Dr.Drew A.
02/09/2018 12:00:00 SA
David Potter is the best damn plumber in Washington State! He has many years of experience and the knowledge to fix your plumbing issues at a great price! I am very happy with David's work each and every time I have had him at one of my stores. I have been a happy customer from David's work for about 8 years now. I am very happy that he has decided to go into business for himself. Quite honestly, you cannot find the same type of technician at Flowhawks, or Roto Rooter. If your sink is plugged, if you need to find out what is actually blocking your pipes (David can run a camera down it and show you), or if you need your line Jetted and not just snaked. Give David Potter at Hydro Works inc a call! You will be happy that you did. Spending your hard earned money with Hydro Works inc gets you years of experience. When you call those other guys, you get a tech with few weeks of training on how to use some equipment and no idea what is actually causing the problem. I will continue to send David to all of my stores. Thanks again Hydro Works inc!