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Amera Pest Control

Amera Pest Control

11201 W Michigan Ave Youngtown, AZ 85363


Our customers appreciate or professionalism of all of our technicians and associates. As well as our clean cut image and attention to detail.


Cecilia G.
Cecilia G.
There are always on time and always friendly. They are affordable. I love the no contracts and I just call them when I need them.
Above was my previous review and I had given them 5 stars. I am now lowering my rating because I am very upset with them. I have been a customer for about 4 years now. I transferred services when we moved. I recently recommended my parents use them since they moved in the area. They never showed up for the appt at my parents house and when my mother called they just said they didn't have anything scheduled. She was reluctant to re-schedule but did anyways because I spoke highly of them. After having her house treated she saw more bugs then before. She had to go to Home Depot to by the do it yourself pest control to finish the job. My home was scheduled a few days after hers, the tech was on time and friendly. Shortly after my treatment I was seeing ants. I called to have them come out again and they stated it had to be the same tech. Ok that's fine they scheduled it for Friday between 3-5. Around 4:40 no one showed up, I called them and they stated they did not have the appt scheduled that the ticket was no confirmed therefore never printed or some BS like that.
I rescheduled for the following Saturday but between Friday and Monday I was seeing Scorpions in the house. Due to the holiday weekend they were closed. I have been in this house for over a year and never had issues with scorpions until now. I am guessing they followed the Ants in. I called Amera pest and ask for someone to come out today. I didn't care if I had to repay for a full treatment again. I have a two year old and I do not want her at risk of being stung. The girl I spoke to Nikki was polite and said she spoke to a supervisor and they said they cannot get anyone out until Thursday. Even considering they messed up on scheduling my respray and the fact that I had to schedule a respray in the first place. I am upset that it seemed like no big deal to them. I will no longer refer this company and I have canceled my upcoming services with them.

Suzi S.
Suzi S.
Absolutely awesome service and technicians. They come quarterly and even call to remind me and ask what day I would like them to come.
$38 per treatment - no scorpions, spiders, ants, etc. They're the best!

Bill T.
Bill T.
See the review that I did on ATOMIC Pest Control, the company who bought out AMERA.  Very sad to see how ATOMIC has treated us after 9 years of great service from AMERA, so we canceled our services and went elsewhere.
Bill T.

Stephanie L.
Stephanie L.
Nightmare AGAIN! Guess it's mostly my own fault but I'm from a land of giving the benefit of the doubt. Anyways, I already have a poor review on Yelp for Amera from a couple of years ago. After I left that one, a manager contacted us and agreed to come out and spray for free. Great. Wasn't thrilled with it even though it was free but whatever, THAT bad review was due to their horrible office practices.

So, some time has passed and I had been seeing their trucks in my neighborhood again and I decided to give them yet another try. Called and set up an appointment for Wednesday, 08/30/17, and was given the 2:00 pm-4:00 pm time frame. Specifically told the office appointment scheduler girl that I would need closer to 3:00 due to having to go pick my daughter up from school on the other side of town. I was told o.k., that's fine, won't be a problem, if you're not home they can always start in the yard until you get back. Great.
As I was leaving my subdivision to go pick up my daughter I see the Amera truck heading towards my house (roughly 2:09 pm). Call them and he has no knowledge of any notes regarding my needing closer to 3:00, etc. and now says that he can't start without someone home, but that's fine, he'll wait. I arrive back home, leave my garage open and walk to the front door to let him in. He (Ed) starts going on and on and on and on and on about how he's not supposed to sit idle in his truck for too long and at a certain time he's supposed to leave and he could have went to the following appointment and made it back or something along those lines.... I can't even explain how aggravating it was to have HIM basically reprimanding ME, the CUSTOMER about THEIR booking practices. Telling me that I have to be stern with the scheduler and if they say 2:00 and I need closer to 3:00 be like NO, I HAVE TO HAVE CLOSER TO 3:00!!! Telling me about other appointments and this and that and all the while he's pretty much haphazardly spraying. I mean I did see him physically go up my stairs so I THINK he sprayed but downstairs my dinning area was not sprayed, my living room area was barely sprayed--- I asked if he had already done the backyard to which he replied that he had but he didn't sweep some of the webs due to them being between my plant stands (which btw there is PLENTY of room in between and no other exterminator, including them previously, has ever had an issue with sweeping ALLLLL of the webs, even between plant stands!!). He also said he did the garage but there were no sticky pad things left and no wet spots like there usually is.

The amount of times during the entire appointment he went on and on and on about what I need to do when I book and how I need to talk to their schedulers and how when this happens it screws up other appointments and so on and so forth was mind blowing. I literally heard it 15 times. No exaggeration!

Bottom line is don't waste your time. Something has obviously happened and they have such a turn over of techs and schedulers and whoever else. And if I call to schedule my appointment and I let it be known the time I need it closer to and I'm told that it should be fine, WHAT MORE AM I SUPPOSED TO DO??????? I don't care about the office issues. I don't care about how you aren't supposed to sit idle in your truck for too long. I don't need to, as a PAYING CUSTOMER, hear about it over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. I don't need to be told how to book an appointment and what to 'make sure' to say or do. I called to have an exterminator come to my house and spray. Spray THOROUGHLY inside and THOROUGHLY outside (including the garage), cleaning up/sweeping up any and all webs, etc.

I received plenty of what I didn't want and not enough of what I actually thought I was paying for!!

**As a side note, I was told it's their policy to arrive 10-15 minutes early. This didn't happen and maybe if it had, there might have been a different outcome in that I could have at least been there while he sprayed inside. I could have paid him and after I left he could have done outside. Like I said, this didn't happen and I got the feeling that he was going on and on and on to cover his own ass and the fact that he wasn't 'early/on time'. The comment about after 10 or 15 minutes if somebody isn't home they have to leave or something like that was strange since he arrived to my home about 10 minutes after 2:00 and left a voice mail on my HOME phone at 2:12. I had just passed him at 2:09 so I know for a fact that he didn't arrive 'early'. I was home and then I had to leave to go pick my daughter up from school which was the exact reason I told the booking person that I needed CLOSER TO 3:00!!!

It was excruciating and I'll never do it again!!

Iris B.
Iris B.
No longer in business.  They were taken over by Atomic Pest control.  Atomic is not honoring Termite Warranties of Amera Pest Control.  Instead, they are asking for a $125 activation fee in order to maintain the warranty.  This is outrageous.   So much for customer service!

Phyllis G.
Phyllis G.
Do not use AMERA for your landscaping.  They do not keep their word.  I contracted for trimming oleanders, sage,  and lantana bushes.  They trimmed about three inches of growth and when I asked for a deeper trim, I was told I would have to pay extra.  When I refused, they left my property in a big mess - not cleaning up what they had already trimmed. When you call them, they keep you on hold endlessly.  I will not deal with people like this in the future.
Buyer Beware -

Kellie R.
Kellie R.
I just found out this company is out-of-business!  Atomic Pest Control bought the pest control part of Amera.  I was just told I have to pay $125 to activate my 10 yr warranty that I had with Amera.  WHAT THE HECK!

Elaine H.
Elaine H.
I have used Amera for years for pest control. Sal is my usual go-to technician at Amera for pest control. He is very thorough, conscientious, and always arrives on-time to early (with my okay for early). Rafael just came by most recently as Sal was busy, and did a very good job. (In the past, I have had some folks skip areas, so I let the company know.)

With Amera, my cricket population is addressed, and therefore, so are the scorpions. --I have been in my house over a dozen years and only had six scorpions (one in garage). Amera makes a big difference with that.

I recently used Amera for weed control (pre-emergent). Edith did the service, and was very accommodating when I was on a conference call and had forgotten to unlock my back gate.

Today, I had Amera out for yard work. There were three young men on the crew, Samuel, Alex, and Charlie. Samuel did a particularly beautiful job with my ironwood tree and palo brea tree. He said he had taken classes in how to trim desert trees, and it certainly showed in his work. He was very attentive to details and thorough. Alex was affable and collaborative. Charlie was flexible and industrious.

I appreciated how hard this crew worked --they took away a truck load plus a trailer of debris. ---My prior landscaping company just wasn't doing a good job, and there was more work built up than I realized (I kept giving the old company more chances..I now realize I should have moved on sooner).

I also offered to pay a bit more, as the Amera crew was out longer than they expected, and I recognized that they worked very hard. I worked out the payment adjustment with Amanda in the office. --One other detail that I appreciated --when blowing the yard, the Amera crew moved their truck and trailer over, and made sure to clean up any rocks that had blown into the street.

I also appreciate the office Amera office crew, as they know that I like to have particular folks out, e.g., Sal, and help me with that. Most of the times I work with Amanda on this, and I really appreciate how easy she makes it for me.

al m.
al m.
I recently got a letter from Atomic Pest Control asking for $125 and saying that my ten year warranty with Amera Pest  Control was no longer being  honored. I called Atomic and was told that if I had bought a ten year warranty the day before Atomic bought Amera, then my warranty was no longer in effect. This is a rip off and just plain theft. Atomic should be responsible or Amera should refund the portion of the warranty that is no longer in effect.

Steve F.
Steve F.
We have used this company for about a year and had even recommend this company to our neighbors.  They use environmentally friendly chemicals and I thought the price was good.  But...

We have, as of today, terminated services with this company however.  They were a no-show for a scheduled appointment, this even after we received a call from them to remind us that they would be here at the scheduled time.  After a couple of hours an no bug guy, we called their office to find out that because of some sort of a mix up they cancelled our appointment - without telling us.  My wife works and took off work today to be home for the bug guy so she missed a days pay, well not a whole days pay, she works only part time but still, we thought it was pretty inconsiderate to cancel the appointment and not tell us about it.  It was still pretty early in the day so we asked if he could come back to our neighborhood but they said NO but he could come back in 3 days.  

Don't think so.  There must be dozens of bug companies out there that would love to have our business and I bet most all of them will keep their appointments. To bad, I used to like their service but I think the thing that made me go somewhere else was the total indifference from the scheduling clerk.  She didn't care if we lost money by taking the day off and she implied that it was our fault that mix up was our fault.  Hey, we were here waiting for them, all they had to do was show up.

Jim C.
Jim C.
I would not recommend Amera for their landscape service. Our HOA contracted with them for landscape care. They started off great... After a couple months....things went downhill fast and they began cutting corners. We gave the required 30 day notice as we hired another lawn care service. The next 2 weeks...virtually nothing was done...They arrived....got out the blower...no mowing, no trimming....and left15 minutes later. Long story short...don't even call them for landscape service!

Todd Y.
Todd Y.
Tried to use Amera pest control in AZ but twice they were a no-show ( neither time calling me to let me know).  When I called, both times the young lady receptionist said They had an emergency.  Really?  Both Times?   And you couldn't call to tell me?  If it was that much of an emergency why was she still calmly answering the phones in the office?  I think she forgot to put it on the books or something.  And......no apology.   Did not take ownership of disrespecting my time (I cancelled my plans for the days of waiting for them to show up).   When she asked if I wanted to reschedule again, I said no, I'll have to go with another company to make sure they show up or at least call to cancel if they won't be here.  She simply said, okay bye.  Unprofessional.  Thanks for wasting my time.

Jane F.
Jane F.
Awesome service! Joshua has been coming to my moms place to deal with a bug issue and he has gone above and beyond even helping her out with duties beyond pest-control. Excellent service!

Joe B.
Joe B.
Very poor customer relations. Waited 4 hours and technician never arrived. They had accidentally had mis-scheduled appt.  They offered $5 off on next service ! My 4 hour lost time was worth $5. Do the Math!!!

Susan M.
Susan M.
TERRIBLE  customer service when you need it the most. We have been using Amera for many years. For the last year or so I have been telling the technician we have crickets in our bathroom and he said he would take care it it. He spent about 10 minutes spraying in the yard each time and the cricket problem continued. We had remodeling done in our bathroom and when the jacuzzi tub was pulled out there was a huge cricket infestation in the wall.  I immediately called Amera and requested a technician come out ASAP - the receptionist said they could get someone out the following week. Seriously - crickets hopping all over the bathroom and they expected me to wait a week. She said if someone was running ahead of schedule they might be able to come by later that day. There are multiple Amera trucks in our community every day! What good is a pest control company if they can not be relied on in an emergency? I called another company who sent a technician out with in the hour - he called to tell me he was on his way and took care of the cricket problem and looked over the yard and addressed some other issues which Amera had completely overlooked. He called me two days after the treatment to see if everything was done to our satisfaction. I called Amera back and said no need to send someone out and cancel all of my further appointments. The receptionist asked why and when i told her that we could not reply on them when we needed them her reply was a snippy sorry.

Brenda H.
Brenda H.
I called and was put on hold and finally hung up after a very long time.  I then went into their web site and filled out the information to get an estimate.  They have never followed through. This has a few weeks ago.  I called again and was put on hold again.  After 5 minutes I hung up.   This is very disappointing because I have referred Amera to people in the past.  I have talked to other people and they have had various problems with Amera.  I have moved on and contacted another company.

F. D.
F. D.
I've used Amera over the last 3 or 4 years to deal with summertime insects.  Rafael was just here--right on time and he finished both interior and exterior treatments in under 30 minutes for a fair price.  Things should now be OK for the rest of the year.

Patti S.
Patti S.
Was very happy with Amera until this morning. Had called to get tile cleaning on floors and countertops. Made an appointment and they called to say technician had emergency so they would need to change date, insisted so they worked it out. Tech gets here this morning and informs me they don't do countertops anymore. The phone rep and I discussed I wanted the same thing as last time including countertops. Now they are saying that conversation never happened. Not using or recommending them again.

Debbi G.
Debbi G.
Sure would be nice if the termite inspector spoke ENGLISH instead of Spanglish. I couldn't understand what he was saying, he didn't explain anything, and was incredibly RUDE. Needless to say I will be using another company for my treatment.

Sally J.
Sally J.
This company is a joke! I would highly suggest you seek other pest control companies. The termite technician had no idea how to communicate with me, he was extremely slow and was extremely late!!!! I waited all day to have him come out and had to wait even longer for him to finish! When they did my inspection an extremely nice white guy came to my door who spoke great English (I could actually understand him!). When they came back out to service my house, an older Hispanic man came to my door and I could barely understand a word he was saying! I am all for diversity but give me a break, find someone who can at least communicate!

Bob S.
Bob S.
CONSUMER BEWARE!  They have screwed up 2 appointments in 2 years----not even a professional heads up call. Morons must run this company.

Robert E.
Robert E.
Same experience as other reviewer, we used to use them but their scheduling and follow through is terrible. They were no shows at our place this week and then no shows for a reschedule after WE had to call them. They had no idea their tech never showed. We're not using them again and we recommend no one else does until significant change happens beginning at their scheduling desk.

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