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Vivint Solar

Vivint Solar

Solar Panel
3626 E Southern Ave Ste 3 Phoenix, AZ 85040


Anthony M.
Anthony M.
02/11/2020 12:00:00 SA
Completely honest review here, this company is complete trash! They make having solar panels sound like a dream but its actually a headache in itself!
I wanted to give it a 1 star but honestly there are a couple perks i am happy with that still give me hope for the future. For example, the sales rep makes it sound amazing and simple and they do it all at no extra cost. Inspections to install is all them up until it comes to starting the system...apparently YOU have to flip the breaker to turn the system on yet they still need a rep out to your home to fully connect the system. So if you do not watch out they will charge until YOU get it done. Last perk i like is the actual saving your doing on electricity bills. So far so good, to a point. We had one month where the system apparently "lost connection to servers" so we were not making any power and they tel you that they "keep an eye on your system for any unusual issues". Bulls***. YOU have to keep an eye out on your system every week if not every day because they suck at keeping you informed because quote, "theres too many systems to keep track of".
Lastly, the customer service especially over the phone SUCKS! If i could give a rating to the customer support when you call for anything id give it a 0/10. The customer is not a concern for them and if you lose out on money because the system failed you have to wait till the end of the year to get any kind of reimbursment. Let me point out its been 3 months since then for us and we have not received anything because they are so terrible. I honestly regret getting this system because your locked in with them and they do no want to help!!! Terrible!

Sara Z.
Sara Z.
02/02/2023 12:00:00 SA
They are related to Vivint security, they are horrible with customer service and lie to get a sale do not trust them. They came to my door and I told them they could leave
If you need service they don't send anybody out, they try to fix it over the phone, no customers service, it's all about the money
I don't have their dolor but I do have there security system and it useless, not worth the 3 grand they charged me for, they don't take care of you after the sale

Janice C.
Janice C.
They have the worst customer service and product out there. Promises made and not kept. I'm on my second issue with Vivant in less than a year, first time only half the panels were working and it took them 6 weeks to figure it out! Second time only 75% of panels are working, been dealing with this since July but no resolution. Terrible customer service, either no resolution or blaming us for the issues??!!?? STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY!!!

Lorraine S.
Lorraine S.
08/04/2020 12:00:00 SA
Ok.  So now it is August 4th.  Performance of the solar panels.
770 kwh in January
840 kwh in February
918 kwh in March
1069 kwh in April
1153 kwh in May - highest performance
1112 kwh in June - less performance than May while higher temperatures in May
1026 kwh in July - less performance than May or June and hotter temperatures than May or June but according to the service department, my system is good.  So when the temperatures get higher, the system produces less???????
I still cannot get the service department to come out and look at my system.  I keep my one star.  Will keep updating this review until I get this system "fixed".  Will keep you posted.

Joe V.
Joe V.
02/08/2020 12:00:00 SA
Absolutely the worst company. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!!!

This letter is to inform you that I, Joseph do not accept this debt.
For the following reasons I have repeatedly requested in writing that Vivant Solar remove their equipment from my home.

1. Vivant Solar did not convey at the time of contract that my system would be the first attempted to get approved in my area.

2. Vivant Solar did not inform me of the errors made upon installation causing months of delay & resulting in Vivant Solar being in breach of contract.

3. Vivant Solar proceeded to threaten me with a lawsuit instead of correcting the problem within the timeframe of the contract.

4. Due to the negative & unprofessional conduct of Vivant Solar, I no longer feel confident being they have been unable to meet the requirements of installation & approval. At the very least, I should have received better customer support by Vivant Solar explaining in detail the unprecedented delay.


Joseph V

Jonathan P.
Jonathan P.
04/01/2021 12:00:00 SA
Please tell your door to door sales reps that they should not ignore "No Soliciting" signs posted on homeowners' doors. When the salesman came to my home I kindly pointed out the sign to him, to which he responded that he WASN'T soliciting and proceeded to try to sell me on solar panels. You may have the best product and best price around (doubtful) but you're not gonna get it done with that kind of sales approach that disrespects potential future customers.

L H.
L H.
09/02/2021 12:00:00 SA
Reputable companies do no show up at your door with no business card or brochures. These reps reek of a scam.

Mike A.
Mike A.
01/02/2020 12:00:00 SA
One of worst experiences I've had with any company.  Signed up in October and canceled last week due to poor communication and never got the project started.

Mark C.
Mark C.
I wish there was an option to give lower than a one star review. Vivint Solar is not a good investment. In 2016 their sales team lied about the condition of our existing roof in order to sell their System. In January 2020 after storm damage to our roof, the Roofing Contractor and our Insurance Adjuster said the system should not have been installed before Roofing replacement. To top it off, Vivint Solar has now turned a job that should have taken 2-3 weeks into a nightmare of 5 months and counting. More excuses, more lies, more delays and no accountability.

Stephanie Maxwell S.
Stephanie Maxwell S.
06/10/2020 12:00:00 SA
If i could give this company no stars I would! Worst customer service ever!!!!  My mother had panels put on her house and was told that for basically for 500 buck she could have them removed at anytime so when she needed to have a new roof put on  4 years later,   2600.00 now to have the panels removed, the sales person lied and we didn't understand the contract! Buts that not even the worst part!  I've I paid the money to this rip off company so this 78 year old lady can have her roof repaired before she has house damage inside, but now they wont even schedule an appt. to come out to remove the panels.  Two months I have been calling and getting a run around with them! Hours on hold! 3 hour today only to just have the call cut off with no one ever to answer.

Geary B.
Geary B.
Vivint had a great salesman assist us from point of contact, but then everything went down hill. We were told we would be up and running in 90 days. Well that was early in June of 2020. Well install happened in late October to early November. During this entire period Vivint representatives were not available. The new sales Rep. would not receive my phone calls and calling customer services was an exercise in futility.
In late October the system was declared to be ready to use. When I ask when it would be activated, I was told to turn it on myself. Well several people all along had told me a Tech from their company would be the only person allowed to activated the system due to safety concerns. So you can understand I was certainly concerned. After a lengthy conversation and a call to Tucson Electric I followed their directions and was told my system was now activated. A few days later i received a call from Vivint and was informed my system was not working and that a tech was coming out on the 31st of November. On that day a Tech named Matt came out and after a good laugh he explained that my system was not activated and that I should never have activated the system, seems that i was not provided with a proper start up procedure.
Now Vivint is trying to Bill me for November, even though my system was not operational due to their fault. We have been trying to resolve this issue still.
Don't use Vivint customer service is non-existent and their managers are rude and possess no knowledge of the produce they are responsible for.
Needless to say if I had it to do over, this company would certainly not be in the running. "STAY AS FAR AWAY FROM VIVINT SOLAR AS POSSIBLE"

Kris O.
Kris O.
This is the most incompetent company I have ever worked with.
Billing issues - It took weeks to get a bill from this company, then they hounded me incessantly about payment. One problem, they were charging me the wrong amount. We are in year 2 of the lease, which is $180/mo, they keep charging us year 5 rates. Several emails and calls and it was not resolved.
Install issues - We had to do a simple task, re-roof our house. The lack of communication and straight out LIES is unbelievable. They tell us one day, they don't show up. They tell us the reason they had to cancel and then get caught in a lie when we press them. It's now taken over a week to get them out to re-install, they LIED again and said they were our of parts, when in reality their install crew is in a DIFFERENT STATE.

So now I've had to postpone the sale of my house for several weeks because of this company, which has cost me THOUSANDS of dollars.


Samantha W.
Samantha W.
If I could give them a 0 I would. Scam Sales, horrible app and billing system. Non responsive customer care and Sales with no way to escalate. We've never received the $500 referral bonus promised for referring friends after months of following up. We're stuck with horrible service way more expensive than quoted. Our system was set up with not enough panels because they don't want to pay for the box now the system will never produce enough so we'll always be paying out the nose. We're now paying more than we did before with APS and after multiple tech visits confirming it's the system not our usage we still can't get a call back. We are extremely conservative with our usage with only 2 members in the family and now we pay more for less service and are uncomfortable in our own home. Horrible wish I'd never been suckered by their false promises I should've researched the BBB claims from others with the same issues

Kyle H.
Kyle H.
A Vivint representative came by my house on 15JUL14. They talked me through how SRP was being regulated to have more of their power from solar and that the government had released grants to have solar installed on personal residences at no charge to the residents to meet their regulated solar quota. Supposedly SRP sent out some notice about this but I don't recall ever getting it.

I also looked up this initiative/mandate and really couldn't find anything. Hmpf.

Reduced electric bills are something that everyone should want - green or not - so naturally I was interested. I entertained the representative - I signed up for them to come out and survey my house/roof to see where and how they could install panels for 17JUL14 from 14:00 to 17:00.

No call. No show.

I don't know about you, but if a company can't even show up to survey your house when they say they will be there then I'm not really sure if you want them installing stuff on your roof or being your power company.

Furthermore, their practices reminded me of my experience with Moxie pest control. A Moxie representative came around and part of their sell was to list off other residents who also had ordered down to the point of pointing them out and calling their names out. I don't care for this practice - I don't have any right to know who is getting what done to their house and I don't think a business has any right to disclose that information either. If your product/service is good enough then it should speak for itself.

You shouldn't have to throw a power of numbers guilt trip on me to get me to jump on the bandwagon.

It seems that other Yelp reviews for Vivint (used to be a security company) are also bad, even down to BBB complaints. So if they are the same company, you may want to do your research before jumping in bed with them. The initiative may be real but it doesn't seem to me that Vivint is too serious about doing what they say.

EDIT: I received a call on Thursday saying I missed my appointment. I also came home to find a door hanger saying they missed me. I went home and found the paperwork and it clearly stated "Wednesday 17th." Again, same thing applies as before - if you can't keep your appointments straight then this really hurts your credibility.

Nancy S.
Nancy S.
My spouse initiated the sales process with Vivint and I was very skeptical from the beginning.....I think the capper was when they said they needed a bank account number and ABA number and said "just make anything up" so the sales person could get the paperwork submitted, but the number would not be used.  I asked my spouse to check the ratings of the company and I wish this had been done.  Then we would not be in the same situation as everyone else:  promises made but not kept, customer service circle jerk of nobody knowing who needs to take the next step, etc.  To further complicate matters, Vivant subcontracted with Vision Solar to do the installation so we have even more people who can pass the buck.  I hope you are reading this before you contract with them.  (P.S. we cancelled the contract before installation and got sweet talked into keeping the contact with more favorable pricing.  A second mistake!)  We haven't "gone live yet" so it sounds from reading the reviews that there will be more issues to deal with.  right now the hold up is someone needs to pay a small bill to the city before the inspection can occur.  Solar was supposed to be a good experience.

Owen B.
Owen B.
05/11/2019 12:00:00 SA
The salesman has been great. He has tried to save Vivint. But can't fix a bad product. Less than 2 months in. A breaker on my system faults out. Took a month to realize it due to my power company fully charged me. While Vivint also takes their payment whether the grid works or not. Then when trying to get the customer service line to take my call, the customer service line isn't working. Hours and hours trying to call to get resolution and the customer service line doesn't work for three days.  Lol. Stay away from Vivint.

Josh F.
Josh F.
WORST COMPANY EVER!!!! I was completely lied to by my sales rep about the way the Lease would work. (buyouts, transfers). Install was late and when it was installed it was not set back as we requested to allow us to add on a patio and when we called to have it adjusted they wanted to charge us for their mistake. Every time I have called to talk to a supervisor or to the transfers department I have had my call "dropped" and have had to start over from the beginning. The customer service is AWFUL and the sales reps are liars looking for commission. If you see this company coming RUN.

Ashley B.
Ashley B.
08/11/2020 12:00:00 SA
I would give a 0 but that's not an option. This is the worst solar company ever. Install they screwed that up can't even put in correct breaker, finally get it up and going almost a yr after having the panels put on. Only to have the system work when it wants to. They tried blaming me and my internet but it was actually there equipment had exposed almost catching my house on fire melting my entire breaker box for my home. Took 3 months to get that fixed. Meanwhile in the fine print on my contract if I under produced the amount of power they said I would produce they would pay me for the difference. Mind u now they owe me over $700 . This should have been paid at the end of January but here it is August 11 and I still have not received my payment. Customer service never has the answer other than let me reach out to somebody else and see if they can get you an answer and I never get a response. Finally talk to someone today and I'm told we can't send your check to a po box (I live in a little town that only offers PO box for mail no mailbox option available) we can only send to your physical address. This company is a joke and I would never tell anybody about this company. It's a waste of time and $.

Meggie O.
Meggie O.
07/11/2017 12:00:00 SA
I am now working on 35 minutes with VIvint Solar on a billing question.  I've been transferred incorrectly x 3.   It seems they just want to get me off their phones.

Monsta P.
Monsta P.
I worked for Vivint Solar for about 3 years now doing multiple positions and helping offices and people around the country. Ive constantly bent over backwards for this company and never received equal compensation for anything ive done just we will do reviews soon, which was complete bull. After being trained on hooking up customers solar and seeing what horrible job vivint did installing it, i would never recommend working for them or getting their solar. Vivint solar used to be a good company to work for and have on your roof but not anymore.

I was recently taking on more work and kept getting told reviews were coming when they never ever were. I was working more and more hours picking up slack and going above and beyond every single day. This company does not care. So i had found a new job and was going to move my wife and 2 kids to texas and so i put my 2 weeks notice. 2 days later they fired me half way into my workday for no reason(i asked)

Dont put vivint solar on your roof. like other comments and people have said, it gets installed and doesnt work. I would go to multiple homes a day where wires werent plugged in or there was trash everywhere from the install. I could go on for days about how much you dont want vivint solar.

Im not bitter its just the truth.

Kristin M.
Kristin M.
Vivint Solar is the worst at customer service.  I just got off the phone with them and was told a supervisor would not take my call.  Not only 1 supervisor but 2.  I was promised animal guards (just like one other review) and never got them.  This is the WORST customer service ever.  WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THIS COMPANY

Anthony D.
Anthony D.
11/05/2016 12:00:00 SA
I am at the end of the process with Vivint solar. It has taken significantly longer than expected, we were estimated to be live in Aug or Sept.  during the process the electrician changing my panel blew out my pool panel. I was unable to verify it because a storm occurred around the same time. I do know that the electrician voided my warranty on the expensive pool breakers. Either way I got stuck with a $2,000 repair bill and my system is still not active yet.

Tiffany C.
Tiffany C.
If you had asked me six months ago, I would've given this company five stars. We have had this service for a decent amount of time now and I have very little complaints about the solar panel system itself.  What I do have drastic complaints about is the customer service at this company.  We actually liked our solar so much that we referred Vivint to a friend, they (supposedly) have a great referral program. Our friends had Vivint's solar panels installed on their home, and even received their referral bonus in a timely manner (if we referred them, they also got a cash sum as well).  As for our end of the deal, Vivint has consistently avoided and dodged my husband and I regarding our referral bonus.  I assure you I am not being dramatic when I tell you we have contacted them over 10 times regarding this issue. It's been a 5-6 month ordeal and still goes unresolved. Obviously you can't just decide you don't want solar panels on your roof after you have then installed! They're great. However, I will absolutely not be referring anyone else to Vivint until this issue is rectified. It's absolutely unprofessional and unacceptable to leave a client hanging for over FIVE MONTHS. You would think Customer Service could help us out, but sadly we have been "disconnected" three times in a row. Very disappointed, Vivint. Even if this were an issue of miscommunication, there is no excuse for the lack of response by multiple people on your  team.

Peyton R.
Peyton R.
If zero stars were an option - I would give them zero!! Vivint is the worst solar company for customer service. We were selling our home with their panels on - they lied to us about install for the animal guards (said they would come out on a Saturday to later find out they don't install animal guards on weekends), then when they finally came out, they installed 3/4 of it and left. Then we closed on our house and they kept billing my card, when I called they said the paperwork wasn't filled out completely (month after sell of home), come to find out later from a supervisor it was done they just didn't file it. They now owe me $130 for over charging me. Nobody returned my first phone call to get my money back, called again Tiffany said she processed it. 8 business later (was supposed to be 5-7), I have to call AGAIN. Was on hold for 25 mins waiting for Austin to get a supervisor. Called on my husband's phone and got a supervisor faster than Austin could get on the phone. This supervisor, Ruth, said there was no card on file to process the refund!! How convenient, it was deleted. DO NOT go with this company if you ever have any questions or concerns regarding your account!

Ashley H.
Ashley H.
06/06/2017 12:00:00 SA
We have had absolutely horrible service from this company since taking over a lease when we bought our home a year ago. They continuously lose appointments that they've confirmed with us, hold times are extravagant, and they were extremely disorganized and not helpful during the transfer process. In addition, they give you the run around when you try to communicate with them to resolve your problems. You get passed from one person to the next. Absolutely awful way to treat customers. I do not recommend them to anyone that has a choice.

Ranger P.
Ranger P.
A vivint rep came to my home..did all the work...and did it in a professional manner. Other solar companies...not so.  These guys are the best. Stephen Jew..stephen.jew@vivint solar is the go to guy. He is professional and courteous! Please give him the chance to assist you in lowering your electric bills here in Arizona!

Lisa M.
Lisa M.
This company is really gone down the tubes. I honestly do know how they keep in business and why share holders would want to invest in this sorry company.  Totally unprofessional in installation , if they show up! They do not follow through with transitioning customers on to the grid, they hire young people who sincerely want to do a good job and are getting used to field and  handle dis-satisfied customer. And there are many reasons for customer dissatisfaction with this companies services. For the record nothing gets done on time and getting anyone on the phone who actually can solve one of the issue this company creates through inferior installation is impossible.

Greg B.
Greg B.
12/03/2014 12:00:00 SA
Vivint is a very bright and upcoming company. They are very kind and respectful and got my system installed sooner then they told me they would. Nothing like saving some money especially here in Arizona where the cost can get so high. Im saving about $80 a month and im so excited. I would recommend them to everyone and already do.

Jeff B.
Jeff B.
05/03/2019 12:00:00 SA
I would give no stars if that were possible. I purchased a home that already had Vivint solar panels on it. Before we moved in the inspector found a leak caused by the solar panel installation and he also reported that there were other spots that appear to have small leaks. Once we got the installation diagram from the solar company we noticed that it was installed wrong and the solar company drilled the screws all the way through the roof and through the trusses. When I called the solar company over 10 times to get resolution they report they did not install wrong and there is no current leaks so it is fine. I am now talking with a supervisor that says there is no one higher to talk to and that they did everything right and the screws may have protruded through which is common. I said no way all the screws are drilled all the way through causing issues with my roof and they want to do nothing and tell me the top branch is looking at the evidence I submitted and I have to continue to wait. I have went round and round with these people and still nothing. This is poor customer service and I think all customers that have had issues with no resolution should ban together and file a class action law suit against this company. This is not ok. I am continuing to give them a chance but it has been months and nothing yet.

LoRee M.
LoRee M.
02/04/2017 12:00:00 SA
I got quotes from 2 or 3 companies and still believe that Vivint Solar is likely the cheapest for KWH and likely has the lowest rate increase year over year until the 20 yr lease is up; that however, comes at a high price.  I liked the sales person but several things he told me (sales promises) turned out not to be true, which carried very little weight with Vivint Customer Service.  With Vivint Solar there is no give, it's all take, no consideration for what you were told.  Their billing system is archaic and I will be dealing with that every month for the next 20 years. Working with Customer Service is not possible; they are rude, arrogant, and they know that they don't need to listen to you once the contract is signed, they've got you and you are no  longer relevant.  This company is a very large conglomerate and it shows.

Ashley A.
Ashley A.
So far so good! We had Vivint come out and survey our roof, the surveyer was on time and expedient as I was in a hurry to leave. He was nice and very professional. After the survey we were given our final report to describe how much power our system would create and where our panels would be placed. A week later the panel crew showed up right on time and began installation. Install was fast and simple just as they described. We are still waiting in the final inspection from SRP to get it turned on and I will update once we are all set up! Branden was great to work with!!

P M.
P M.
03/11/2016 12:00:00 SA
A Vivint rep came to the house, gave us the presentation and then came back with a system proposal.  We agreed to move forward and they did the installation on 12/30/2015.  Today is 3/11/2016 and we are still not hooked up or using solar power, almost three months.  Apparently, according to APS, Vivint builds a system BEFORE the application is submitted to APS which often, about 60% of the time, results in the system needing to be updated because it is not in compliance with APS specifications.  I guess this is what has happened to delay our hook up to make solar energy.  One would think that when a salesman comes out they should be fully trained and knowledgeable enough to make a system that is compliant with APS specifications, right??  It is very frustrating to find out that APS had to request them (Vivint) to go back and update their system to be compliant because it was not done right in the first place.  The application should have been submitted to APS FIRST so they could make the necessary recommendations if needed to be compliant.  It makes you feel like the salesman just wanted the sale and would worry about the issues after the fact; which is delaying our hook up to solar.  What kind of customer service is that????  So here we are, we cannot draw solar power to save money on our electric bill (to help with the A/C bill) yet, especially with the unusually warm weather we have been experiencing here in Phoenix this past February and now into March.  I just wanted other consumers to be aware and question their salesman, whether it is Vivint or another solar company, to make sure the application for the system is submitted to the electric company BEFORE the solar company builds/installs the system on your roof.  This might help prevent any delay in flipping the switch.  Please read this article for more information regarding delays.


Update:  It is now 4/3/2016 and we still have yet to have the hook up to use solar power.  We were told more than 10 business days ago, that it would take 7-10 business days and we should be good to go, NOT!  I strongly recommend you do not do business with a company that cannot keep their word.  You know, if they would have said it takes X amount of time to get going that would be one thing; they did tell us it could take up to three months to be hooked up (between Vivint and APS doing their things) but it is going on four months now, and even a neighbor down the street who had her panels installed about three weeks BEFORE us is not hooked up yet.  See the review written by Mike R. back on 06/04/2015; we feel his frustration.

Ruben A.
Ruben A.
I have had Vivint solar activated for just over a month now and have not had one good experience with customer service departments. Before installing anything, I was reassured everything would be taken care of to keep my homeowners association happy which mainly included painting conduits on the side of the house. After being told everything would be taken care of and having the system installed for three months now, they still haven't been painted. I have called multiple times and spoken with multiple departments including department supervisors. Every department says that's the their department job and nothing gets done. I have talked with my "case manager" many times as well who listens to what I have to say and says he will figure out a solution to it and get back to me which of course doesn't happen. I have finally gotten my first bill from my electric company for 1 full month with solar and was not pleased. I was told it would be a substantial amount lower which I compared to last year and the decreased amount was by $76. That's not substantial when I'm also paying $40 a month to have solar equipment. I called today and again was transferred to 3 departments saying that it wasn't their department. When I finally got to one they said I would have to wait a full year to be able to look into the amounts I was saving, which makes no sense if they were able to quote me what they thought I could save. After getting the run around I asked to speak to the supervisor. The representative said her supervisor would tell me the same thing and doesn't speak with customers. I was then told to just try calling back later. For the hassel of attempting to get anything situated with Vivint Solar, I would recommend going with any other company in Arizona. I would gladly change this review if I could speak to someone who can actually get something done like I was told or have the answers of what I can or need to do to get them done.

Bill H.
Bill H.
Purchased a house that just had solar panels put on--August 1-- it is now November 16th--- panels still have not been hooked up and working-- almost 4 months ! Calls to office--- are met with -- they are working on it--- 4 months ---  and still not working---- service leaves a LOT to be desired---

Jessica N.
Jessica N.
If i could give 0 stars...I would. In May of 2014 a man by the name of Craig Conover with Vivint Solar came to my house and walked my husband and myself through the benefits of solar power. After we decided it sounded like a great idea, Craig ran our credit, told us we were approved. Craig said in the next few weeks someone would come to our house and take measurements of our roof. Craig stated that it does take "a couple" of months for the entire installation. About 2 weeks later some guys came out and took the roof measurements. They said it would take about a month for the installation to begin. 3 months later we hadn't heard anything from anyone including Craig and decided to contact him. Craig said, "I just checked on your account and somehow they have lost your SRP bill." upon further explanation Craig said that most of our information was lost and said that he "dropped the ball"..."it's been very busy"...and said his wife is pregnant with their 7th or 8th child. I'm not sure how this relates to our solar power installation, but never the less, he did use this as one of his excuses. We have since decided to go with another company. Vivint seems extremely unorganized. It comes across as a scam because they promise that nothing will go wrong with the solar panels, and if something does happen they will come repair the panels free of charge. It seems as though if they lose all of the information before it's even installed and use excuses like, "it's busy", how can they be prevented from using the same excuses in the future when it comes to standing by their product.

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