additional panel installation, to ensure that there would be no problems with the Powerwall. I relayed this information to Infinium, assuming that this would clear the way for the project to go forward, and asked that a contract be drawn up to specify exactly what was to be done in the project, including tying the new panels into the Powerwall. Instead of moving forward with the project, Infinium indicated that in order to draw up plans, which I had assumed were already part of the package, and draw up a contract, there would be additional cost, and that they would now have to get a permit (which I had been previously told was not required); this caused the cost of the project to skyrocket by more more than 1/3 of the original quote provided. Of course, this made them more expensive than other providers that I had previously decided against as a result of the low estimate provided by Infinium.

Another provider, whom I am now likely to go with for my project, informed me that a permit is always required when adding new solar panels, so apparently Infinium was not being honest right from the start when they told me that no permit was required for this project. The more accurate statement would probably have been that with a project so small as this, it would be likely that they would be able to get away with not getting a permit. I am not one to be a stickler for always doing everything by the book, but I do value honesty and if I am going to be held responsible for something that is not entirely kosher, I want to be able to make that decision with full knowledge. And I believe that they should have made it clear what was going on so that I could do an apples to apples comparison with other potential providers.

Infinium was not honest with me with respect to what was legally required for this project, i.e. that a permit was required, nor were they honest with me with respect to what they were able to do, i.e. that they had no experience with how to tie the new panels into my Powerwall. They also showed very little initiative in trying to determine what was necessary to provide me with the configuration that I asked them to provide, and that they said they could provide; as a result of my initiative, not theirs, they are now able to provide other customers in a situation similar to mine with a service that they would not otherwise have been able to provide.

I probably could have pushed them to complete the project at the original stated price, with plans and permits, because it would have been illegal for them to provide a quote based on doing something that is illegal, but by this time I had no confidence in their ability to do a good job, so I elected to go with a different provider.

Linda C.
Linda C.
It feels good to work with a well run company and our experience with Infinium Solar was stellar from beginning  to end. Out of 3 estimates, theirs was the best price, using the latest technology and without a long wait time. Jeff was so patient in answering all of our questions. We found their team to be incredibly efficient, friendly and responsive - less than 2 months from contract signing to permit approval. The installation itself took only 3 hrs. We chose them based on feedback from other customers and highly recommend them.

Jamie L.
Jamie L.
We received quotation from four company when we started looking for a solar system.  Infinium Solar had the best price and we were able to get the LG solar panels and Solar Edge inverter that we wanted.  They installed the system in less than a month from the day we signed the contract and there installation team did a very clean job.  Highly recommended.

Tierney K.
Tierney K.
Great company to use when ready for a DIY solar panel install AND they can even help you find installers. Great prices on panels, wide range of selection available. The people that work there are friendly, helpful and extremely knowledgeable when it comes to ANYTHING solar. If you're fair with the owner, he is fair with you. Don't take advantage of that. They stick by their products and take care of their customers. This is one of those places that you're lucky to find and keep in your pocket so you don't end up paying WAY to much at the big places like,Solar City.

Mark Y.
Mark Y.
Those guys are really good - high quality installation, good pricing, easy to deal with.
Would highly recommend

J Y.
J Y.
11/03/2017 12:00:00 SA
We purchased a home this summer with existing panels. We've never owned solar and nothing came up in the inspection they weren't working. The previous owners also did not know. After 50 questions on my bill with PGE we realized no energy was being produced. The install company Akeema used Andalay panels, both now out of business and no one would return my calls or emails, except ML Solar. I'm so grateful to Rick for finding me a former Akeema electrician and Andalay employee. I would have been really stuck and a new system WAS NOT in our budget. As of yesterday we are back on the grid and producing power again! Thank you so much Rick, I'm really grateful and shocked how no one would even return my call or answer the phone at other companies. You have a good honest business and we are very grateful.

Jeffrey B.
Jeffrey B.
Rick @ ML Solar was able to answer all of my questions I had in regards to the best panel per watt my company and I should invest in for the foreseeable future due to the influx of jobs my company installs. ML Solar provides no hassle shipping to your front door which is nice, one less thing to worry about and if nobody is at my office to receive the shipment Reddaway will hold it until I'm available. ML Solar is one of the most easy going communication wise solar distributors I've came across in awhile. I wish Jeff and Rick lived closer to my office because I'd help them work on their tans lines installing solar with me. Thanks ML Solar

Hitesh U.
Hitesh U.
10/10/2018 12:00:00 SA
Found them on yelp, and I have not been disappointed! Jeff has been very accommodating of my needs and answered all the questions promptly. After comparing quotes and quality with other vendors, I finalized Infinium Solar. The installation was smooth. No hassle from start to end. Highly recommended.

Shawn O.
Shawn O.
12/06/2016 12:00:00 SA
If you've got a solar DIY project this is the place to go not only for price but for all the equipment as well Fry's Electronics Harbor Freight Tools Sears everywhere else left me high and dry possibly carrying the panels but not caring the charge Regulators or any of the auxiliary equipment required for solar panels and what kits they had were so far over-priced my project was not possible until I found ML Solar! If your driveway is a half a mile long like mine is Wireless Revo camera from Fry's and a solar setup for power from ML Solar Good Times!

Dennis D.
Dennis D.
Great company to do business with! Danny was very responsive and knowledgeable, I told him how many panels I need and he quickly came up with a list of all required hardware and a quote that was very reasonable.

Hank L.
Hank L.
06/12/2019 12:00:00 SA
Infinium Solar has a warehouse side that sells kits. My friend met Jeff and told me about Infinium. My friend had a kit and went off grid. Another kit company would not respond to my small solar system needs. Nope, did not return calls after one conversation. Danny was great. We corresponded on weekends! No jobs too small for Infinium. The front office is great. They never had me on hold and even responded promptly when I was securing the city builder's permit for the installation. Diann replied professionally to the planner and made me look like a million dollars and so proud! Infinium installed the system in seven hours with one installer. He was efficient and very professional. Infinium a great experience and one day I shall drive up there to meet the staff.

Tim W.
Tim W.
01/01/2018 12:00:00 SA
Entered into contract with them the past August. Worked with Danny initially with my quote (lowest price after looking around). As the project continued, talked with him and Jeff. Went through different hoops with HOA, layouts, permit process. Probably corresponded 30x times with questions and such. They were professional, sometimes quick, sometimes just took a day if they were busy. Minor mix up of paperwork or files sent to me in retrospect and review. ML Solar surprisingly finished on time as initially estimated. The installers were great (Theo and Frank from Rectify Solar - I guess they contract with them to do install). The 1st inverter they installed failed on me, took 2 weeks for replacement by manufacturer. The first week after replacement of inverter, the inverter still wasn't working well. But the manufacturer remotely reconfigured something and then it started working well. It's been working well for the past 3 months now, so about time I provided a positive review and recommendation.

C S.
C S.
08/12/2013 12:00:00 SA
I recently purchased a Solar Panel from Danny at Ml Solar.  He was helpful and friendly both on the phone and in person.  I was left with zero buyers remorse!

They had many options and I especially liked how he was interested in the best system for my needs not just the most expensive.  After I picked out my panel, Danny was able to find me some extra lead connectors that they had laying around for cheap.  

They expertise was no additional charge and was the most valuable component of my experience.

Doug M.
Doug M.
I self-installed my PV roof system and got everything from MLsolar.  Danny was very knowledgable about all the parts and pieces that are necessary, especially for a first timer.  If you call him, he'll ask all the right questions so that you buy just what you need and you won't be left sitting up on a roof missing something.  I found their prices to be unbeatable.

Lynda K.
Lynda K.
02/05/2018 12:00:00 SA
After getting several extremely high prices for the installation of solar, a friend recommended Danny at ML Solar. We were shocked at the difference in price. Danny was very helpful throughout the process and definitely delivered on the lower-priced system.  We had some minor communication issues which were likely due to them being very busy, but even these were minor. The engineers provided professionally drawn plans that made the permit process a smooth one which we loved. We've had one minor arc fault since the install. After checking for any possible electrical problems and determining the system was fine, we were able to contact the manufacturer and the fault code was cleared so we are back up and running.

Alen H.
Alen H.
12/01/2014 12:00:00 SA
Great costumer service easy to deal with. They give me great deal on their product. They show me around their shop weary honest people and hard working. I will shop there again.

Tom n.
Tom n.
Bought a solar panel from them for a off grid system I'm experimenting with. Reasonable prices. Good service. Friendly staff.

Matt G.
Matt G.
Picked up a set of panels and controller for my RV.  Was looking online and saw ML solar, realized they were in Campbell and decided to stop by.   Danny was great, and took the time to walk me all around the shop and show me all their different products even though he knew I was only buying a few panels.    Great prices, just as cheap as buying online but you can pick everything up locally!  

He even let me borrow a crimp tool to make my own MC4 cables, awesome!

Jeff R.
Jeff R.
06/09/2016 12:00:00 SA
Purchased multiple 100 watt solar panels, charge controller and wiring from them.  Mike Reed was extremely helpful, knowledgeable, patient and polite.  We have had the panels working flawlessly for over month.  It is great to have a local business resource with a wide range of solar panels, charge controllers and all the required accessories to do a full solar install of small to large size.

Greg K.
Greg K.
ML Solar did a great job on my solar project.  I trust them 100% to give me straight, honest information about what I need, regardless of price.  They told me the pros and cons of each product and in one case, said a less expensive option might be my best option.  Their prices are fantastic as well...the best in town.  And their customer service is great.  When I changed the project in the middle, they patiently accommodated my needs and focussed on making me and my family happy.

Amy A.
Amy A.
I am a DYI person and am in the process of doubling my house size. In the latter stages of the project, I decided to add solar to my roof. Danny was immensely helpful in getting me in the right direction. First, he dissuaded me from including batteries. Living in Sunnyvale, I have very little need to be completely off-grid, especially considering the increased cost of a set up with batteries (that would almost double my break-even point). Second, he helped me design a system that would work within my budget and available roof space (using American-made panels!). Third (and most importantly), he patiently helped me through the permit process (plans approved!). I came into their shop very unprepared and now am well in the process. Their prices are great, too! About the same as online but without shipping charges. It felt good to support a local business with such dedicated and helpful people. Thanks again!

Gas M.
Gas M.
If you need solar power then you need to buy your panels from ml solar LLC. There prices are exceptionally priced well which is low cost  for quality brand name products. Mostly every thing your gonna need is in stock.  They also have the most wide selection of panels in power,  size that I have ever seen at any other competitors locations. Not only did they promptly helped me as I walked in into the office they loaded my buick park Ave which was cool since it was a large panel. Fast,  friendly, bargain prices, made my day go even smoother then I expected. I would certainly bring returned business and tell friends and family about my experience.

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Perry Electric

CJ Bradley's Electric

Precision Home Improvement

Darren Kicker


Mon 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Tue 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Wed 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Thu 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Fri 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Sat Closed

Sun Closed


Darren Kicker location
