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Jen U.
Jen U.
WARNING!!!!!!! Tom Adametz was contracted to do a commercial plumbing job for my café. He wrote me a contract & I gave him 50% down. 5540.00!!!

He never did my job. He did NOTHING!!
He lied & lied and finally I had to file criminal charges against him for theft because he cut off all contact after I asked for my money back because I figured out he was never going to do my job. He is a professional SCAMMER!!!

The police arrested him & I'm going to court. The police told me he scammed me just a few days after he got out of jail for scamming another innocent victim!!

He is a garbage human.

Steven Y.
Steven Y.
04/06/2019 12:00:00 SA
This scum bag has been doing this for years. He'll go sell you a job and get a down payment. Then you'll never see him again. HE'S A JUNKIE!!

Sandi G.
Sandi G.
We hired Tom Adametz on November 20, 2018 to repair a bathroom sink and a bathroom whirlpool tub. Tom started the work and told us he had to order replacement parts. He gave us an invoice and we paid the total less the cost of installing the new parts. The invoice was for $484.00.
Tom removed valve stems from our tub and sink leaving us unable to use our main bathroom.
We paid for them and then waited for him to come back and complete the work. We made calls several times a week, sent text messages and emails but he would not respond. We offered to pick up our new parts and have someone else install them. He had both our old stems and our new stems. In an eight week period he only responded twice with excuses why he hadn't come back and promises with a date that he would complete the work. He would not show up and could not be reached. This went on for a couple months. At one point we contacted our friend who had referred him to us and found that our friend could not excuse him and couldn't understand why he was not completing the work. We finally, after sending him many messages and emails, realized that we had been scammed and have given up on him ever coming back.

Jeffrey M.
Jeffrey M.
I contracted him to put a bathroom in in an old house and it required a permit. I'm a general contractor and I NEVER give deposits. I was strapped for time and my usual plumbers were swamped so I tried this guy. He said he could start immediately but needed money down for a deposit. I told him only if I went to the plumbing office with him and saw him file the permit. I did this and they all seemed to know him. He was talking to the woman the collects the fees like they were old pals so I thought, ok this guy is ok. Their CC machine wasn't working and I didn't have cash so he said that he would come back in the morning with cash and take care of it. The woman working said, yeah, he's good to go just need the fee. So I paid him a deposit (against every bone in my body telling me not to) and he screwed me. Told me he paid the permit. Made every excuse why he wasn't there working on the job. Then blamed his guys. I called to check in and he said he had guys there working (he didn't). When I called him out on them not being there, he acted pissed off at his guys and said, let me see where the f$&k they are. I'm fairly certain he didn't have any guys. My normal plumber after the fact said that he got caught signing other master plumber's names to pull permits. I actually went to his house when I realized I had been scammed and he had a RING doorbell and he answered and said he was out of the country. His truck was there and there was a dog inside. He's a total con-artist liar that I blame myself for giving a deposit to, I knew better than that. I feel bad for the normal consumers that he conned because they didn't know any better.

John C.
John C.
Dec 10th I hired Tom do some plumbing to a commercial Café.  Excuses from start to finish ( except he never finished the job, OR even started the job )
I gave Tom 1000 in cash and he sent me a receipt...... He was waiting for quote on supplies, then his core drill broke, Then he says he had a family emergency in another state and was out of town for 2 weeks.  It was a death in immediate family so I never questioned him.  He sent me a text asking if he can have the rest of the deposit as quote was higher due to needing a permit.  I was out of town at the time but my wife left him a check for $1600 in car for one of his guys to pickup.  I figured he was out of town and may have been strapped for cash due to the Holidays.  Then he texts me that he needs engineered drawing for the existing plumbing or no permit will be issued. I oblige and have them drawn up.  Since then I have not heard a word.  Emails, calls, and texts all ignored.  As of 1/31 I had my lawyer do a search of the name on my receipt Valor Mechanical.  Valor Mech only exists in MN.  We dug farther and Tom isn't even registered with the HIC or the State under either name.  We dug a bit further and found 2 bad reviews on the BBB.  Its safe to assume that Tom is a crook and thinks he can get away with this.
Little does he know that fraudulent or deceptive practices against consumers are prohibited by the Pennsylvania Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law and any amount over $2000 is a felony.  Unfortunately for Tom he stole from the wrong guy.  Next time he may want to research his victims to make sure he's not related to lawyers.  I hope he enjoys prison food because I'm going in heavy and I wont stop

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