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Xtreme Drainworks Plumbing Service
Can't give enough praise to Jonathan who just left minutes ago after clearing the kitchen drain pipe... Before he gave the pipe a good rooting my sink was backing up when the upstairs neighbor used their disposal or did laundry...

Not fun to see someone's chicken soup floating up into your sink... and the smell... not only that black water was coming up when i ran the disposal... Even saw little creepy worm like critters that had been washed up from the mass of junk... The smell was enough to gag a maggot... YUCK! But now after Jonathan left the kitchen smells clean and fresh from the cleaner he used... Wish i could find an aftershave that had that fresh scent... but i digress...

Bottom line is from my 1 time experience with Xtreme, they are great.  5 yrs ago a couple of Bozo's from another company came to fix a similar problem and it took at least 2 hours or more... they even got the floor all wet and messy as they went upstairs to flush the drain and water shot out from MY pipe as they had opened it up earlier... Don't call those companies that hire guys named Bubba... lol

Chula Vista, CA
Sewer Contractor 911 Plumbing Service

Chula Vista, CA