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Solar Panel
16260 N 71st St Ste 450 Scottsdale, AZ 85254



Rustify R.
Rustify R.
07/02/2020 12:00:00 SA
My panels have been installed for 18 months now.  I'll start with what I am really ticked off about.  You should consider these things when making your decision.  I signed up with the PPA Plan.

1) Installers came 2 days earlier than scheduled and gave me no prior notice.  I came home from work to discover they installed the power panels on the exterior side of my house when they were intended to be in the interior of my garage.  Will not move them without charging me.  I signed an agreement for a system that was over-engineered with the intent of adding a pool.  I no longer have the proper clearance to get equipment in my yard to dig the pool due to the electrical panel placement.
2) I now have a major pigeon problem.  My roof and sides of my house are COVERED IN CRAP and broken eggs falling out of the nest for my dog to eat and become diseased.  I have about 20 nests under my panels.  Sunrun should be installing bird screens at the time of install.  Instead, they tell you they had no way of knowing there was a "bird problem in the area". SERIOUSLY?!?!  The panels are the cause of the bird problem.  Now I'm told I have to pay $2,000 to have them fix a problem that should have never been a problem if Sunrun was pro-active and knew their business. This isn't something I should have to ask for during the design phase.  They should know this.  The (3) quotes I received; each company said birds are ALWAYS a problem with solar panels.

1) I save about $500 p/y on my electric bills.  But the savings won't truly start until 4-5 years because I will have to pay $2,000 out of pocket for bird screening and clean up.

Bea R.
Bea R.
04/01/2023 12:00:00 SA
In December 2021, Sunrun agreed to remove the annual escalator fee and lock in the rate of $131.84 in exchange for our prepayment of $4,074.98.

In January 2022, my husband enrolled in Autopay using our bank account.

In January 2023, Sunrun increased our rate, and my husband found out that Sunrun has been pulling monthly payments from the $4,074.98 prepayment, when they should have been pulling from our bank account. Also, Sunrun should have applied the prepayment and honored our agreement to lock in the rate and remove the annual escalator fee. Plus, they charged our account a fee for not enrolling in autopay, even though we received confirmation from Sunrun that my husband successfully enrolled in Autopay.

On March 8, I called Sunrun to resolve this issue. I spoke with a Case Manager, who verified that Sunrun failed to apply the prepayment. She said she was going to call me back to resolve the problem.

I did not receive a phone call or email. I sent a detailed email on March 14, clearly outlining what happened, including the dates and copies of email messages from various Sunrun Case Managers since December 2021.

I waited patiently for a week. I did not receive any email or phone calls. I left voice messages for our case manager on 3/20, 3/23, 3/27.

When I did not hear back from her, I called the general Customer Service line. I spoke with a representative on the morning of 3/27, who said that she would relay the message that I need a phone call by end of day. I called again at the end of day on 3/27 and spoke with another representative who said that someone will get back to me in 3 business days.

No one called me. On 3/31, I called Sunrun again. The rep said that she couldn't do anything and that someone would get back to me in 3-5 business days.

It is now April 1, and Customer Service put me on hold for over 30 minutes and dropped the call. I called again, had to repeat explaining our situation again, and the rep told me that no one can help me this weekend, and that our Case Manager will call me on Monday, Apr 3.

In sum, they have not honored our agreement and have been completely unethical and unresponsive. They are doing whatever they wish with our money, and are not working with us to rectify their errors.

Danielle S.
Danielle S.
These are essentially resellers of Tesla equipment who jack up the prices and then give you back your own money via a Costco shop card.

I was quoted $55,000 for a system for a two bedroom, two bath, 1700s.f. home.  Then I went to Tesla's website and got a quote for a bit over $20,000 (before govt rebates).  That's insane.  One sale would likely give my sales guy 6 months income.

However, what really gave me pause was the 100+ 1-star reviews here on Yelp.  I'm really glad I checked.  OUCH.  Looks like someone needs to change their business model.

Vanessa J.
Vanessa J.
This company has 0 customer service do not get them. Nobody calls you back.  Had an appt to get solar down and reinstalled no one showed up and after repeated calls and messages no return call.  Hopefully they go out of business.

Simin T.
Simin T.
I installed Solar Panel from Sunrun through Costco. Sunrun lied to me to receive my contract, the majorities Solar Panels Sunrun installed did not work since they installed it, Sunrun hide information (the reason the panel they installed did not work properly). I bought large size of Solar Panel over $40,000 plus interest rate and refinance cost which I paid over $50, 000. About 10-11 of Solar Panels did not work since installation. I paid electric bill over 10,000. I tried to communicate with Sunrun customer service and they offered me only 2000 and repair the panels. Unfortunately,  Sunrun customer service is trying to ignore and dismissed my request for taking full responsibility for all damages caused to me.

Do not trust Sunrun and Costco. I only hired Sunrun because I trusted Costco.  They are unethical companies and they are trying take advance of customers. They took my money and Sunrun caused me financial and emotional damages.

I filed complaint against Sunrun and Costco with Sate Licensing Agency, State Attorney General Office, Better Business Bureau and Complain to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA).

I am going to provide bad review against Sunrun and Costco in Yelp, Google Review, Solar Reviews and others.

My next steps would be to contact my local government and local media regarding Sunrun and Costco.  

Yelp-Sunrun Review: yelp.com/biz/sunrun-phoe…

Brian L.
Brian L.
01/04/2023 12:00:00 SA
Sunrun's customer service is horrible. And their repair time-line is even worse! I have only had the panels for less than 4 years, and it has been broken for approximately a year and a half total of that time. Last time it went down, it took them over 6 months to repair it, and it would have been longer if another potential customer hadn't canceled their installation so I could get their inverter. The company did come out to replace the inverter a couple months prior, but they replaced the wrong one that was actually still working (I have a large enough array that I have essentially 2 systems, a big and a small one, the larger one went down and they replaced the inverter for the small one). Now the whole system has been down since 10/13 and they keep telling me that someone will contact me within 5 business days (this is my 4th time so far, and they said they were escalating the last 2 times).
DON'T use this company, you will be stuck with a system that won't produce enough power to offset the lease payment WHEN IT HAPPENS TO WORK!!

Bev T.
Bev T.
Awful customer service.  Haven't yet dealt with anyone at Dumbrun with half a brain. Basic math when it comes to billing issues is non-existent. Run run from Sunrun. Highly do not recommend!

Clayton W.
Clayton W.
Buy the Sunrun Power Purchase Plan if you would like to save $15 to $20 a month until you move to another house.  When you move however, you may end up paying for someone else's electricity for the rest of your life. Don't expect any help from their transition team.  My house sold in August, I advised them in June I was selling my house and gave them every bit of information they requested, (buyer, escrow, real estate salesman along with phone numbers and e-mails). After escrow closed, I called them again to advise them the new owners are in the home.  

They stated the new owner hadn't signed the transfer docs and that I would be responsible until they did.  They even advised me to get them to sign. I was now in another state.  After several phone call by me, I received an e-mail from Sunrun stating I could be in default of my agreement because we haven't finished the transition and it was now November.  

They took money from my account each month for the electricity produced for the new owner.  Two weeks after the default threat, they sent me an e-mail stating everything was completed.

They attached a copy of the transition documents.  My signature in July, the Buyers signature in August (Before escrow closed) and their signature in November

They had lied to me about the new owner not signing, it was Sun Run transition team that apparently lost the docs and finally realized it when they were about to take me to court.

They billed me again in December but dropped that, they re-imbursed November only and would take no responsibility for their own mistakes.

Do not use this company.  They will fail to act, cover up their mistakes with lies and put you in financial jeopardy, and after will fail to remedy.

You have been warned

Noelle S.
Noelle S.
09/09/2022 12:00:00 SA
Do not go with Sunrun! They do not care about there customers at all! My solar hasn't worked for 3 full months and counting and they have done nothing.. I still have to pay my Sunrun bill for service I can't even use. They also haven't done anything when I said each month I don't have solar my electricity bill doubles they told me they have nothing to do with that! I call weekly and till this day no one I mean one from Sunrun has ever called me back and each time I ask to speak to supervisor I'm put on hold for a long time and told one will call me back.  Yesterday I called and asked to speak to supervisor the girl told me it was past supervisor working hours and it was 3:20pm ... Awful awful company... Bad business company!

Seth F.
Seth F.
I had to call you guys 5 times in a month just to schedule an appointment to get my panels looked at. The service was terrible and I didn't get anything scheduled till we had to get a manager/supervisor on the phone. They kept saying we'll get put on high priority and called back between 3-5 business days but it was a load of shit. After they check out my panels I'm not going to them again, they're customer service was shit and never got back to us.

Elisa H.
Elisa H.
06/09/2022 12:00:00 SA
For 2 years my electric bill was high and when I addressed tge issue oh all is working fine it's APS etc. April 2022 I received an email that my solar was not working.  A guy came a switched the meter didn't even check the whole unit. I thought was fixed then another high bill from APS. After 1 or 2 hours got through the line they sent a tech to look into it to find out the whole thing was not working. Tech replaced everything but Sunrun has failed to update the production and register the new meter so basically there's no way to know if it's producing any energy. Emailing and talking to them it's basically a joke in the mean time I will be paying high bills to APS as if a have no solar. I now have to stop paying them and hire an attorney because I am being ripped off. Don't go with this company.  They also increase the lease monthly payment every year. Poor customer service and the CEO is doing nothing.

Lorraine S.
Lorraine S.
I was originally with Vivint solar.  Their phone app listed daily solar production within 24 hours. I was very impressed with their efficiency.  Sunrun has purchased Vivint and now this beautiful Vivint solar production phone app does not work.  So I called Sunrun customer service and asked them to please email me directions to the Sunrun phone app.  They said they would.  A week later I had to again call Sunrun customer care and ask them to please email me the instructions  and they finally did.  So their process requires that you submit your phone number to get a texted verification code to plug into the app.  Ugh.  Finally got into the app and there is no production information for my solar panels for 9/16, 9/17, 9/18, or 9/19.  Today is 9/20.  Ugh!  Must call Sunrun now to find out if their information on the app typically runs 4 days behind.  Ugh!  And their app is very primal and an annoying box keeps popping up and I need to scroll back and forth to see the information underneath it.  Sunrun could have learned a lot from Vivint's efficient technology.  Will let you know after talking with Sunrun later today if 4 day lag in information is standard for Sunrun.  Not impressed at all with this company and am very much annoyed.
........ I
Just called Sunrun.  There is a 96 minute hold before anyone can answer the phone.  Ugh!  Just checked phone app.  No posting yet for the 9/16, 9/17, 9/18, or 9/19.  Ugh!

Kevin I.
Kevin I.
11/09/2020 12:00:00 SA
I left an original review letting you know that SunRun failed on so many levels when it came to transferring our service to the new owner of our home. Email after email.  Phone call after phone call. Went unanswered.  Finally I got a fall back with the customer support person promising to get the error corrected on their end. They cashed the final check. Which was the final piece to get the transfer done. In the meantime we got another bill. Letting us k ow we are responsible even though Sunrun's failed team cannot get it together. Do not buy from this company.  You've been warned.

Teri K.
Teri K.
I purchased a home in Peoria this month and 10 days in from closing, my solar is still not up and running.  I have tried to call customer service multiple times and sent emails and I am either left on hold for over an hour or no one ever contacts me back.  I have also emailed and left messages for the transfer team with no response.  I am sure I am going to end up with a huge power bill since for some reason nothing is up and running.  If this is their idea of customer service

Anita B.
Anita B.
Sunrun was great for the sales, the installation, and for fixing a broken roof tile. That was after 2 weeks and multiple calls to get the roof repair handled. Sunrun's customer service and service transfer department are horrible. Hold times are 2.5 hours, I was hung up on, and they're the reason my home sale was delayed, costing me 3600 in extension costs. I'm currently sitting on hold, on a separate day, to try and get them to finish the service transfer or respond to an email. Solar is great. Sunrun is not.

Patrick C.
Patrick C.
07/07/2021 12:00:00 SA
Leave my thoughts... That a dangerous thing for sunrun right now.  I'm trying to get through some issues or the ole bait and switch.  The switch consists of about 13,000 dollar difference in the company's benefit. So unfortunately, the individual I spoke to wasn't my actual sales rep even though I called multiple times over a span of about 6 weeks. Heck he wasn't even a manager.  Pretty much told me take it or leave it. Not certain if this is who I want to do the work now or not. If they stick with the original agreement, I don't have any issues and will happily update with the awesome service that they provide...  Just a FYI, you can message all upper management through LinkedIn.  I'm also exploring other avenues...

Dougentllc D.
Dougentllc D.
Excellent company to work with - I bought a home with solar (as a realtor) the transfer was easy. Aps even grandfathered the previous owners plan which is no longer available!  Find out If there a lease attached cause that will be part of your monthly. Big advantages are your producing electricity during peak hours so your savings can add up fast ! Barely noticeable sitting in your own yard

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