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Pioneer Home Services

Pioneer Home Services

Plumbing Service
1923 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville, TN 37210


For personalized, professional, and proficient Nashville HVAC and plumbing services, contact The Surfin' Plumbers, Heating & Cooling. We will get your plumbing job done on time, as quoted, and with a warm smile. Our team of board-certified technicians has extensive experience and comprehensive knowledge of all things related to plumbing. Call today to schedule a complimentary, in-person cost estimate. Our affordable prices and effective services make us a formidable foe for all plumbing issues.


Peggy O.
Peggy O.
New Water Main-
They came out quickly which is what we needed and replaced the water main. The disclosure was definitely not as described- We were told they would do their best to avoid the sprinklers. Not only did they chew them all up with tractor, the main unit was ruined. We were then told by Surfin' Plumbers it is not a big deal, probably only $200 or $300 to fix it. Right.......We had to then spend $5k to redo the sprinklers after they finished.
We were then told to call as soon as the sprinkler job was completed and they would come right out. They didn't come out til the next day after a thunderstorm and major rainfall causing more of a mess. A large decorator type rock was buried in the hole and covered over. Needless to say it was a headache and frustrating. Assuming for a small job they would be fine but I would not trust a thing Robbie says.

Keith T.
Keith T.
07/06/2022 12:00:00 SA
Does it matter what kind of service they provide if they don't get to your appointment because they got into an accident in the road? If you want to aggressively tailgate and drift all over I-65 while driving 85+ mph during the rush hour maybe do it in a less conspicuous vehicle. It's arrogant to think that poor behavior in your service vehicle would not catch up with your business at some point.

Paul D.
Paul D.
04/06/2022 12:00:00 SA
Can you give lower than a one star review.
I contacted surfin plumbers in October of 2021 and still dont have the work done.  Turned my half bath into a full bath.  The story is long so the complaint list is:
When you call the number you go to a call center...it has taken a month each time to get a call back.
Within the quote they missed items and then still charged me.
The things in the quote such a chrome fixture and switch them to black fixture they are not willing to work with you.
Not installing to valve stem in the shower assembly and cold water then bled into my hot water line.  Loved taking cold showers for a month in December.
When they installed the wrong fixtures they want to charge me to fix their mistake.
I could go on but I will not waste another minute of my time on this company and I hope you do the same and stay far far away.

Mary S.
Mary S.
01/07/2020 12:00:00 SA
Believe all the reviews. I tried to give them a fair shot- cleaned out my garage for the crawl space, left work early to meet them at my house at the designated time, put up my dogs, made sure the sink was clean and everything pulled out so he could get in there easily. The 'customer care' lead called me 15 minutes before the appointment to tell me this long drawn out story about how the owner of the company from Florida was in town and that he looked at my property (???) and wanted to oversee the project to make sure I'm getting the best care and price but unfortunately he had an EMERGENCY and wouldn't be able to make it so they would have to reschedule. Well- what about the technician that was supposed to be here? I think the thing that makes me the most upset is that I know she was lying. Even if she wasn't lying, an owner of a company would never cancel the whole appointment because he himself could not be there. I am so unbelievably irritated.

Brandon C.
Brandon C.
The worst plumbing company I've ever dealt with. If your trying to get lied to and overpriced in hopes of an up sell then this is the place for you, if your after useful and honest technicians that are actually trained and know what they are doing then search elsewhere. Will not be using this company again.

Tim R.
Tim R.
I was a surfing plumbers customer for three years and a member of their preferred member club.  That subscription promised regular maintenance inspections and priority service on call outs.

In that time, I have been upsold a whole-house sewage pipe replacement ($4407.00) and a new HVAC unit ($5500. EST).

The preferred members club is useless and a complete waste of the subscription money.  The members are not front-loaded for emergencies as promised.  Additionally, you can count on a report of some expensive item that needs to replaced after one of these free inspections.

During the company's free inspections as part of the preferred members club,  the technicians have left more mishandled adjustments after an inspection than were present before they arrived.  I have had an air handler short out after a technician failed to properly replace the access panel.

The final straw began when I called in a failure of the HVAC at 1:30 pm Saturday afternoon and waited five hours for a technician.  The on-call technician came from Spring hill and arrived at 6 pm after completing another job.  There is no consideration of calling out a second technician when the first is clearly tied up for an extended period some 50 miles away on another job.  

The weekend technician that came out on the initial service call clearly wanted to be finished.  After two hours of tinkering, he declared at 8 pm that he could not locate the issue and that a supervisor would come out the next morning. The overnight temperatures dropped into the 30's. The next morning, it took the supervisor, Rob,  a mere 30 minutes to diagnose a water intrusion issue.  However, no work could be done until the next business day. The water intrusion was caused by an unsealed conduit, which had been in place, presumably since the 1990s. Rob's defense is that it wasn't their work, and the installation of a new unit didn't include the existing wiring or a warning by the experts that there was a potential failure.  

Monday came and the technicians promised at nine, were not here until 1100.  After checking the line resistance and replacing the computer board, they had the unit running.  The team sealed the suspected conduit and promised to come out and install a surge protector on the line the next day.  It stayed that way for a whole four hours before it failed again, with the same no power fault.  

I called in the third work order at 8 pm for the following day.  The technician,  promised at nine, did not arrive until after 1100.  I was also told by Leslie that he would be getting instructions from a supervisor over the phone.  After a four day problem, this company chose to resolve the troubleshooting via phone instead of coming out of the job site. Chris ripped out the sealed conduit installed the day before and replaced the thermostat wire, which was not rated for outdoor exposure.  The problem was fixed.  

So much for being a preferred member. I estimate I have paid at least $358 over the subscription period as a preferred member to be ignored.  

This company does not obtain the necessary permits, nor conduct the needed after installation inspections.  I have found bare exposed wires laying next to the unit after the failure of the HVAC.  When it was pointed out, a supervisor told me that those were wires leading to the thermostat.  

The technicians cannot or will not point out existing problematic issues during an HVAC installation.  Problems that later lead to water intrusion and failure of the installed unit.  

They are rarely on time.  

I tried to get a full workup on potential trouble areas to correct before they failed since the supervisor would not admit fault that the installers allowed substandard wiring to be reattached to their new HVAC unit.  He would not give me a satisfactory answer.  

There is a huge dysfunction between the answering service and the service office.  They cannot communicate and I was told that there would be a technician at nine am, but in reality, nobody arrived before 1100.  My time is inconsequential to this company.

When I called to cancel my subscription, the answering service told me that somebody would call me back.  Three working days later I called again and immediately the subscription was canceled.  I requested an invoice for this service call, and it amounted to $900 to replace a thermostat wire.  I have yet to receive an invoice for the work completed.

Choose any company over the surfing plumbers.  They overcharge and under deliver.

Brandon C.
Brandon C.
To whom it may concern I understand that you all bought the company but what about me being a current customer with a warranty still on my unit which was installed by surfing plumbing which was the name before y'all took over my unit cost us $10,000 and it's been having issues since  the month of installation and I'm very very angry at this moment I reached out to you all but no one is trying to help that let me know it's time to get a lawyer because it seems like the company before y'all and y'all  yourselves playing a scam game with people and I don't appreciate how I'm being treated with neither company and I even reached out to you all Pioneer but still no support you can't continue to mistreat and Rob people and giving bogus service  I either want my money back or my service for the money I paid out   because my house shouldn't be like a mini creek by my unit pipes wasn't even on the unit under my house I'm mad as  I will reach out to the news and legal help why y'all giving bad service y'all need to close not One but both companies because we are still paying on the unit and I need some answers asap and what makes it so bad I've reached out even  Saturday July 15,2023  y'all are not a good company because you all are about robbing and getting over on innocent people  God don't like ugly and remember y'all's reaping day is at hand stop robbing folks and issuing out bad service and hiding behind closed doors

Whitney S.
Whitney S.
They flooded our house and left us over $60,000 in debt because they refused to compensate us for making our house unlivable. Owner won't put anything in writing and refused to correspond so as not to leave a paper trail. Shady management and wholly unprofessional. Do not use them!!!!

Robin P.
Robin P.
09/05/2018 12:00:00 SA
My problems with this company started on Tuesday morning, 8/28/2018. My less than 2 year old HVAC unit stopped cooling the house late on the 27th. I called late that evening and was promised that they would send a technician out about 10am the next day (the 28th). That morning came and went without any service or any phone call from them. About noon I called and was told that he would be there soon. A technician finally showed up about 3:30 or 4pm and diagnosed the problem as a bad transformer that would be sent overnight, so I cancelled everything that I had scheduled for the next day, the 29th and spent the day waiting. Finally about 3:30 or 4pm I called them and was told, the part isn't here, didn't anyone call you?  NO, no one called me and I had wasted my entire day. It got hot enough in my house that I had boarded my dog, and being a spinal cord injury my body doesn't respond well to heat for long periods of time, when I told them this they sent out a technician with a window air conditioner, so at least I could close off my bedroom and master bathroom. I was told that someone would be out with the part on Thursday morning. Again, no one showed up and no one called. I called about 2pm to find out what was going on and was told that he would be there in about an hour. At 3:30 I called again and was told he's on the way and should be there any minute. 3:30 came and went and still no technician so I called again, same response. I called again about 4:30, same response. He finally showed up right at 5pm, installed the transformer and told me that I needed a new compressor and motherboard. Bear in mind that this is a unit less than 2 years old. They were also supposed to send a plumber to install a shutoff valve in my kitchen so that I could have a new dishwasher installed that is still sitting in storage at Best Buy; that story will follow. They called me the morning that they were supposed to do the plumbing work to tell me that they'd have to reschedule it for next week. On Friday I had no new parts for my HVAC unit and I was the ONLY one that was following up on any of it; Surfin' Plumbers never returned phone calls to let me know what was going on. I did finally manage to convince them that I needed at least 2 more window air conditioners which they brought out Friday about 6pm.

So at this point it's Labor Day weekend, my HVAC unit isn't working, I've had to reschedule their plumber, and I've paid almost $200 to board my dog for the week, not to mention the $119 for an annual membership so that I can get work done as a priority. Apparently to them getting my money is their priority.

So Labor Day weekend comes to an end, it's Tuesday, a week after their first visit (4 visits total), I have no HVAC and still need a shutoff valve installed in my kitchen to plumb the dishwasher, and of course I'm getting little to no help from Surfin' Plumbers. On this day I'm scheduled to have a plumber from them come out to my place between 12 & 2pm. They called me at about 1pm to let me know that he's on the way. I ask about the HVAC and they tell me that I'm on the schedule for Friday, September 7th!!!  If I wasn't already mad enough, now I'm really steaming. I once again told them the problem, they of course had excuses, and I finally got a promise that the HVAC technician would take care of it Wednesday, the problem being that everything that I had scheduled to get done last Wednesday I had to cancel or reschedule, so this Wednesday is not going to work for me.

So now I'm on the HVAC schedule for Thursday the 8th, 10 days after my initial call. Now the plumbing problem starts, they call me again at about 2pm to tell me that he's on the way. Okay, so he's late, that's normal for them, but for once at least they called me. He shows up about 3pm, tells me that he has to first work up a quote and then go get the parts. Yes, believe it or not they apparently send out their vans with no parts!!!  He works up the quote and tells me that he won't have time to do the work before I have to leave to go pick up my dog. My plumbing is rescheduled, for the 2nd time, to be here on Thursday morning as Wednesday is tied up, but I'm promised that he'll be out here the Thursday morning, the 8th, to get the valve in place before my dishwasher is delivered and installed at noon, which they can't do until the shutoff valve is replaced.

The 8th goes by with the HVAC being a no show and I'm told when I call that he'll be there on the 9th. Finally my HVAC gets fixed on the 9th, 12 days after my initial call. So It took them this long to fix what should have, at most, been a 2 day job, but at least it's fixed.

Adam N.
Adam N.
I have worked with Surfin Plumbers for the past 18 months and spent nearly $40k on various projects, beginning with a re-working of our plumbing to installing plumbing and HVAC in exterior buildings. Here is what you should know before contracting with them for anything:
*They will charge you to fix their mistakes. On multiple occasions they charged me to clean up their shoddy work, including burying hot/cold water lines that they replaced by leaving outside the drywall ($1200 for that one).
*They will send unqualified individuals. I have had over 15 employees here at various points and nearly every plumbing job has been done by someone who told me they were HVAC people, not plumbers. Projects were started, worked on and completed by different people, several times.
*They will upset your neighbors. I had multiple complaints from neighbors who found their staff confrontational and disrespectful. One posted a negative review proactively.
*They will leave, just like they did today, after being called in for persistent and ongoing leaks in my kitchen and bathroom that occurred after their work and have destroyed my wood floors (and their replacements), without fixing them and with no solution.

I have never worked with a contractor that has promised so much and delivered so little. They've taken no accountability and shown the worst sorts of work.

Dan C.
Dan C.
02/03/2019 12:00:00 SA
Scam Alert!!! These guys sent me a postcard with a special price to have a heating check up for only $49. I thought it was a great deal so had then come out. Long story short I was told my heat exchanger had several holes in it and was unsafe. He then proceeded to lock the system out (during December). We were also told there was some growth in our ducting and they needed to be replaced for best results. I was given 3 quotes for the work needed done. Compete new system and ducting - $15,000, new heat exchanger only and new ducting - $10,000, new heat exchanger only - $8,000. Of course I wasn't going to fork over that kind of money without a 2nd opinion. I had 2 separate company's come out and was told there was nothing wing with my heating and cooling system. The heat exchanger actually looked almost brand new one guy told me. They also said the growth in the ducts was normal for this area and she off the system. A good cleaning from a certified company would take care of it. Cost me a few hundred bucks and it's all clean now. Be aware of this company and their non-ethical practices. Also, one more note, I went into the office to return some space heaters they borrowed us after disabling our system. I had to wait for the receptionist to return from the smoke break she was on and upon her return she tried to hide the beer she was drinking and was on her desk all while I was standing right there. Wow!!

Sherrie B.
Sherrie B.
01/07/2022 12:00:00 SA
At first I thought they were awesome. Then they tried to tell me I needed $10,000 worth of work done to correct a plumbing issue. I gave them a deposit. Then I called another plumber for a second opinion and was told I did not need that work. I called to cancel and service manager got very upset with me. I have called for 3 days asking for a manager to call me back about a refund and they refuse to return my calls.    I trusted these folks and they preyed upon a senior single woman.  They should be ashamed of themselves.  DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!!!!!!!!!!

Ben G.
Ben G.
I have used Surfin' Plumbers since 2012 and have been a Kahuna member. They have done a lot of work for me over the years and even installed 3 toilets and a hot water tank.
Over the last year they keep canceling and rescheduling appointments. Then they cancel the rescheduled appointments. It got so bad they gave me the maintenance plan free for a year. This time they have canceled 3 appointments.  This is ridiculous because people have to make arrangements to be at their house. My tome is more valuable than the free year membership. So now I have malfunctioning toilets that they installed and will have to get someone else to fix them because they can never make their appointments.

Yuanrun Z.
Yuanrun Z.
Called for a quote at our shop. Got charged $100 fees for the inspection without knowing about the charge; was told this fee can be waived if we agree to the quoted job. Fool me once shame on me, but here is my review to tell you to avoid this business at all costs.

Angie D.
Angie D.
If I could give 0 stars I would! I needed immediate service for a broken faucet that was running a large stream of water.  This is all they needed to come out and try to upsell equipment that I did not ask for or need.  Upon arrival the tech looked at my broken faucet ( I provided the new faucet) and my leaky tub faucet which only needed a $3.00 part.  The tech tried to sell me $1500.00 of stuff I never asked for regarding my hot water heater and my air conditioner! I never gave him permission to look at either of those!!! I told him I would have to call someone else and he said she had to call his boss but he could give me a deal of $735.00 to fix both my kitchen and bathroom faucets.  I paid because he turned my water off and said he could not turn it back on and I would be without water to my house until I decided to get it fixed. I reported this strong arm tactic to the BBB and the owner called on 9/7/17 to let me know he could refund a portion of my bill and he acted like he was doing me a favor.  I accepted the refund and I thought he would send in good faith but it's now it's 9/26/17 and I have no refund.  I recommend you keep looking for service because unless you like to be grossly overcharged for labor and services.  This company is a JOKE!!!
Don't do business with this company!!!!!!!!!

Tee W.
Tee W.
07/03/2018 12:00:00 SA
They sent a guy out that kinda creeped me out, barely said 2 words the whole time he was here, I had a toilet leak on the bottom of toilet, and he said I needed a new toilet which would be $700!  He said oh these old toilets need replaced every 20 years or so, when my toilets are only 3 years old!  They were new when I bought the house!  He then goes around and looks at my a/c unit which I never told him to do!  Would not recommend!!!

Candie F.
Candie F.
Vince provided positive, helpful, thorough assessment after hours. Very calming after days of aggravation, undiagnosed dripping and multiple HVAC techs, handymen, project managers, and service technicians in our home. Efficient and personable. I will request him again.

John A.
John A.
If you need someone to show up and tell you it is broken and charge fifty these are your guys.Surfing plumbers are a wipeout.

Nk K.
Nk K.
Called Surfin Plumber engineer for condenser in external A/C unit of my home. Engineer came and replaced the part. New part was just connected electric wires, he got a phone call from dispatch. He picked up his tools and left my home, saying I will be back in 2 hours, you can go ahead and turn on the A/C. Condenser was dangling inside the unit and external unit top was open. He left and never came back. Turns out, he was re-roughed to bigger job. Called call center which is in FL, and don't know anything about Nashville. Assigned another engineer next day morning. Next day morning call center called me and he was assigned to another job (bigger revenue job). I cancelled Surfin and found another A/C person. He came and fixed everything in 15 minutes and tested the unit before leaving. He said condensers can catch fire, if it is not fixed firm on the unit. Electric charge can turn the unit and catch fire! Surfin Plumber asks for pre-pay (show up charge) before engineer shows up. It took me 3 weeks to get the money back. Slow call center in FL. In summary, bad engineer (causing danger), slow call center, betray customer by sending engineer for bigger job in the middle of customer service. Good bye Surfin.

Big M.
Big M.
05/07/2022 12:00:00 SA
Definitely will never do business with this company again did not fix leak just made a complete mess

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