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Best Asphalt Shingle Roof Services in Phoenix AZ

PCC Roofing & Construction Windows Installation
Checked the roof and it looks good.   The seams around the vents look very watertight.  The shingles looks like it's held down tight.  They also do wood work.  They removed my old, unused swamp cooler and put in an additional wind turbine.  They're registered with the state of AZ.  They're certified GAF shingles installers if you decide to get GAF shingles.  They also finished within 2 days.
2303 N 44th St 14-1174 Phoenix, AZ 85008
High Performance Homes Windows Installation
Make sure to read the contract fully before signing there is no way for a client to get out of it without having to pay this company 33% of the total I was fully cooperative with all they asked for my side of the bargain so they could have an easy install when the install was ready I removed all my blinds and moved everything out of the way when I received a call saying they have all my products ready for install come to find out my order was never placed after 3 months and the windows they brought were not the correct windows or even the correct sizes for my house it was a different clients I called the next day she said it will take about 2 weeks. the lady that I was speaking to was fired due to messing up other clients orders. It has been over a month since I removed all my blinds and moved everything out of the way (which it's still like that because there's no point in putting them back)  I have not received a call or even heard anything from the company about my windows and doors so I called to cancel my services due to not fulfillment to the contract and Miscommunication on there side and to let them know that I just don't want the windows and doors anymore and immediately the guy said that is impossible due to the contract and they have the high attorneys for this situation and as a company we will not lose
I did not read the contract fully but there is NO EXIT CLAUSE for the client to have the right to cancel after the company has not hold up there bargain so just make sure you read the whole contract because this company only cares about one thing only and that is scamming people into contracts that only benefit them and could care less about a client I knew right away as soon as the guy I spoke to started bringing up attorney and lawsuits right when I said I would like to cancel the order than he also told me that it was my fault that I should of been calling them everyday because in his words and I quote if it was his house he wouldn't put up with that shit (laughing) how is it my fault as company you should of called your client and communicated with them of what's going on
Phoenix, AZ 85021
LoveOurRoof, an Xcel Company Windows Installation
I had a very scary interaction with two men driving one of the company trucks in Tempe. They engaged in serious reckless driving and unprovoked road rage. At one point they had almost ran me off the road into oncoming traffic. I cannot vouch for how good their work is but if their employees behave like that on the road, then I would never let them close to my family or my property. If driving is a part of the job, especially in a company marked truck, you need to consider training your employees in the rules of the road (no swerving, tailgating, stopping in the middle of the intersections, SPEEDING, proper use of signals, etc.) I witnessed all of this behavior in the short time I shared the road with them. Shocked and disappointed.
1833 W Main St Ste 110 Mesa, AZ 85201
DaBella - Phoenix Windows Installation

This was the most unprofessional company I've ever came in contact with. They showed up at 12pm for my roof quote and did an inspection. They did whatever they needed to do, then came inside to show pictures and give us a quote. We had two sales reps that came, one had just finished training, which the main representative reminded us of every time he sent the new guy outside.
I believe the man who was the main sales rep that came was named Alejandro. He was the worst of the worst when it comes to sales people. There is a stereotype for a reason, but dang did he blow the stereotypes out of the water. He took the whole never take no for an answer to the extreme. At a car sales lot, at least you can just leave but he refused to leave my home. After about 45 minutes of them explaining why it's important to understand that you pay for the quality work you want and discrediting all other companies, we realized it would not be a good fit. I didn't need a sales pitch. And if they are going to do it, it doesn't need to be 45 minutes. I just need to know what they recommend for repair, the products available, and how much it will cost.
By the time they finally gave us the quote, we realized they were just covering for the fact that they wayyyyy overcharge. We told them going into it we were just getting quotes but we can get into that in a second. We've gotten other quotes all of which ranged from $10,000 to $12,000. He quotes us $26,000. I asked him what made his company worth $14,000 more, and he referred to the quality of workers and product. However his product was the exact same as other companies I've received quotes from and they had the same qualifications for employees. After we basically told him no, he tried to start getting our financial information in order to run our credit. We refused and then he said okay I jsyt need to call my manager.

He then went on to call his manager (who knows who he actually called) to loudly sit on my couch and keep repeating their sales points to the phone. Clearly just trying to keep selling to us through his phone call. After a few minutes of being sick of this, we told him we had a reservation we had to get to and we appreciate his time but we need to go. He then said oh they just had a reservation pop up out of no where to the phone and continued not to leave. We then all got our shoes on and ready to go as he continued. Once we were ready, I told him that I will walk him out. He was still on the phone doing the same thing refusing to leave. I got him to walk out and he says ti the person on the phone that we made him leave and he's at the door and needs a last number to give us. He had the number the whole time and was trying to continue to sell us.

Eventually I told him that I understand he's trying to get the sale but I need him to leave and he tried 3 or 4 more times to get me to hire them right then for the project before he finally gave up.

This was the worst experience. Alejandro is the reason people hate sales people. I cannot believe that he would not just accept my answer and leave. Also that he was trying to force me to agree to hire them immediately without considering other quotes. He took up around 3 hours of my and my wife's time for nothing. Most quotes were about 30-45 minute process at the most and I got all the info I needed. They know they are overpriced and need to bully their customers into agreeing. Do not hire this company. Even just getting a quote will make you hate dealing with them.
11225 N 28th Dr Ste F101 Phoenix, AZ 85029