Best HVAC Installation Or Replacement in Pittsburgh PA
A weekend ago, I noticed that a pond had formed in my basement near the drain seemingly overnight. Panic-stricken, I called Beverly Services, and within an hour, a middle-aged plumber with a wry, down-home sense of humor by the name of Jeff was parking his van in front of my house.
Charmin brand toilet paper was the culprit, clogging the drain at the trap. No more than 20 minutes later, the drain was cleared with a manual snake, and Kay and I were both put at ease.
We won't be using Charmin any longer (Kay bought it 'cause it was on sale despite being advised by another plumber not to use it), but if another emergency arises when it comes to plumbing, heating, cooling, or electrical, we'll be calling Beverly Services. A 24/7/365 operation, the 71 year-old Beverly Services offers fair pricing and guarantees satisfaction.
Jeff's Greatest Bits
No, don't use blue pens. I have a racial prejudice against blues. Those people invade planets and enslave everyone on 'em!
Man, this house is so outta code you might as well burn it down yourself and get the insurance money. I know some good arsonists. Relax! I'm kidding!
Hey! I cleared your drain! Come down and take a look at the boa constrictor I pulled outta there!
I'll need ya to flush both commodes, but please, no #2's. It's been a long day.
I've been so busy, I forgot to get lunch. Mind if I order us a pizza? I'll charge it to Beverly. They never check their books.
Hey! I just found a tunnel! There's a subway runnin' under yer house!
Charmin brand toilet paper was the culprit, clogging the drain at the trap. No more than 20 minutes later, the drain was cleared with a manual snake, and Kay and I were both put at ease.
We won't be using Charmin any longer (Kay bought it 'cause it was on sale despite being advised by another plumber not to use it), but if another emergency arises when it comes to plumbing, heating, cooling, or electrical, we'll be calling Beverly Services. A 24/7/365 operation, the 71 year-old Beverly Services offers fair pricing and guarantees satisfaction.
Jeff's Greatest Bits
No, don't use blue pens. I have a racial prejudice against blues. Those people invade planets and enslave everyone on 'em!
Man, this house is so outta code you might as well burn it down yourself and get the insurance money. I know some good arsonists. Relax! I'm kidding!
Hey! I cleared your drain! Come down and take a look at the boa constrictor I pulled outta there!
I'll need ya to flush both commodes, but please, no #2's. It's been a long day.
I've been so busy, I forgot to get lunch. Mind if I order us a pizza? I'll charge it to Beverly. They never check their books.
Hey! I just found a tunnel! There's a subway runnin' under yer house!
3044 Industrial Blvd, Bethel Park, PA 15102