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Smith Plumbing Service
This is a challenging review to write - during the project I was ready to give Smith Plumbing a lower rating, but in the end they were extremely responsive to my concerns and I am satisfied with the outcome. The AC and new furnace that were installed have been working without issue. I would recommend Smith to others, but I would also warn them about the issues we experienced.

I won't go into details here other than to say we felt that the representative handling our project was dishonest (or at least misleading) about the time and cost of the project (factoring in extra days my husband and I took off of work), and the communication during the project about the changes was poor and sometimes non-existent.

That said, after a few frustrating phone calls, a thorough review of the contract and final invoice, and a one-on-one conversation with Mike (GM and one of the owners), we reached an agreement that accounted for some of the issues and left me willing to recommend Smith Plumbing to others.

All of the technicians were wonderful. I believe the owners and the  team are good people with honest intentions, but I hope that the company establishes a comprehensive client communication protocol so that others are not left feeling blindsided and frustrated.

1895 Main St, Colorado Springs, CO 80911