Serving customers in all areas of home improvement and maintenance.
Established in 2006.
After leaving my job with Qwest in the telecommunications industry it took me about 6 months to catch up my Honey Do jobs around the house. Having completed my list of tasks and realizing how much I enjoyed doing the work I now had time to do some work for family members and friends. It didn't take long to realize there was a service demand for a good honest Handyman. My desire to create a Handyman business was sparked and here I am today serving customers in need of an honest Handyman.
34 years in the Telecommunications industry and being a Do It Yourself home owner set the stage for me to be a well rounded Handyman. Plumbing, electrical, painting, telecommunications wiring, tree trimming, evaporative cooling systems, filters and kitchen water systems are skill sets I have to serve your needs. I like to make arrangements with customers to pre-survey all jobs in advance to insure the work is within my skill sets. I will not take a job unless I am confident I can perform the work properly and within a timely manner.
My current customer base is repeats and referrals. Given the opportunity to perform work for you I am confident I will be able to add you to my Hempen's Honey Do's list of satisfied customers.
Larry Hempen
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