Heather E.
03/12/2014 12:00:00 SA
Ron Gomez, walked in, wire scrubbed the rubber flap added out loud sixty five, seventy...eighty dollars! Managed to write the ticket AND walk out the door within 10 minutes. When I stated wow, eighty dollars he said and I quote I've got a big truck that takes a lot of gas, (he claimed he took my old flap out to his truck to get rid of it even though he left ALL of his other cleaning stuff on the toilet) when he called he said he was right around the corner at the school waiting to pick up his kid an hour from now, and his truck is a new model chevy by the way.
I can't stand liars and this guy is definitely not a truth teller.
Buyer be aware, he doesn't pro rate his hourly charge of $65 for an actual 10 minutes of work...in my opinion, not an honest man.