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Best Solid Patio Cover Installation in Phoenix AZ

Falcon Landscapes Pavers & Masonry Concrete Contractor
Seriously, I don't know whom is more amazing:

1) Me, for finding Falcon Landscaping and Pavers on Yelp; or

2) Yelp, for building a service that helps us all evaluate great companies; or

3) Joseph Lynch, owner of Falcon Landscapes and Pavers, for transforming our formerly boring and dated backyard into a spectacular outdoor plaza that you could comfortably entertain 30 or more guests.

When we first called Falcon Landscapes and Pavers, we thought we just wanted to put pavers in our backyard and maybe spread some new soil around.

What we got was a completely renovated backyard with beautiful pavers and such a unique renovation that we now want to spend most of our time in our backyard, rather than inside.

Even more importantly, Joseph Lynch and his terrific team replumbed the entire backyard and set up a drainage system that solved our persistent problem, that of rain water seeping into our concrete patio and home foundation. Now the rainwater washes over the vegetation and the runoff goes into the back alley.

So please stop reading this review and just call Joseph Lynch, of Falcon Landscapes and Pavers. You may have to call several times, because his voicemail fills up a lot with new customers, and it may take some time to get on his schedule. But your efforts will be well rewarded and one day you may find yourself, like us, spending most of your time outside in your beautiful new backyard.

Justin O'Brien

Phoenix, AZ