elijah c.
10/01/2012 12:00:00 SA
As a plumber, I'm a bit ashamed that it has taken me this long to write these guys a review. Ive been frequenting Ace for almost ten years now and look forward to many more. As an apprentice, I was impressed that Bob and Kevin quickly learned my name and were always helpful even if I didn't really know how to ask for what I needed. Fast forward to when I was starting my own business; these guys were the first to open a line of credit for a fledgling business on nothing but my name. I can't possibly list all the little things that keep Ace as my main supplier, but in general, its this: they actually CARE. From last minute/after hours, deliveries to rushed orders, they always treat my business like it is theirs. Countless times I've watched Jim and Joe patiently listen while a weekend warrior described the problem they were up against with some thingamajig that was leaking from the doohickey, thinking to myself that I'd never have the patience... yet they always do.