First off let me say you get what you pay for and the lowest price isn't always the best. I recently installed a whole house standby generator and contracted settle muter electric representing Kohler for this job. I had 3 companies in for interviews & estimates including GE, Generac and settle muter. I did background checks on all including the attorney generals website and the better business bearau of central oh, settle muter was by far the most expensive however they also had an A+ rating & the only company with no issues or customer service problems associated with them. There is nothing more irritating to me than a salesperson who quotes a price but cannot give details on the installation process or the difference in the products offered which is what I received while interviewing both GE & Generac, furthermore most of my questions were pushed aside or ignored, as long as we make the sale what do we care how the install is done was the feeling I got. Mike Hyde the service manager & Jason Gilmer the installer from settle muter arrived together. Jason gave me several installations options available for my residence including the materials being used in each process & why and Mike Hyde quoted pricing for each process face to face in person, there was no rush, no pressure and they assured my complete satisfaction. In today's world most company's and young people are cutting corners and taking no pride in their workmanship. Jason Gilmer, although a young man by my standards conducted himself in a completely professional manner, the products and materials used were as promised and the quality of his work was first rate from start to finish, furthermore mike Hyde phoned me every day to ensure my satisfaction. After completion I was given a full demonstration & follow up calls to ensure no issues were abound. Several inspections had to be made for the generator to be approved, you know a quality product & service installation has been made when the city, gas & electric companies give glowing reviews of the product & process. Although I paid significantly more using this company I will recommend them to anyone looking for this service, remember you get what you pay for, do it right the first time