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Tiger Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, & Electrical Services

Tiger Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, & Electrical Services

Plumbing Service
Saint Louis MO


Emergency Services Available • 24/7 Live Answering • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee • Heating & Cooling System Repair • A/C Replacement • Leaky Faucet Repairs • Clogged Drain Clearing • Electrical Installations • and more!


Established in 1993.
Tiger Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, and Electrical Services, is your one-stop solution for all things home-related. Got a leaky faucet? We'll fix it in a jiffy. Feeling the heat? Our A/C pros will keep you cool and comfy. And when your lights dim, our electricians will brighten up your day. With our friendly team of experts, your home will be in tip-top shape. Trust Tiger Services for a roaring good time with your home repairs!


If you ever have an issue, please contact us. Your satisfaction in our services our top priority!



Steven F.
Steven F.
Jul 4, 2016
Tiger replaced 20 feet of water service line to my house for $3600. Understandably, the street, sidewalk, and yard looked like a muddy battlefield when the line was installed by late afternoon. The workers insisted I make final payment with the promise they would finish the job the next day. This involved cleaning the street and sidewalk, leveling the yard like it was, filling ruts, and replacing removed brickwork. I had a bad feeling about making final payment with the job not complete, but did it. The next day, nothing. No workers, no phone call, no email. I was left with the mess which couldn't wait, because it affected my neighbors. Do not make final payment to Tiger until the job is complete. Once you pay, you no longer matter. Dealing with their estimator was unpleasant. He started at $5500 for my very easy project. I got the feeling he was on commission, and the higher the contract the more he made. He came down quickly when I told him I was going to call another company. He was trying to see how much I would pay, rather than giving an honest price. Finally, I was fined $50 for meter tampering by O Fallon, That was my fault, but Tiger should be aware of city requirements and advise the customer to prevent this.

Kacy M.
Kacy M.
Jan 10, 2018
Two gentleman came to our house because our water heater was tripping our electrical breaker. They told us that it must be the breaker because even though our water heater is 10 years old it's in perfect condition. However, we had an electrician come in and check it out and the breaker is just fine our heating elements in the water heater however were not so much. One was completely demolished and the other had some sort of corrosion on the base of it! Needless to say it was in fact the water heater that had the problem. I will not be using these services again. And I'd advise you to read all the reviews before choosing this company.

I put in a call to Tiger regarding a refund on our service call, since they didn't actually do anything while they were there. I was told I would get a call back, here it is 2 weeks later with no call back. I called again today and spoke with a young lady that stated she was going to call the technicians to see what happened and why they didn't check the elements and call back...so here's to another hopefully not 2 weeks of waiting.

I never received a call back, but I did get an email of an invoice stating they were refunding our $49 service call. So here's to that.

Justin S.
Justin S.
Sep 26, 2017
I recently had my AC stop blowing on a 90 degree day. The coil inside the unit was frozen solid and would not allow air to pass through. I called Tiger, who quickly got someone out the same day. My service tech was Kyle A. and his manager Ryan W. was along with him. After about 30 minutes they reported that my Freon was low and decided to test for leaks. They came back and said that they could not find a leak, which is a major concern. They were quick to bash the initial installer and call out his work as bad. They said either he had not put enough Freon in the system initially; which would cause issues for years to come, or that we had a leak they couldn't find with their tool. If it were a leak it would be expensive based on that they can't find it easy and there would have to be something internally wrong. They then went out to check again and write me up some options. They then began a distasteful sales tactic. They presented me with two options. 1 - flush and refill the system to see if it holds. this was $1200. if it doesn't hold then they would need to repair a leak which could be $1000 additional. They then quickly began to sell me on a new HVAC unit. My house is 3 1/2 years old and my AC is under warranty for another 1 1/2. They said that because the freon was low i'd have many problems and ultimately have to replace in the near future. I had also told them i'm considering selling the house in a few years; which in turn they said no homebuyer would want an HVAC like I have and they'd ask for discounts. They began the sales pitch of they are running a buyback program that would get me additional discounts and that there are lots of rebates available. They then pushed to have a consultant come out to see how much it would be to replace the system. Having given me such large numbers for repair, it's only logical to explore total system cost. I agreed to a consultant and let them know that i wanted the original installer to look, as this was his install. They agreed and reminded me that he'd simply just add freon and bandaid my system. I'd always have problems.

I called Viviano heating and cooling for a second opinion. The owner even called me at 5:30 that night to try to trouble shoot over the phone. The tech came at 10:00 a.m. the next day and quickly found a leak in the exterior coil causing the issue. It took him all of 15 minutes, where Kyle and Ryan spent 30 on the same coil and couldn't find anything.
The coil was covered under warranty, so i will have to pay for labor, but much cheaper than the $10,000 system that Kyle and Ryan were pushing me to.

The sales practices are terrible by Tiger. DO NOT TRUST THEM. Always get a second opinion. They are clearly trained to sell you new systems. They price repairs extremely high so that you will consider purchasing new for a few thousand more. It's a terrible practice and sad that a tech and manager are scheming people. It makes you wonder if they are on commission or get a kick back when they sell a new unit.

Update - I was offered a refund on the $99 service fee to remove this post. I agreed but they never refunded. Safe to say my original post is accurate.

Joe K.
Joe K.
Mar 15, 2014
Needed a plumber and while searching for a new plumber it reminded me of my experience with Tiger Plumbing about a year and a half ago. I always replaced my old faucets in the past and went to the store and bought one for the kitchen sink and bathroom sink. After getting down on my back to start, I thought I'm getting too old for this and I'll just call someone in to do it. I found Tiger in the Yellow Pages and gave them a call. I told them I had the new faucets and just wanted them installed. The woman at the company told me they don't work by the hour but the plumber who comes has a price sheet that they will go off of but she couldn't tell me the price because the plumber that showed up would talk to me about it. She said there would be a $50.00 charge to show up whether they did the work or not. Foolishly I said ok. I should have known better. There were too many red flags (not charging by the hour, could not give me a price to replace a faucet over the phone and $50.00 charge even if I decided not have them do it). The plumber showed up and showed me the price. It was very expensive but I thought well, I'm into it for $50.00 and I need it done so I let him do it. Everything was cleaned out and ready for him and it was simple installations. It took him a total of 40 minutes to do both faucets. I guess he felt guilty and charged me a bit less then what the sheet said but it still came to $360.00 for the forty minutes of work to install the faucets. That is highway robbery. I'll never use a plumber that won't work for an hourly rate anymore. $360.00 for forty minutes work is a total rip off. He did suppy two supply lines for each faucet but I could buy all four of them at Lowes for less than $20.00. The work was satisfactory but I can find competent plumbers for a whole lot less than $360.00 for forty minutes work which works out to $540.00 an hour. I talk to a lot of my neighbors and whenever one talks about needing a plumber, I steer them away from Tiger and tell them my experience. I understand a business has expenses to pay besides salary and they have a bit of travel time, so maybe they need to charge $100.00 an hour to maybe $120.00 tops but $540.00 an hour is a total rip off. If you do use them, never fall for the we don't charge by the hour or I can't give you a price, only the driver can scam. Just hang up and go elsewhere if they try that.

Everett S.
Everett S.
Aug 9, 2022
First off Todd, you sir are an arrogant asshole. When someone has a problem with something you do you automatically get forceful and try to talk over their complaints. Then you try to charge double what other companies have and say it's for your quality service which is a load of shit. Your own employees have said you overcharge people. Don't really care what your response will be because it's all crap anyway. Just my way of telling you to take your attitude and prices and shove them up your ass with your head. Piss off.

Mary G.
Mary G.
Aug 9, 2021
I didn't hure them because they took 30 minutes explaining to me why they would have to replace my entire shower rather than fix the issue with a broken handle. They didn't even come look at it

Candace T.
Candace T.
Jun 11, 2013
I called in last night at 8:20 because I had water backing up into my basement. The technician, Jon, was at my house within 30 minutes. He was very nice and while obviously there was paperwork involved, I don't feel like it was too much. He explained to us exactly what he was going to do, what the charge was going to be and once we agreed he started the work. Turns out that the big tree that I love so much in my front yard is growing through the mainline of our plumbing. He was able to remove several large knots of roots out of the pipes and told us that eventually we would have to replace the pipe or at least that section. He was NOT pushy in trying to sell us that service. He let us know what that would cost and told us when we were ready to let them know. He was a great technician, I really appreciated the way he handled the situation. The pricing was also very reasonable. I would definitely use Tiger again and recommend them to anyone I knew who was having an issue.

Melanie A.
Melanie A.
Jul 10, 2017
Professional, knowledgeable and polite, but VERY expensive. He came out on time, wore covers on his shoes, didn't have a ladder (said he hasn't needed it for many jobs so took it out....needed it here...oops), did a great job explaining things, but the price was prohibitively expensive. The service call was $189, so because we didn't use them, we were out that fee.

Christine K.
Christine K.
Jan 4, 2019
Not to be trusted. A hard sell on a sewer line replacement, twice as much as other plumbers.

J.L. H.
J.L. H.
Apr 9, 2022
We were never their customers by choice; we had a yearly service package with another company that closed and that company transferred (I'm guessing sold) their customers to Tiger.

So, we had them come out to do our yearly HVAC service. What used to take 45 minutes took, I am not joking, over two hours. Most of that time was them trying to hard sell us products at ASTRONOMICAL prices. The poor, kind, patient technician had to sit there and hold an iPad for us to look at while a salesman on the tech's speakerphone talked (and one of was furiously searching on our phone to see how much these things really cost - the markup was mind--blowing). I telecommute so I was at work and this kind of time out of my day comes at a significant cost to me but this guy didn't care; his technician was in our home so we were therefore obligated to sit through the whole thing. All I kept thinking was, you've completed the service: please, please leave.

Afterwards, the salesman texted me **daily** continuing to try to sell me products (not taking my non-responses as a gentle hint) until I finally told him straight-up that I wasn't interested.

Watch out for their Tiger Club - look at the fine print. Note that once you join, they don't make it easy to quit.

In my world, a company's ethics are as important as their service. This company misses the mark in that category.

[And spare everyone of the company response indicating you can't find anything in your records that looks like my account/experience. People don't get on Yelp and make up detailed stories about companies for no reason. You're better off just not responding.]

Rachel S.
Rachel S.
Jan 28, 2017
This is the worst company I have ever dealt with in my life. The incident happened 2 years ago at this point, but I am still so enraged that I wanted to write a review. They almost blew up my house. They are the most irresponsible, sexist, disrespectful, dishonest, and abhorrent company. Hire literally ANYONE else than this company.

We had just purchased our home and needed a gas line installed so we could use our new gas stove when our appliances were to arrive the next day. I called tiger because I see their trucks everywhere and they had decent reviews with the BBB. HUGE mistake. We already had gas in our house and our basement was unfinished so all they had to do was run a short gas line a few feet to where our stove would be placed. They quoted me a price 5x what anyone else would charge($850) but being a new home owner and being in a rush I agreed to the price without knowing any better. They used the cheapest materials out there and were extremely rude to me.

Fast forward a day and we were getting ready to leave for a week long vacation. We rarely go down to our basement, but I just had a feeling that I should. So I went down there and thought I smelled something. When my fiancé and I came back upstairs we felt sick. We were concerned that there was a gas leak. My fiancé went back down to turn the gas off quickly and we called Ameren. We were instructed to get in our car, not close any door or even hang up the phone to avoid possibly igniting the gas, and drive down the street. Meanwhile all out of neighbor's and the DAYCARE across the street were in danger as we hoped our house didn't explode. Ameren arrived quickly and found a massive gas leak. The Ameren technician said there must have been no way that Tiger ever checked for leaks (like they told us they did) as the leak was massive from them not screwing something together correctly. He said had we not caught the leak before we left town there likely would have been a catastrophe.

When I called tiger first thing the next day all they said was that well your house didn't blow up and the leak was fixed to there was no problem. The manager I spoke to was more concerned about what my fiancé thought about it than me. Apparently with this company women have no rights. I wish I had recorded the conversation because I have never in my life spoken with someone as sexist and disrespectful as this company. People would be shocked with how the manager spoke to me.

After multiple phone calls and threatening a horrible review with the BBB I was refunded part of my money ($550 of the $850 I was charged initially) I then spent way too much time pulling their fucking stickers off of every appliance in my house.

They only reason this company has a decent BBB rating is because they bribe people not to write bad reviews but shutting them up with refunds after mistreating them and screwing them over. After this was all over I began talking to people about Tiger and everyone I spoke to knew they were a horrible company that makes their money by screwing over little old ladies and people who don't know better.

I have made sure to tell everyone I meet to never use this company and I will do so until the day I die. This is an irresponsible, selfish, and dangerous company. Do NOT use them if you would like to keep your house and family safe.

Kathy D.
Kathy D.
Feb 21, 2020
Originally given a price of $300+ for an electrical repair, which I paid in advance. When they returned to do the work, I was told more repairs were needed and price jumped to $900+. I asked that they return my check, which they did. Repairs were completed by another company for $202 and everything works great.

James O.
James O.
Jun 27, 2019
tiger plumbing heating air conditioning in collinsville is a company to stay away from. first the price they charge is double or triple from other contractors. they sell a service contract for $39 per month. its not worth it. my last service was on my kohler generator which i paid over $5000 to install. last night when my power went out my generator came on but no lights. guest what, they forgot to turn the circuit breaker back on. i called my new service contractor, john at jet electric he came over and fixed in 5 minutes. if you want a good service contractor call jet electric. reasonable and reliable and good. tiger i am very disappointed in your company.

Jeneen B.
Jeneen B.
Jun 14, 2016
If I could give zero stars for this pathetic company I would. I received no service. They deserve a zero. They told me they would come out and repair my air conditioner yesterday June 13. I called around 8 AM, and was given a time between 3 and 5 PM that day. If they were unable to service me that day, the considerate thing would have been to say we are too busy today. At 4:26 PM I received a call from a dispatcher saying that they were running a little late, and now it would be after 5 PM. They would call when a truck was on the way. I waited till 6:15 PM and called them. Now I was told we are running very late. I was told they would still come out that day. Not only did they not come, but there was no message or any kind of attempt to practice good customer service. No message from them the next day either. I did not call them because i did not want to get my blood pressure any higher.. If you are unfortunate enough to be on their list late in the day, and they can't make it, their attitude is we really don't care! If they did care, they would have called. There are plenty of good air conditioning companies out there. BEWARE of this one! After reading all the negative reviews, I think I am lucky that I did not receive their service!

Anna W.
Anna W.
Mar 25, 2021
Research this company, the BBB is currently cautioning against using them because they have a history of pitching the worst case scenario to sell you on a financing plan for stuff you don't need. Tiger should switch their animal mascot to represent the loan sharks they truly are.

I honestly wish I could give this company 0 stars because Tiger is genuinely a scam. We had a tech come out to evaluate a leaking faucet, and somehow were convinced that on top of the faucet we needed a hot water heater, and a water softener, and our pipes replaced (which they didn't even look at). Our leaky faucet problem within 30min turned into $12k of work. Their salesman on the phone convinced us he we looking out for us and selling us on the cheaper option instead of the $30k one. Luckily after they left, and before they started any work I talked to a few people who warned me against this company's shady actions. I quickly called another company for a second opinion and was quoted $2500 for the faucet and water heater, which the plumber informed me the water heater was not even necessary right away. I also found out through this company my house does not have a spot to put the water softener I was sold on, and my bathroom would have been torn apart, something tiger did NOT mention.
After realizing I had been scammed for $12k, I called tiger and informed them I would be canceling the work that I was going to have done. No issue canceling, quick call. Shortly after I received a call from a blocked number, and it was tiger informing me they had already taken the material for my project (which wasn't even happening that day) off their shelf, and were ready to work. When I told them I was still canceling their tune changed to they ordered material from vendors, and would be charging me a $400 restocking fee. As someone who works in supply chain for a living that is not how this works.
Overall this company is just a bunch of EXTREMELY pushy salesmen who spend their days scamming people for every cent they can! BEWARE and never use this company!!

Henry D.
Henry D.
Jul 24, 2014
Big thanks to Team Tiger! I was a customer of Tiger before moving out of state, had an AC issue and was skeptical of the estimate, called up my old tech and he walked me through and pointed out some items and gave me some questions to ask the next company, ended up saving me a few hundred $. Thanks guys, you didn't have to do that, but you did.

Shari T.
Shari T.
Jul 27, 2022
Tiger came out and quoted my Mom 7000 to 8500 bucks to fix an electrical problem I. our home. Tried scaring my Mom telling her house may burn down. After telling her I only heard bad things about Tiger she called another company they came out fixed the problem for 300 dollars. This company is awful and preys on the elderly

Maggie C.
Maggie C.
Jun 10, 2019
I wish I had NEVER purchased their plan for electrical, plumbing, and HVAC! This is the 3rd time that I have had to call them for minor issues that I got quotes of close to $1,000 and one was over $34,000 for a $50 fix!!
I had them come out to my home about a week ago due to a high water bill and the water company suggested that I may have a water leak somewhere in my home. So I called Tiger to come and investigate. What they found was 2 water shut off valves in my newly remodeled bathroom that were leaking. I was told it was due to corrosion from the hot water tank and it was popping the shut off valves. The quote they gave me was $740. I should not have been shocked about the price from this company since they overly inflate all estimates. They told me they would have to weld the new shut off valves to keep it from happening again. I was not going to pay such an extreme amount for such a small issue. I called a local plumber and he had it fixed and welded for under $75. That included 2 new shut off valves and a warranty.
I wish I could get out of my contract with these thieves! Seriously, $740 for 2 very simple shut off valves!

Brook P.
Brook P.
Jun 25, 2023
I really wish I would never had gone with this company. They quoted me work that they said they could do no problem. Made me pay in full upfront. The next day they came 4 hours before their scheduled time and only my mother was home who was only days out from a total hip replacement. First, the tech didn't even know what he was supposed to do even though I already paid for said services. My mother had to remember everything needing done. Secondly, the original tech said all items on my list could be done no problem. The guy who actually came to do the work said they don't move boxes and that I would have to hire a carpenter. Okay, that's fine. However, I was charged the work for them to move the 2 boxes. They charged $1,100 for the whole house diagnostic to find it was a defective gfci. That's fine, too. But then I was charged an additional $1,400 to replace a single pendant light fixture with another single pendant light fixture since they didn't move the 2 boxes? How is changing a light fixture that much? They made my mother sign off on the work completed even though she wasn't the one who hired them. I have tried calling multiple times and asked for an itemized invoice. I wanted to see how much they charged me to not move my electrical boxes. I only got an invoice showing quantity 1..but no price. How is that even legal? I only wanted a fair refund for the work not completed. I accept the other outrageous fees as my fault for not doing due diligence in my research of this company before hiring them. However, I should be entitled to a refund for work not completed. Even if it is only $100 or less, it is the principle. At least I saved my stepdaughter from hiring them.

Ashlynn M.
Ashlynn M.
Feb 15, 2021
Absolutely worst company iv ever had to deal with!! Canceled our appointment without telling us then tried to call and say we called and canceled. Then when I asked to ask to speak to a supervisor they never called. Money hungry worthless company!!

Terry Y.
Terry Y.
Mar 25, 2015
The work performed was good but what a mess they left! Torn up yard, landscaping - stones and rocks thrown in the yard and plants destroyed, drywall, and drop ceiling ripped apart without a simple attempt to repair, replace, or even clean up the mess THEY created.

Ravi P.
Ravi P.
Mar 17, 2022
Our water heater went out, so my wife called Tiger plumbing, who had installed our previous water heater. When they got to our house, they told us, our water heater was broken, and not up to code. They tried to sell my wife a water heater, with a ionizer, and some sort of filtration system that was going to cost $8000. We told them that we didn't want that option and wanted a lower end option, they quoted us $4-5k and told us they would call us back. They never contacted us. We contacted tri city plumbing and they came over looked at our water heater and solved our issue without having to replace anything. Don't go with these guys, they try to take advantage of you, I implore you to go with literally anyone else.

Chanelle B.
Chanelle B.
Dec 29, 2021
Our basement flooded over the weekend due to man unknown plumbing issue. Tiger plumbing came out to assess the following Monday and ran a line to the sewer. I was told there was a clog in the sewer line and they were unable to get it unclogged. They said it looked like a compromised line and it would require them to dig up my driveway/street to repair, and it would cost $12,000. A few people told me after they came that I need to be weary of this company so I decided to get a second opinion. A locate plumber came out and found there was no more clog in the drain and that the previous company had apparently fixed it. I have had no more issues at all! Tiger plumbing was going to charge us $12,000 for a problem that had already been resolved. I would never use this company again!

Amy H.
Amy H.
Jun 1, 2022
They send people out to scope out the project then you have to wait for that persons boss to call you and set yet another appointment to get any work done. It's been a week and my hot tub still isn't working. Just needs the breaker changed out, guess I'm going to learn how to change a breaker myself.

Scott R.
Scott R.
Dec 18, 2015
Read all 1 star ratings from both locations very carefully prior to calling this company. My wife and 1 year old little girl came home last evening to a house that was 50 degrees and a furnace that would not turn on. I was not going to be home for a couple hours so I asked my wife to find a company with a good rating to come take a look. I was home by the time they made it out and two very nice but misguided young men took a look at the furnace. I watched the entire time and we all quickly came to the same conclusion that the inducer motor was not working properly. They asked if we could sit down at the kitchen table and go over the options, the hard sell begins.

To fix the problem, $1200 but he can save me money if I start a service plan with them, it only took 20 minutes to go through all the plans. When I question it he proceeds to slide an iPad over to me with a worksheet on it to fill out that will show me how it will be more cost effective to replace an entire 5 year old furnace with a new one. For how much; we will never know because I said to him my wife and 1 year old daughter are wearing coats and hats in our house right now, I don't want to learn about service plans or new furnaces I want to get this fixed so they can go to bed Now he says well maybe we can just replace the motor, let us go out to the truck and see if we have one This is code for lets regroup because this guy is onto us. He can get me a 1200 quote with his iPad in the time it takes to walk to up the stairs but has to check the truck for parts?

They come back in a few minutes later, they do not have a matching inducer motor and I was not expecting them to have one, but I did expect to get a quote on what it would cost to just replace the motor. No, he is unable to quote that, even though he could quote the $1200 to replace the inducer motor and everything behind it? He says it will save me a couple hundred, to I took that to mean $1000 to replace an inducer motor, the same one I can order online for $150. I paid the $98 service fee and asked that someone call me in the morning with a quote and timeline for the part.

After setting up a room with electric heaters for my wife and baby I set out to pull the inducer motor myself, 4 screws and 2 minutes later I had it on my work bench. I could see that it would rotate about half a turn when the furnace tried to kick on so I hoped I could see why. Turns out it was just some gunk in the motor, an air compressor and some 3 in 1 oil, 30 minutes later the furnace was up and running. Notice it took one small paragraph to tell you how I fixed it but 4 to tell you how they were going to fix it.

No i don't want to talk about it Tiger, I don't want a call back or some lie about how you do what's best and the customer has the choice when the only choice you give them is the most expensive option. I don't even want my service call fee back thought I think i deserve it. I just want everyone to know your MO 2 guys to do a one man job, one to do the work and the other to try and fleece you.

They also blocked me on their FB page after they replied so I was unable to rebut, I was able to work around that.

Krista D.
Krista D.
Feb 8, 2014
If I could I would give this company 0 stars. The igniter in our furnace went out on a Saturday afternoon. A Tiger employee did arrive within a couple of hours so that's a plus. However, they wanted to charge us $865 dollars for a $30 part. Luckily my father was able to get a part on Sunday and come and fix the furnace. Needless, to say I refused their service and went a night without heat. I can't believe they can get away with that!!! It angers me because I am sure there are some people who would be forced to pay the price. NEVER CALL THIS COMPANY!!!!!!!!

Terry F.
Terry F.
Jun 3, 2020
I'm not going to give these people a star they come in here charge $9,500 was there 8 hours said we'd be back to fix your yard in March and now it is June yard still not done I guess I have to give him one star to posted subtract it when you read it

Amy M.
Amy M.
Dec 1, 2022
We had Tiger come out to give an estimate, they quoted us a $1,000 to replace a 1/2in valve. When we asked for their hourly rate , they said they don't have one. They then went on to tell us how we won't work well together, that they are a 'Professional Outfit' and we just want a cheap handyman.

Rise M.
Rise M.
Oct 30, 2017
Wanted $750 to replace kitchen faucet.. $12,000 to rewire our house... that later found out wasn't needed by certified electrician... after took 4 hours to replace light switch in bathroom .. put wrong one in and had to go get the correct one. Never use them!!!!

Evan M.
Evan M.
Jan 23, 2018
Please if you are considering using Tiger please have a second quote done. Multiple people I have talked to have said the same thing that they are very overpriced. Here's my story...

My neighbor had a leak in her waterline from the main (in my yard) to her house. By law there is a public easement that I have no grounds to keep them from repairing that line on my property, nor was that my desire. I did however, want to have proof of insurance for the company, notice of where the easement began, and a copy of any permits that were acquired before working on my property. After a few days of work in my neighbors yard they came to the conclusion the leak was under or near the driveway. I'm not sure if this was my neighbor's idea or Tiger's but they wanted to run a new line running the length of my yard and down the back of the yard and they planned to start this work the following morning at 9:00 am! I was not ok with this scheduled work, called Tiger and told them this was not in their legal right and to provide me with the easement, proof of insurance, and permits before any further work was to be started. By running a new line they legally would need to have a new easement that would need to be filed and would add additional liability to me.

Flat out had they done that they would have been breaking the law. Also, at this point they had done work on my property and not given me the documents I requested. I called and spoke with Ryan who said Josh would get those documents to me. I come home from work and still no documents after further work had been done on my property. I talk to my neighbor how I was very unsatisfied with the professionalism of Tiger. She gave me a copy of their insurance and the contract she signed. After looking it over it puts all liability on her and none on Tiger if my property were to have been damaged. I sincerely feel that they took advantage of an older woman. I called Tiger to follow up on the proof of easement and to talk to Josh who had my cell phone number and was supposed to notify me and get me the documents requested.

They don't line item your quote and when you read their terms and conditions they really limit themselves to anything that can go wrong when they screw up. Lastly, they told my neighbor they would clean up when they were done. I understand it's January and they need to let the ground where work was done settle but they left our driveway incredibly muddy. I called to find out when they would be back out to clean that off and they said Tracy (SP?) would give me call. 4 days (2 business days) later I have not heard from them.

Annie K.
Annie K.
Jun 3, 2016
Message to owner:

Just seeing your response now and absolutely incorrect. We did use your services, it was terrible and NO, you refused to work with my insurance company. I work in insurance for many years and I understand how the process works. Your response is inaccurate and a lie. We are in St. Louis city and yes, you attempted to provide services but could not follow through as no calls were returned and we were unable to make contact with a living soul. Please do yourself a favor and respond with accurate information as it continues to make your business look terrible.

Rusty S.
Rusty S.
Aug 20, 2021
After all my reviews, you would think they would get a clue. 1 month ago, THEY scheduled my yearly maintenance. Today, the Schedule time, THEY call me at 8:30am and told me that they would have to reschedule. 1.5hrs BEFORE!!! I told them not acceptable. I got a call from a supervisor who, basically told me, that it was either today or next Monday. I explained my past experience with Tiger and I am 1 step short of having them come take my stuff out and give me my original A/C back. I then told them that I wanted a refund on my 5 year free maintenance. She called me back and offers me $1000 (+-) or 5 years of filters and UV bulbs. I took the filter/bulbs and told them that I am DONE WITH THEM!!! RUN FROM THIS COMPANY!!!!!! THEY ATE WORTHLESS AND POS'S!!!! You have been warned!!!! NEVER AGAIN DO I WANT TO HEAR Tiger unless it's on NGO

Jamie L.
Jamie L.
May 21, 2013
Can I give zero stars? Wish I had read the other reviews before having work done by these guys. Stay away indeed! Like the other review, they focused on paperwork more than customer service and tried to sell me monthly plans than get down to business. I needed my A/C fixed and knew what part needed replacing but didn't realize it would cost me hundreds to get it fixed. Part only cost $40. Not to mention they charge by the job not by the hour. Job was very easy, a few screws and plugging in wires and it was done. Don't bother giving these guys your business, forget it!

Eric B.
Eric B.
Jul 18, 2017
They commented on my original review way too late after offering an opportunity it's to rectify the situation....here is my latest update:

You still suck. The Spangler company resolved my issues at a reasonable price and appeared significantly more knowledgeable. I will call them any day before I ever call you again. You had ample time to come up with a reasonable action to correct my issue and basically told me you refused to do business with me. I advise anyone reading this to call the Spangler company in O'Fallon IL before calling you.

Mark W.
Mark W.
Apr 6, 2015
As with everyone else, they came out to rune a 49.00 dollar diagnostic test on my water heater. They guy did not even check my pilot light. He placed his hand on the blower and said its warm its shot. Then went on to tell me I need a new water just on the fact that it was old. I told him but it is working. He said yes but COULD go out in three years so I should spend five grand to fix it. He was clueless about the water I had. Again my story is similar to everyone else's on here. What a useless company. I will report to BBB in am.

Anthony M.
Anthony M.
Dec 29, 2014
This company is crap, point blank. They will screw you any way they can. There's a reason they have to put trust in their name, because it's obvious. No one in their right mind would trust a tiger. These people are scum.

To start, we called mt. everest cooling and got these worthless HAC's the reason i say that is because when the guy stated his title he forgot to mention ventilation. First of all I don't like being lied to, and there were a total of 3 lies while this joe blow was in our home. The first lie was that the company had no BBB complaints. It has 4. The second lie was the price of the ignitor for our furnace, which he quoted at 900 dollars, said it was very exspensive, and extremely hard to get a hold of. Funny, i googled it, it's 40 dollars, and the easiest part to replace on a furnace. He then blamed the economy, inflation, and the prices of copper and metal going up. Are you kidding me ? The 3rd lie was that I would find no complaints or bad ratings online, funny how their website which they control has only good reviews, but YELP which they don't control has all bad reviews. Something fishy is going on there. Before the HAC quoted us the price he specifically said each part was hand picked so we would get the best quality. That statement is ridiculous, manufacturers of parts have standards in which they follow, as if one part made by the same company would be different from another. He then couldn't write down the part name so i could compare prices because that would cost me a whopping 100 dollars to set pen to paper. Also after he got done taking everything apart, he didn't put it back together. He quickly went upstairs to gab about the prices, and then pulled out a sheet of paper, which suprisingly he could write on without charging us. Funny how that works. But of course this piece of paper was telling us how long our furnace would last and how much it would cost us in the long run through tiger. He then stated how they don't charge by the hour as if that's a plus or something. Honestly and experienced HVAC would be able to replace the ignitor in less than 20 minutes. After all this at an attempt at a sale mr. joe blow, which was super experienced and had an extremely large ego told us he'd send out a specialist to talk to us about installing a furnace, the minimum they'd charge was 5,000 dollars. Their best furnace was 15,000. Yep that's inflation for you.

To be honest if you went with an HVAC company that does charge by the hour it would still be cheaper than these people.

EDIT: The numbers aren't an exaggeration. I just bought the part i needed on ebay for 30 dollars. Even with spending 140 on space heaters, 30 on the part, and a minor hike in my electric bill for a week. It still wont come close to 900.

Eric J.
Eric J.
Apr 27, 2022
I've had a really mixed time with Tiger. First and foremost they are so expensive. Two, they made it complicated in order to make it pricier. They are fast and reliable but so so expensive

Bob C.
Bob C.
May 10, 2017
$9,000 water leak. Are you kidding me? We had an under ground water leak and needed help quick so we called Tiger. A man shows up and quotes me $9,000 to fix it and says I have to pay him before they start work. We negotiated for awhile and the price came down to about $6,000. Still ...way to much money.
The next day I called another plumber to come out and give me an estimate. He quoted me $750. Yes... $750. NOT $9,000.... He did the job and was gone in less than one day and gave me a one year warrantee.

TIGER was going to overcharge me $8,250. SHAME on you TIGER... SHAME on you.

Candice D.
Candice D.
May 10, 2023
If I could give Tiger a hundred stars, I would, as five just doesn't seem like enough. I needed a thermostat replaced, and their price quote was less than half of the first quote I got from a competitor! Not only did I save money, but working with the staff was a true pleasure. They honestly made me feel like I was their only customer. The service person was punctual, professional and pleasant. For heating and air needs, you need only make one call--TIGER!

Matthew M.
Matthew M.
Jun 3, 2015
Please please please research other companies before you use this one. They overcharge by so much I can't even believe it. I understand that their price includes a warranty, certified tech, etc., etc., etc., but I used another company last year after I learned what Tiger would charge me and I got the exact same service for a significantly smaller price. Just do some research and get a few prices before you take what they quote you at face value - they may not be the best choice for your family.

Chris O.
Chris O.
Mar 5, 2021
I had a frozen pipe, and the local individual I normally use would not come out for this. Was able to contact Tiger Plumbing, and they INSISTED I pay the $1002 before they scheduled me. No water, and of course, a ton of snow outside. They agreed to come out, then told me it would be the next day. When they came out, they took care of the problem, but advised me that I would require MORE work, like about $5000, and filled out a loan application. I am retired and receive ONE check per month, and told them I could not afford this. Then I advised them that water was leaking out onto my bathroom carpet, since they had not nailed the boards back or replaced the stuff in the bathroom. When they finally came back, I advised them again (I told them we were on a septic system) and they claimed the septic needed to be emptied. I told them my landlady takes care of this, and she had this done less than two years earlier. They then tried to get me to agree to let them do this, I told them they would have to speak with my landlady. I am currently ripping out my bathroom carpet, and the boards in my bathroom were just propped up against the finishing. My shower and bathroom sink water is coming out okay, however, trying to do dishes with a thin trickle of water is not successful. Washing machine is working fine. I advised my friends to NOT use them.
I get the feeling the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing, and looking at the review on the right, I see I am not the only one to see this.

Steven B.
Steven B.
Sep 1, 2018
Came out promptly on a Saturday which was appreciated. Did not appreciate the fact that they tried to sell me a water filtration system instead of fixing my leaking water softener. Told me they couldn't fix the softener, but they could replace it with a filtration system for $2400.00. I asked about just simply removing the softener (without a replacement) and they said it would be $2000. Alert!!! It's a fairly easy job to remove a water softener. Sent the Tech on his way, called another plumber, and it cost me $125.00 to remove the old softener. Tiger is a rip off company. Do not use them.

Kristopher H.
Kristopher H.
Sep 16, 2020
Ill keep this as short as i can, which isn't short given the multitude of screw ups on Tigers part. Overall the turn time was good and setting the appointment was easy, however the experience left ALOT to be desired. The initial person who took my call did not properly record the issue as described resulting in the first tech being unprepared to resolve the issue and a subsequent visit from an advisor. The advisor drew up several service offerings and made a few recommendations for upgrades and enhancements to our existing system, including pointing out a possible safety issue. As part of that she made mention that they would have to remove a small portion of dry wall in the upstairs laundry closet to complete the flexible duct work which we agreed to. She scheduled the appointment for the work to be completed monday (it could have been done friday had the first call taker properly recorded the issue). The technician that showed up on monday was friendly enough however was unprepared to complete the work. Instead of a small hole in my laundry closet the duct work resulted in a hole in my kitchen ceiling spanning half the width of the kitchen, way more intrusive than what the advisor had set us up for. The technician also asked for my assistance multiple times, including to help pull duct work, which if im paying for a service, why do i have to help perform the service? The technician was also unprepared to clean up after himself as he needed to borrow my shop vac, paper towels, and cleaning spray. I guess his shop vac had been damaged on a previous job (again why am i paying you?). The technician also failed to perform all of the work that was paid for days in advance, more specifically they did not cap off the open flue from an old furnace which is a service that had been prepaid with the advisor. When asked about this the technician said he did not have the part, but if he came across one would drop it off. After realizing this tiger was called requesting a refund for the unperformed work, at which point we were told it could take up to a week for the supervisor to contact you to process that. Really? Your supervisors are too busy to ensure customer satisfaction in a timely manner, but you sure can come take someones money in less than 48 hours no problem.... I would not recommend them to anyone and definitely will not be using them again for anything. Attached is a picture of the small hole i was told would be left in my laundry closet. Please not that by laundry closet it ended up being kitchen ceiling, and by small hole, it was halfway across the kitchen.

Jr J.
Jr J.
Jan 15, 2016
I called them to replace my sump pump. You can buy a great sump pump for $200. This was a basic replace at my house. I'm willing to pay price for pump with an upcharge for the pump, and an hour labor charge = tops $500. I was willing to pay $500 for something I can buy for $200 and have it installed = $300 to install for 1 hour work.

He came with a trainee, 1 minute before window, window was between 9-11AM, they came 10:59, so they made it. Trainee had more personal skills than trainer.

They took about 5 minutes to look at job, punched some numbers into his IPad, showed me result of cost $1130. I said you're crazy, why so much? He said our sump pumps are better than those sold in big box stores (because they build different ones for big box stores)

I said no way would I pay $1130 for sump replacement. He was quite happy with that, left right away. (More people to screw on this list)

Soon I got an Email from Tiger asking me about my experience for the day. Told them the same thing I'm telling you here.

Soon after that, I got a phone call from Tiger...sorry you were not satisfied. We will do it for $850.

During this, the Tiger website allowed me to post negative my experience with Tiger, for about 5 minutes, then gone.

Sara S.
Sara S.
Jul 11, 2018
If I could give no stars to rate this company, I would. We called Tiger to get an estimate for repairing a wiring problem in our garage. The gentleman who has been our electrician for the past twenty years is recuperating from surgery and is going to be out of commission for awhile, so he suggested we call someone else for this job unless we wanted to wait until this fall. My husband found Tiger on Home Advisor and set up an appointment for them to come out and give us an estimate. Our regular electrician had come out prior to having surgery, told us what needed to be done and given us a high-end estimate of $500. for the repairs and said the total time to make the wiring repair would be a day at the most and we would be without household power for several hours.
After hearing Tiger's estimate, we've chosen to wait until our regular electrician has recuperated....
The representative from Tiger gave us a low-end estimate of $9800. and a high-end estimate of $11,000. He told us we would need to have our entire attic rewired and be grounded in case of a lightning strike during a storm because it was a fire hazard. Problems with this statement were: 1. Our regular electrician rewired the attic 15 years ago and our house has already been equipped with protection in case of a lightning strike. 2. The representative didn't even go into our attic, so how could he know it was a fire hazard? and 3. What does the attic wiring have to do with the garage? He also told us we needed to replace our electrical panel in the basement if we wanted to sell the house. When I said we had no plans to sell the house, he came back around to the fire hazard statement.
In regard to a time frame, we were told the job would take three days and we would be without power for an entire day during that time frame.
On top of what we felt were high pressure sales and scare tactics, we were told we really shouldn't consider any other companies because they often hire paroled convicted felons and Tiger refuses to do this (another scare tactic in my opinion). This statement made me very sad and angry. We have had parolees do work in our home and our property before and, obviously, we have not been murdered in our beds afterwards.
We told the representative we were going to get more estimates and if we chose Tiger, we would call.
After reading the other customer reviews on Yelp regarding the negative experiences, it is highly likely we will not.

Christine M.
Christine M.
May 25, 2017
I am giving 1 star for the initial contact of politeness and professionalism of the first 2 people I spoke to. After that it was a HUGE, OVERPRICED NIGHTMARE. We were given quotes to replace our condenser unit and furnace starting at around $20,000 to low bid of around $10,000. As we checked further quotes we found the job could be done for $5800 or less depending on systems. After speaking to a manager and getting no where my husband called, and it wasn't pretty. He was advised to speak to corporate who finally brought the tab to $6,000. That was minus any duct cleaning that they wanted to charge $1,800 for. We also where to have a new thermostat installed with the 2 systems, but they removed that from the package also. The tech that installed our units did let us know he had a thermostat on his truck he could install. Ten minutes and $350 later we had the thermostat installed. Oh, and my husband ran the serial number online, the unit cost $49. RIP OFF DOES NOT BEGIN TO DESCRIBE THIS. There web address Trust Tiger.com should be bend over.com.

Jeff W.
Jeff W.
Dec 20, 2015
Had a plumbing issue and Tiger was the ONLY company to pick up the phone when I called. The technician was friendly and clean cut (like their commercial said) repairs were done quickly and with no surprises. I loved the professional and upfront service I got and was surprised to hear of a 100% satisfaction guaranty, thanks Tiger!

Ken R.
Ken R.
Mar 28, 2017
Set up a hot water heater flush on line and received a follow up call and scheduled on Friday, March 17th in the afternoon between 2 and 4pm. The lady said they would call before they came.
Left work early to be home by 2pm and they NEVER showed up, NEVER called and NEVER followed up.
Not very professional at all !!!

Andy T.
Andy T.
May 7, 2014
This company used to be Mt. Everest Heating and Cooling. They are now just Tiger. Stay away from them! The attempted to pull a scam on me. My central air unit at my house stopped putting out cold air so I called Tiger. The serviceman came out and told me that the unit was not only hopelessly broken, but badly out of date. It would be impossible for him to even get parts for it. I was then given a hard sell on a whole new air conditioner to the tune of several thousand dollars. I thanked them for their time and they went away. To make a long story short, the 'broken' unit was eventually looked at by a second company, and it turned out that all Tiger had done was pull out some wires and try to then sell me a new unit. All it needed was a new air filter, which the second company replaced and now it works fine. This is, it turns out, a classic scam. All you need to know about Tiger is that their employee did this and looked at me with a straight face and LIED to me. I am not only leaving bad reviews for this company every website I can think of, but reporting them to the BBB. This company should be ashamed of itself-their behavior is disgusting. If I could leave a zero star rating I would. Do not do business with these people.

Deb P.
Deb P.
Feb 13, 2019
I would like to know how Tiger removes my reviews? I had terrible service from them and posted regularly for the over priced work and how terrible they were. They had my house tore apart for the whole year! Then I ended up having to get a real plumber after that fiasco to fix the leaking toilet! The original problem. Didn't even get fixed and the old pipes were supposed to get replaced but they were. I went on and on in details on how they didn't know what the person before was doing and took 4 times to get the tub replaced. They had to come back to redo the water heater pipes before the village would turn the water on since not up to code! Everything they did they guessed at! I had to tell the guy to remove the platform by the toilet like was done twice when it leaked or he would t have done that! I thought they couldn't pay to remove reviews!?? Something happened to mine but save yourself use another real plumbing company! I am in your systems and sure Todd you have been at my house or on the phone with me during the process hearing my complaints! Also the process took months with two bathrooms and my kitchen tire up most of that time. Pipes that were supposed to be replaced weren't. I had to call everyday and see where the repairmen were to be told I wasn't on the schedule that week!

Brian B.
Brian B.
Mar 27, 2021
UPDATE: After posting this review, I received a phone call from Tiger and had a very long conversation about the service and they did make it right with me. I believe this sort of thing will not happen again from them and it's all a learning experience. Every business can fail at times but the good ones learn from them and make it right.

I have a friend who had Tiger out to clear a drain at his daughter's house and they had a special rate of $75 to do the clearing and put the camera down to make sure everything is ok. He said the technician did a great job.
I have several rental properties and called to see what the price would be for them. $99 is what the customer service rep said on the phone. I had one property that had a clogged sewer drain so I made the appointment. The technician showed up and started to put the drain auger in the cleanout in the basement. He couldn't get it to make the bend in the pipe. He told me that he has only worked for the company for 3 weeks and really only wanted to do the HVAC side of the business and not the drain cleaning side. He did try hard but broke the auger bit in doing so. So they sent a new technician out the next day to do the same thing.
This technician was upset with the price being $99 and told me that the $99 was only for him to come out and TELL me if he could do the cleaning and it would be several hundred dollars for him to actually clear it. I said that is not what your customer service rep said nor what the technician the previous day said. After about 45 minutes of back and forth and calling the office, he agreed to do what the company said they would do. He took the camera down to the basement and put it down the drain to see the clog. While doing this, he tells me that he can sometimes clear the drain with just the camera. I'm thinking probably not but lets see. Sure enough he does get the camera to punch a hole through the clog and the water starts to flow. We can now see what is in the drain. There are some tree roots and a clog of what looks like toilet paper. There's also a Hot Wheels car stuck in the TP. He also tells me that the pipe is made out of a product called Orangeburg which was used around the second World War when this house was built and there are issues with this product. It can be brittle so he doesn't feel like he can do the auger because it might break the pipe. Mind you, I had a different company 2 years ago clear this pipe with an auger and I had done it myself about a month before this with an auger. Obviously, I didn't do a great job.
He does try to push the clog down the pipe with the camera but it really doesn't do much. They have pics of this in my file. He then says that's pretty much all he can do and he's done. Ok??
The next week my tenant tells me the drain is clogged again. I call them up and explain the situation and they schedule an appointment. An hour before they are scheduled to show up, the manager calls me and tells me that because of the issues they had, they will not auger the drain out but can jet it out for $1900. That's not going to happen. I can't afford that.
I now call Rotorooter and have them come out. Their technician put the camera down the drain and said the pipe is actually concrete and that he can jet it out for $435. I agreed and he cleans the drain out and even checked the bathroom drain just to make sure it didn't have any issues for me. He also gave me a one year guarantee that if it is clogged again, they will come unclog it for free.
In the meantime, Tiger called me and offered to do a free water heater flush, AC and furnace check on any property I have. Of course I said ok and had them go to a different house that the mechanicals were older than at the previous house. The tech gets there before me and in in the process of looking at the furnace when I get to the basement. He shows me that there is a leak in the cold water supply line to the water heater and he can't do the flush because of that. I agree but am not sure if he couldn't do it or just didn't want to do it. He tells me that they can change the water heater out for $4300. They need to put a pipe liner in my chimney and a power vent to go with it. That's all included in the $4300.
He then tells me that the furnace is 20 some years old and is working ok but will need changed soon. No price given on that. I ask about the AC check and he tells me that since it's cold out, 50 degrees and raining, he can't really tell anything about the AC. His tools won't read the pressure in the lines or other stuff. I don't know if that is true or not but it doesn't seem true. I don't think he wanted to go out in the rain.
So buyer beware. If your not paying a lot of money to them, they will not stand behind their work or refund what you gave them.

Agnes M.
Agnes M.
Mar 24, 2023
Don't bother they lie on the phone and to your face that they will fix the problem. They took forever to get here and then told me they will get back to fix it and never heard from them since. I went to some else to get it fixed. What a waste!

Jaci S.
Jaci S.
Jul 15, 2022
They saved us in a pinch but charged us 12 grand for the job.
Two years after that, our waterproof basement flooded. Come to find out, the waste line coming out of the front of the house was not connected to the line going to the city that Tiger originally fixed. As the other company was fixing it, they explained they generally go behind Tiger Plumbing and clean up their messes because they only do half of the job or mess things up regularly.
A year after that, we got a sink hole in our backyard next to the house. The sump pump waste line was not hooked up to the Tiger Plumbing line either. Add in-they aren't legally allowed to do this BUT they didn't tell us it wasn't hooked up and essentially our waste water was coming into the soil right next to our home.

Here's the REAL kicker...they really get you on a high interest loan and get the payment low. But you end up paying on the loan itself for years. Plus, they don't inform you that loan you get to pay for the emergency plumbing work is essentially a lien against your home. So when you go to refinance or sell your house, you can't.

I would highly suggest to never use this company. There are other great local companies in the area. Do some research, it will pay off for you in a big way.

I wish I could give 0 stars.

Noella K.
Noella K.
Apr 12, 2015
We already belonged to the club for furnace and A/C where they come out twice a year and clean the unit and check it. When the technician came out and serviced the furnace, we signed up for the plumbing club as well, as we are above 70 years of age and repairs are not easy for us. After a few months I noticed our water bill creeping up a little, not a lot, by a few dollars more each month. At about the same time Tiger called and said that it was time for the plumber to come out and do whatever it is that they are supposed to do, check for leaks and drain the water heater. While the man was here I mentioned that the shower had a slow drip. He said they would have to tear out a wall and change everything over to copper pipe to stop the leak. (This home was built in the year 2000). I asked him how much it would be to install a new toilet that they would provide or procure. $400.00. Then I asked him how much it would be just to put new parts in the toilet tank to stop the slow leak. Same answer- $400.00, because they use the best parts. Then He told us that the leak may actually be between the water meter and the house. They may need to dig up the yard and if I don't sign up for it today it will be much more expensive later. By the time he got through he quoted more than $8,000.00 for fixing a leak in the shower, and a trickle in the toilet, possibly install a new toilet, digging up the yard and repairing a fictitious leak and installing a shut off for the water heater. I told him I had no idea that it would cost so much, and there is no way we are able to agree to that amount.

My pastor was a contractor for many years . I explained this all to him. He told us that all that needed to be done to stop the very slow leak in the shower was to pop off the covers on the faucet handles, use a screw driver to remove the parts, take them down to Ace and buy new washers. And as for the slow leak in the toilet, buy a new flapper. So-we did these things for under $20.00 and fixed the leaks.

We had called the city to come out and check if their meter was accurate because we were concerned that perhaps there really was a leak either before the meter, or between the meter and the house. The meter was fine. So then I called a home improvement company we trust. He found no leak anywhere outside the home. All the leaks are fixed, and we are cancelling membership in both clubs

And oh, BTW, the man from Tiger did not even drain the water heater like he said he came to do. So we have been paying month after month for nothing.

Dean W.
Dean W.
Apr 16, 2015
I would rather have a guy who smokes a little weed on the side install my unit and charge me the correct amount. than a PRO who up charges 300% Get real Todd.

Carolyn K.
Carolyn K.
Jul 14, 2023
Price gouging and predatory. We called them out to fix out water heater that wasn't working and they tried to tell us that our 3 year old water heater was completely inoperable and we needed to buy a new one.
Called out another plumber for a second opinion all it needed was a new pilot light, which this plumber realized was under factory warranty still so we got a replacement from the manufacturer for no charge. So instead of paying the $1000+ Tiger was going to charge us, we only owed this guy $60 and it was fixed the next day.

I'd never recommend Tiger to my worst enemy.

Vickie R.
Vickie R.
Jul 21, 2018
We are so angry with this companies business tactics. We called for bid on new heating and cooling system for 1,900 sq ft single story house. After taking two evenings of our time evaluating the home, we sat down with the technician to receive the quote. Started off with major sales pitch, first quote was $43,000 to replace furnace. When my husband told him this was an absolutely ridiculously high price he came down to $28,000. Still absurdly high. Then asked us what would you pay? What?? It's negotiable like a used car lot? He then came down to $15,000 for a lesser efficient system. His non verbals exhibited his irritation with us for not immediately purchasing. Furnace system not a well known brand to us. We were so done at this moment. No trust in someone trying to overcharge up front. We received a bid from reputable installer and it was much less than $10,000. We will NEVER use this company again.

Jon S.
Jon S.
Jul 11, 2017
Really no stars! Very aggressive up selling! Wouldn't give me a quote for what I originally asked for and they were really expensive on the quotes I didn't even ask for!

J M.
J M.
Jun 13, 2019
Where to start... So for small jobs and inspections I think this company is great. But for larger projects there are some serious communication issues between the service rep that comes out for the initial inspection/pricing/contract signing and the technicians that show up to complete the job. This has caused multiple headaches and them having to come back to our house multiple times to properly complete the job. The current job that was just wrapped up yesterday (6/12/19) was originally started in September 2018 . . . Things we were told that would be done and that we were being quoted for were not completed as promised. Lack of detail (or really just finishing a job properly) is a huge issue. Upon completion of the work, I went into our crawl space to find it littered with the shoe covers that the technicians wear, Gatorade bottles, empty cans of pipe adhesive, as well as the old cast iron pipes that had not been removed. Of course these items were conveniently not shown in the pictures that they showed me of the completed work (which was shown to me after I was told to sign off on the work completed because they are unable to exit out of the contract to show the pictures). The mess that they left in the house was an issue as well. The toilets were put back on crooked and the bolts at the base of the toilet were left long and the caps for them were mysteriously missing. Also, they had to cut a hole in our laundry room floor to accommodate a new drain pipe for our washing machine, but left the old cast iron pipe in the wall open and didn't apply a seal around the pipe in the new hole.
Attention to detail and improved communication between the technicians/service reps/management would make a world of difference! Also, returning customer's calls would be a great place to start. It was embarrassing to have to get a third party involved before we were able to actually get this job completed and all issues resolved.
Long review short...use this company for inspections if need be, but take the big projects someplace else.

Stephanie L.
Stephanie L.
May 2, 2023
Went online for handyman to install kitchen sink and faucet, which we already have. Tiger called, came out to give us an estimate. OMG! $4,500 just to install a new replacement sink. Totally out of line for a job of this nature. Would be different if they had to put in all new lines, etc., but all that's required is taking out the old sink, putting new faucet on the new sink, drop it in the counter opening, connecting the pea trap and hot/cold lines. What a ripe off!

Joseph B.
Joseph B.
May 8, 2023
Requested a quote from Tiger for insultation of a new water heater, the guy tried to sell me a program for maintaining my HVAC and Water heater, I scheduled for a quote for the water heater and the technician was to come at noon, never showed, called and they told me between noon and 4PM, no one showed up and received a call he was running behind and it was 415PM, I spent all afternoon waiting. Cancelled the appointment out of frustration, highly unprofessional and disrespectful of my time!! Don't waist your time with these people!!

David H.
David H.
Nov 12, 2022
It has been a few years, but they charged me $800 to charge my A.C. and put stop leak in it. My brother and my daughter paid $200 for the same service from two different companies. When they called asking what they could do to make me change my review, I told them to send me a check for $400. That way they would only be twice as expensive as everyone else. Didn't happen. Never again

Albert W.
Albert W.
Mar 13, 2018
A few years ago I received 3 bids for a new heating and air conditioning system. This company and two others, that are union companies. Those two were within $500 of each other. This one was nearly double for the exact same thing. Just saying.

Laurie H.
Laurie H.
Jan 2, 2018
Be wary of trusting these guys. They installed a new thermostat and furnace check-up. Nearly $300 for an inspection and basic thermostat (no phone interface or anything). The tech then forced us to listen to a sales pitch for all their other services and devices, which we declined. This was all just before New Year's Day. As a side note, they couldn't let me pay by cc since the machine the tech carried wouldn't work. He didn't offer to call into the office or anything. We had to pay by check. Annoying but okay.

Then the problems began. The thermostat was being a bit buggy on NYE but worked. It seemed to be short-cycling. It would wait until it had cooled 4 or 5 degrees below the setting before it kicked on. We said, we'll call them on Jan. 2 to ask about this. THEN, on New Year's Day it quit working. It was (I'm not making this up) -11 in Springfield, IL, that day. My home was quickly cooling (61 in the house when I noticed the problem while my thermostat was set to 69). I called their number. The man who answered (clearly just a phone service) was unhelpful. He offered to send an emergency tech out for $99. I said that I just paid them to install this two days before! No, sorry or anything. Just said he couldn't do anything else but let me leave a voice message. We are sincerely panicked at this point.
We used our gas fireplace, piled on some blankets, and tried to stay warm.
Update: after about five-six hours and much time reading both the internet and the owner's manual, we decided to look at the installer settings which THE TECH whom we paid had set up. We found that he had clicked electric when we have a gas furnace (which he inspected and knew about). We found online that checking the wrong setting can make the furnace short-cycle. We changed that setting to gas. The thermostat worked perfectly afterwards.

The next morning, the company did call us. We told them what we found. No APOLOGY for their mistake or anything. Just I'll speak to the tech. We will never use these clowns again. Too expensive without the expertise or service to back that up.

Julia H.
Julia H.
Jul 18, 2023
Zero... part of the toilet flange broke off... I knew what the issue was but had medical issue and needed help. Sketchy guy came out and immediately I knew it was a mistake. Completely sexist thinking since I was a woman he could scam me. Immediately started in with whole oh house is old (10 years) need new toilet, blah, blah, blah then asked where water shut off was. Showed him where in basement, proceeds to say that it is plastic and will break, oh my more $$$. Then super creepy asked where my husband was. Lucky FOR HIM my spouse was 2 minutes away. He then tried to tell me new toilet was gonna be over a thousand dollars....

Well this girl ain't stupid... I told him nope new toilet $239 at Lowes and yes I know difference between round and elongated toilet...

Over $1,000 estimate... and I fixed after medical issue for $25...

Shame... tried to scam little old military spouse. Well he's the truth... NEVER EVER USE at his company SCAM

Karen N.
Karen N.
Jul 17, 2015
Called Tiger to come out because my tenants were experiencing a serious clog blocking both tub and toilet. I was thankful Tiger could come out that night!

The tech. Tom (mid 20's in age should have been my first clue he would be clueless about anything serious) called me to tell me he would first try to snake the tub to the drain $228, then if that didn't work he would need to snake the main drain $297...thinking wtf that seems high (since in St. Louis it costs $90 and Nolan a septic contractor in Edwardsville, IL only charged me $185 back in Oct. 2014) but, I was desperate so, I reluctantly let him proceed.

First he wasn't able to make the 90 deg. snake from the tub to the toilet. So, he moved onto snaking the main...to find nothing. He even snaked the roof vents and used a camera to scope. So, he says to me the cast iron pipes must be in really bad shape. Those old drain pipe are only meant to last 30 yrs... Really!!! The ones in my city properties are over 100 yrs old....hmmm what about cast iron radiators that have lasted over a 100 yrs, also???

Anyway He concluded my slab needed to torn up and all the drain lines replaced... quoting me close to $13,000. WOW???!!!!!!

1. why didn't he call his office to get some advise when not locating any issues?
2. why would he lie or just know that not being able to make that 90 obviously something was preventing him from making that 90!!!!
3. Maybe his snake was too big and he assumed that's why the snake would not do the 90 ( ill give him the benefit of the doubt since he is a man) so, dude, have a 1/4 snake on hand to use!!!!
4. Why would you even take a home owner down that road with out covering all the bases???

Seems to me he saw my desperation and knew I wanted to take care of my tenants... He decided he could make the company some money by scaring me! Thank god I have a cousin who is married to a local plumber. He warned to step away from Tiger Plumbing fast.

Oh and guess what! My tenants (both wonderful lovely ladies) didnt eve break a nail snaking the clog right out the next morning!

Run Forest Run!!!!

Susan A.
Susan A.
Aug 8, 2016
Service tech was very professional. We were pleased with the job. We had an issue with payment, but Todd wss very helpful. We have used Tiger in the past for new furnace and water heater, always pleased with the work

Joseph V.
Joseph V.
Jun 8, 2016
Had a plumber come out to install a new spicket and they quoted me $400 and stated that the labor involved would require that price. Stupid me I sucked it up and paid it. Now I know that parts couldn't be more than $50 so charging my $350 to do a 30 minute job is highway robbery. My wife lets the guy into the house and she heads to work 30 minutes later they call and tell us there is a problem and that its goin. To be another $600+ to fix. At this point I need the water problem fixed so I suck it up and pay it. Again no more than $100 in parts and that is me being generous and $500 labor for this and the guy is done in an hour.

Now let's talk about the AC. Had a guy from this company come in and check out a leak I had. The fox was a few thousand dollars for a new unit or over a grand to order a part from my manufacturer. Since I had a hole warranty I called the 2-10 people and they sent a different company out to look at it and all I needed was a plastics cap to cover a secondary hose connection near the drip pan. $75 bucks for the service and problem solved.

Plumber B.
Plumber B.
Jun 13, 2020
HIGH prices and subpar work is there reputation. BBB rating is bad. Beware of this company, when you call for a plumber they send an adviser in a car to upsell who isn't a licensed plumber.

S W.
S W.
Apr 13, 2018
We bought the membership program for plumbing, electrical and air conditioning. They would come out periodically to check, but it was only just an excuse to try to sell us new and unnecessary parts.

After calling to cancel the $35 per month charge, I was told I had to send a written request by email or regular mail, and it would take 30 days for it to be cancelled. Of course that means they get another payment out of me.

30 days? Sleezeb. Look at the reviews of this company both here and at BBB.


When we had the condenser fan stopped due to lightening in our air conditioning, we again had to listen to a selling speel before he would replace it. This was a unit that was less than 5 yrs old because it was still under warranty for the original installation.

High pressure sale. Greatly inflated prices

You came out once about our heater during your annual checkup in 2016. We were told there was a tiny gas leak which he fixed after first telling us all about the expensive systems that we should buy before fixing it. The heater is still working fine in 2018. Plus he looked at our air intake on the heating/cooling intake. Found a birds nest, but he said he was unable to get it out, they suggested punching a hold in the side wall for a new intake system. I went to hardware store, bought a snake, and cleaned it out myself

Take a look at the BBB reviews of this company.

David W.
David W.
Oct 20, 2022
Tiger Plumbing had a technician out within an hour after scheduling a service call. Technician Deshawn quickly diagnosed our water heater's problem and fixed it in lightning speed. He was also great about explaining what the issue was and gave us an easy to understand methodology on how to remedy this specific situation if it ever happens again. Thanks Deshawn and Tiger Plumbing. Would absolutely recommend both going forward!

Kathy S.
Kathy S.
Dec 20, 2019
They sold me their warranty plan and are in breach of contract for not doing any maintenance besides the initial ac maintenance. The customer service rep laughed at me and hung up.

Greg S.
Greg S.
Sep 15, 2015
Be very aware of the pricing before you get into anything. I had an A/C unit stop working on the Saturday before Labor Day. I did some research and knew it was either a contactor or capacitor in the outside unit, but knew I couldn't get parts until Tuesday, and didn't really want to tackle it anyway. I called Tiger on Sunday, expressing my reservations about a weekend service call, but was reassured by the dispatcher that Sunday was a regular day, and if I waited until Labor Day, there would be a holiday charge. The $99 service call fee (applied to the charges if they do the repair) seemed reasonable and in line with everyone else in the area, plus it was hot that weekend. The tech came out, and sure enough, replaced the capacitor and had the unit running in about 45 minutes or so. Then the fun started. The part he replaced was about $20 on Amazon. The amount he wanted to charge was about $530, flat rated with no breakdown on price. When he saw the look on my face, he immediately said he could waive the service call fee, leaving me with a bill of $430 - still a ridiculous amount for less than an hour's work. I paid the bill, but immediately know I was calling them back on Tuesday to straighten out the bill.

I called and we played phone tag for a few days before coming to an agreement that they would refund part of my money. In the course of the conversation, it became apparent they have a seriously flawed business model. Everything is flat rated, with no breakdown of charges available. I tried for 20 minutes, and still couldn't get the service manager to break it down for me. I even allowed him $100 for the part, just for the convenience of having it and hauling it around on the service van and asked him if $330 was a fair hourly charge. He had the nerve to tell me he thought that it was fair, then proceeded to tell me that if I was unhappy with the price, I could have had the tech take the part back off and only pay the $99 fee. I would have never thought that was an option. I told him if I charge customers that rate, I'll quickly be out of business - and I work for a much larger field service business than Tiger.

The tech was competent and professional, other than trying to push their service contract on me. But I reiterate - know the price before you let them get too deep into the job.

Shelli C.
Shelli C.
Mar 3, 2017
BEWARE! I have never dealt with a company that is so deceptive and cares so little about Customer Service. Last January after a pipe burst in my house I had a Plumber come out and they charged me $1000 dollars, which was crazy, but I didn't know what to expect. When the restoration company, who is owned by my in-laws, came out to the house they saw the Tiger Plumbing truck in front of my house and said, I hope you haven't paid them anything - they overcharge and take advantage of customers. By the time he said that I had paid and agreed to a 12 month Service Plan. That very same day I called back to cancel what I had signed and said I was upset and misunderstood the program.

The owner said I could not do that and I said, I just signed something an hour ago and I feel taken advantage of. The owner said , you will need to pay $106, which is the discount you received for the repair because you signed up for the service program. I said, That is fine, but I don't want to be charged for the Monthly Service Program. I never got a bill for the $106, but began getting charged for the monthly service program.

It was such an ordeal trying to cancel, I just gave up, but called in late December to ensure my member service program was cancelled. They said, No problem, you won't be billed any more. Since that call I have been charged for January 2017 and February 2017 and when I called back to voice my frustration, they were no help and told me my contract went through February even though the 12 month program started the 1st week of January 2016, so December should have been my last month of the service program. I told the member service employee that I expect to be refunded my $53 for the January and February service charges and she said the manager was out of town and she was not authorized to handle this, but promised someone would call me on Monday, February 27th. Guess What? THEY DIDN'T CALL BACK. Today I called again looking for the manager and of course he wasn't available. Let's see if he calls back. If he doesn't I will be reporting them to the Better Business Bureau.

Megan W.
Megan W.
Jan 23, 2023
We moved into a new house in May. Bought a washer and gas dryer. When the dryer was delivered. They stated they didn't want to hook up the dryer as they worried the line was seized (two very young installers). I called around to find someone who could check the gas line and found Tiger. They were there within the hour. This very friendly (very large) man comes out and tells us that the line is definitely seized, bends over to show us that it won't turn at all. He also tells us that our hot water heater is also shot. He told us he would prove it to us by flushing it, but then said the line was too corroded to flush it that's how bad you need to replace it To make a long story short. They quoted us $35k to replace the hot water heater with a commercial hot water heater and a guarantee that they would come running if every I had a problem and $2k to repair the gas line.

Being first time home owners I did what anyone would do, I called my mom. Who about fell out of her chair and now tells everyone this story. I walked back into the the garage to tell my husband we were sending them out and calling someone else. When I walked back in he was telling my husband not to worry it was only $150 a month. I interrupted and asked what the term was. He told me 30 years. I sent them out and called my father in-law who immediately laughed as I explained. He sent over a Plummer friend of his who was 1/3 of the size of the other man. He flipped the gas line on and proved there was nothing wrong with the hot water heater by flushing it. He did both of these tasks with complete ease and made it very clear that it was a scam. He easily turned both and said there was no reason to think there was an issue with either. He fully checked the gas line. We paid his bar tab as payment.... It was less than $20....

It was a very embarrassing moment for us as we actually considered making the purchase.

We feel as if the rug was pulled over our heads. Shame on you Tiger for encouraging this behavior.

Shame on you!

James M.
James M.
Mar 11, 2017
Tiger Heating and Air tried to scam my fiance into purchasing a whole new Air conditioner and furnace instead of replacing a AC capacitor while I was not home ($100 for a service call is they typical cost for this part). The quotes for the options they gave us ranged from $12k - $19k if we bought now. They also offered financing at a loan shark rate of 9.99% for 120 months. This all occurred July 22nd 2016 the reason I am writing this review now is as warmer weather approaches the likely hood is your AC system will need to be serviced and you should run as far as you can from this company as possible.

The Details :

Our A/C stopped working on one day in July, this same issue occurred a few years prior and the A/C needed a capacitor replaced. Assuming the same issue occurred I called Tiger and scheduled them at a time I could not be at the home as it should have been a simple fix. The repair guy comes out, tells my Fiance that the capacitor only started the unit one time and he tried to use a bigger capacitor just in case and it wouldn't work. His diagnosis was that the unit was shot and we would need a new one. He then proceeded to schedule a sales men immediately to come to our home who gave her the quote mentioned above. (12k-19k) She said we would think about it and figure out what we wanted to do. That night we went out and bought window units so we could get other quotes.

As we were sitting in our home with window units running I wanted to view the electrical load difference between the A/C Units and the Central Air. (we have a whole home energy monitor that measures each individual circuit energy use historical and real time) When I started to look at the central air electrical use pattern I noticed it only tried to start One time when the technician was at my home. I asked my fiance and called tiger to verify they tried to start the unit A/C unit multiple times. After being told yes and that it simply would not start I got very suspicious. See when the capacitor blew you could see a huge load of power on the unit, however when the technician was at my home it only showed a normal pattern nothing like when it blew , or even acting like the A/C was struggling.

After seeing that data I called another company and asked them to simply replace the capacitor nothing more nothing less. When the new technician showed up he noticed the capacitor was entirely missing from my A/C Unit. (seems odd why would tiger take a bad part if you cannot be fixed) Once the other company technician replaced my capacitor he noticed the line set was frosting over, and asked if I ever noticed that before which I had not. The observation from that technician was that freon was removed from the system due to how low it was and that it simply would not be able to run for more then 5 minutes without stopping. As I have energy monitoring data I checked and the unit would run for hours without an issue before tiger showed up. After they worked on it it would no longer. The technician from the other company had to put quite a bit of freon in it and checked for leaks which he found none.

After the unit ran for about a week after the capacitor and charge was put back into the system I called tiger telling them I would not pay a dime for their services. (I spoke with Josh F) explained my frustration as I feel they tried to scam a women, took my part, appeared to have removed freon from my system, then on top of it all had the nerve to give me quotes that were two times more then I could find from anyone else for a new system. I asked for Tiger to pay me back for the window units as their scammy practice cost me over $400 bucks (I said they could have the window units). Josh was a not very helpful at all, he said that i should return the window units from where I bought them, and they would pay me $200 for my inconvenience if I signed a document that said I wouldnt write a review.

Josh had his Secretary send me the NDA for lack of a better term and what would you know that got screwed up and they sent me another customers NDA. I looked that individuals number up in the phone book and reached out to them who had a very similar experience to the one I had. After talking to the other customer and, thinking about the implications of the shoddy, shady work and the very likely chance that I would have been stuck with a bill of north of $12,000 if i didnt just randomly think about my electricity usage. I decided it would be best if i shared my experience with the community so this pathetic company can stop taking advantage of customers.

TLDR; Called tiger to look at A/C quoted $12-19k when i was not home, fiance was, A/C unit actually fine need $100 part and some charge after suspicion tiger remove freon. Tiger wanted me to sign an NDA to get half of the money back for window units I had to purchase. I have proof from electrical monitoring solution I have installed in my home.

Blaine A.
Blaine A.
Aug 21, 2021
Called Tiger because of a busted pipe in my basement. Wanted $6k to dig up my backyard and replace the pipe. Unfortunately absolutely no one else ever returned my calls so I had to go with him. They took a couple days to replace the pipe (it was a big job) and they were late every day, usually by several hours. On time for lunch breaks though.

Came back home one day a few weeks later and raw sewage (the stench!) is coming up out my basement drain pipe.

Called them to look at it and they wanted ~$2k more do bust up the concrete on my basement floor and replace a (perfectly fine) pipe. My skepti-sense tingled and I analyzed all the photos of the work they did and realized they only connected 2 of the 3 pipes that go to the pipe they replaced. So my floor was jackhammered up again to get them to fix the overpriced job they didn't do right the first time and tried to charge me again to do work that didn't need to be done.

Would avoid at all costs.

EDIT: Never said house was anywhere near Chicago!

Debbie M.
Debbie M.
May 3, 2022
I'm not sure why the one star reviews, but Tiger Plumbing fixed our problem and were very concerned about their work the entire time they were here. I recommend this business for your plumbing needs!

Le W.
Le W.
May 31, 2021
They are in the business of selling products that have been marked up so high you'll need to finance. They do not want to repair anything you didn't purchase from them. Sell, Sell, Sell should be their motto. Do yourself a favor and stay away from this company and hire a service and repair company with integrity.

Kurt D.
Kurt D.
May 31, 2015
I agree on wanting to give zero stars if possible. My wife called them because they were very close and local. They did come promptly but the whole process seemed to take way too long. Was told that my motherboard/controlboard was out and maybe the transformer. Initially told the repair would be 'a thousand dollars' - which seemed extremely high since both parts in question could be bought on amazon for less than $200 total. We then waited while a ridiculous amount of paperwork was written up seemingly for the purpose of catastrophizing the repair in an attempt to sell a whole new system to us. When we actually looked at the quote for the repair the total was more than $1400?!?!? This was so preposterous in and of itself but then they tried to set up another 'two-hour' consultation the next day regarding a completely new system. When I called to cancel the silly appointment I had to ask 4-5 times to actually get them to cancel it. I will never call this company for anything again. The worst part is they charge $99 for the service visit which i wish i could ask for back but they did come to my house and they were actually correct that the motherboard and transformer were dead. I called a second highly rated company for a second opinion and got the repair done immediately for less than $400

Kim V.
Kim V.
Apr 2, 2021
Due to storm damage we had to have repair of our weather head in order for our utilities to be reconnected. I had called multiple companies who were too busy to get here or were honest and did not accept the job due to lack of experience with a rolled roof. I came upon Tiger in the yellow pages and they said they could send someone out immediately. I should have done more homework and have learned the lesson. I was warned by peers to be diligent and aware of sales tactics and price gauging when they learned Tiger was doing our work. When the sales person arrived I did not feel that. I expressed my concern about our roof. He called his supervisor to confirm they had experience and could do the job correctly. I was reassured this would not be an issue. That was the positive of my experience. After he left I noticed a Tiger sign in my yard. I was not asked if this was ok and seriously thought it was a little tacky but no huge bells going off yet. When the technicians arrived I spent close to an hour listening to them discuss the roof and was told they would need to go to the hardware store to get parts. Warning bell. 3 hours later the city came to connect the utilities and refused due to a cracked part in our outside meter. This was NOT found during the sales call inspection so you can make your own judgement on that one. I was then told they did not have the replacement part and it would take a week for them to get it. I had been displaced for 4 days at this point and am currently working from home so waiting another week for power was not an option for me. I told the technicians this. I was then informed they could come back the next day and replace the entire outside box and rewire to my circuit breaker board. When I asked if that was covered in my price the response was no that will be additional cost. At that time I told them to leave. My peers warnings had materialized. I then called another contact and within 20 minutes they were here with the very hard to get part and my power was back on within 15 minutes of replacement. I now have my roofing company coming out to inspect the work done on my roof as I have little confidence this was done correctly. My insurance company is covering these cost but I could have seriously done without this added aggravation this week.

Richard W.
Richard W.
Feb 26, 2021
Chris Robinson -Tiger Tech arrived on time with COVID mask and such. Very professional and courteous. Did the furnace inspection and replaced UV light bulb. Tiger Plumbing has been our go-to business for all our heating, AC, plumbing, and electrical needs for more than 10 years. Great Veteran-owned business, which means a lot to me as a retired Army Veteran. Definitely recommend.

Camille C.
Camille C.
Jul 20, 2022
I'm updating this largely due to the audacity of the response by the owner.
First, day 2, he was a year 2 apprentice with no supervision. Which is illegal in the state of Illinois.
Second, day 3, he sent a year 3 apprentice that told me he was a year 4, but I also believe he was only a year 2 because it specifically said SUPERVISION on the license. It had also been expired since April, which is also illegal.
Third, they know that they are only to contact me through the BBB, as per my voicemail message for Missy and email to Bob, in addition to the message sent out by the BBB.
This company is full of frauds. They also sent me a fake copy of our agreement that was, for one, unsigned, and for two, had MY name listed on all the forms. All of the work was done under my wife's name.
This company will take your money and run if you let them.

Just a PSA about our experience with Tiger Plumbing! Never, EVER use them! If I could give negative stars, I would! We went with them because our sewer line collapsed and needed the entire thing replaced immediately. They had great reviews on google, so I thought they would do a good job.
Unfortunately, we were duped. They quoted us $22k for digging up our driveway all the way into the road, and replacing our entire line. Yesterday, I noticed they were only stopping at the sidewalk. When I called the project manager, he basically said they weren't going to do that because it's too hard and expensive to get the permit. Well, that's what the $22k was suppose to go to!
Second, they broke our water meter and tried to fight the city on replacing it. At this time, I found out they had lied to me and I did not have a FULLY licensed plumber on our job, but an apprentice who wasn't working under anyone at all. This apprentice didn't know how to fix the line, and they couldn't get ahold of their actually licensed plumber, and they left me without water for over 24 hours.
They also broke the law and left a giant pile of gravel right in the middle of the road! I was up half the night stressed that someone might hit it and get injured.
When I tried to talk to them about the quality of their work, they doubled down and got aggressive. They're still trying to get us to pay the total amount for all their lies, failures, and an unfinished job. Now I'm sure I'm going to have issues with the the last 10% of the sewer line that they just didn't want to do.
Please learn from my mistakes. Do not pay this company a dime.

Cody M.
Cody M.
Sep 26, 2019
They did great work went above and beyond. They fixed the issue, and even fixed the issue from the previous plumber. And with them doing all their documentation I am able to move forward with a lawsuit due to it not being done correct. Jermaine and Jeremy and Allen were awesome.

Jeanie P.
Jeanie P.
Aug 25, 2023
outrageous price to put my new kichen sink in i should have read thier reviews before i called them thier other review were bad !!!

Shobe H.
Shobe H.
Jul 2, 2014
What a joke of a company!! After my water heater stopped working I called Tiger, since they're right around the corner from my house and I wanted to give my business to my hometown company. A Tiger technician came out the same day and inspected my water heater and told me that either they could repair it for $600 or replace it for $1800. I decided to get a second opinion with another company and all i need was some cleaning around the pilot and my bill from that company was $50. I will never call Tiger for anything else in the future and will advise all my family and friends to do the same.

Patti B.
Patti B.
Feb 6, 2019
I had a real big problem and they really wanted to take advantage of me. My basement had about 3 inches of water down there. They told me that my pipes were so old that they were disintegrating. I have a fear of basements so they knew this. He told me that I needed a new water heater because it leaked. I was asked by several other people how could he tell I needed a new water heater with all the water on the ground. They were going to charge me over $16,000. I had a second opinion and have found I only had one busted pipe. My second opinion gave me an appraisal for the new drains and happy to say I will not have to take out a loan to have everything fixed. I saved over $10,000 by getting a second opinion.

Kevin A.
Kevin A.
May 1, 2015
They are all about the sale, not about the service. They put in a filter system I specifically said I do not want. They are now taking money out of my bank account for membership in order to get 10 percent off. Don't call them, don't let them into your house.

Nicole S.
Nicole S.
Jun 4, 2019
Not sure who they pay for all the glowing google reviews but check the BBB and you will find the true answer. I didn't even hire these guys but am stuck with them none the less because we purchased a home that had a plumbing problem 2 days before closing. So here we are 5 wks after getting in the home and still unable to use my gorgeous new bathtub because I'm waiting on parts. First was only told supply lines, now Im told it's specialty valves for my clawfoot tub, which is not clawfoot btw.

Anyway, several calls back amd forth and I keep hearing, we expect the part possibly tomorrow, but maybe in another week. Ummm what? I've heard that TWICE now. So what is it, the part will be here in the next few days or maybe not, we really don't know. Steer clear! These hige companies like this spend a fortune on their fancy trucks amd advertising and end up charging exorbitant prices. I was fooled by a company like this is oregon as well, but this time I don't have much of a choice, since the previous owners chose these yahoos.

I was called Thursday, yes and told you expected the parts maybe tomorrow ( would have been friday) but that you still weren't sure. I'm not sure who you called friday, but it was NOT me. Of course it's no-cost work, since the previous owners paid $500 for you to stop a leak and order new valves and supply lines.

Taffy D.
Taffy D.
Oct 8, 2018
appointment to change shower head in my downstairs bathroom. when we went to view my problem, he never even looked at my bathroom. instead he started taking pictures of my pipes and explaining how bad they were and could be fixed for 1000 dollars. we then went upstairs to my kitchen and he told me to buy bottled water and not drink from my facet. scam tactic. i called my son and he spoke to the man trying to sell me more work. i dont know what was said, but he left after the phone call, and left me his home phone number. i thought that was odd. i called alton water company and they came out and tested my water, explaining the intense steps to follow in making water safe for the public. i am waiting for their results and plan to send them to tiger plumbing and better business bureau. my son replaced my shower head and the turn off valve that was old and worn. it took my son 30 min. to replace shower head and turn off valve. it cost me 60 dollars for parts.

Shawn C.
Shawn C.
Dec 16, 2013
Tiger Plumbing was able to fix a bathroom leak my friend had while I was visiting that resulted from the contractors that were hired to renovate the bathroom doing a piss poor job. Two gentlemen from Tiger showed up and were able to fix the problem in a very timely matter and were extremely professional. They also left no mess behind which was an added bonus. Would definitely recommend them to a friend.

Brian R.
Brian R.
Feb 19, 2017
Update: there reply was predictable...do yourself a favor and seek out a local plumber that won't try to up-sale you a system you really don't need. There is a reason they have a 2-star rating and their claims are just empty words.

Note to Tiger....please remove me from future mailings, I will not be fleeced by you again and when asked I will steer anyone that's needs service to other service providers. BTW...I tried your club and every time you come out you push high priced 'solutions' unrelated to the issue. I would think differently but the pattern is clear....you will never be in my home again.

Carl H.
Carl H.
Jun 12, 2016
Wish I could give zero stars or 5 frowns. These guys are crooks!!! They duped my elderly family member for over 600 bucks to replace a bathroom vanity faucet, when they could have repaired the one she had for under 20 dollars in parts. On top of that, Doug think that for 600+ the faucet would function as its supposed to, right? I mean that's a high premium to pay and the work should reflect that, right? Wrong. The faucet still leaks, so they've gotta come back Monday, to repair the leaking faucet they installed for OVER 600 DOLLARS!!!!!! A FAUCET, 600.00, AND IT DOESN'T WORK!!!!! if you're thinking of using these guys, save yourself the headache and a lot of money and go with someone else. Also, the receipt they gave was not itemized at all, so, no way to tell what they actually charged her for. I'm guessing that's because they installed a cheap 30 dollar fixture, and charged her a 570 dollar service charge, but used fancy words like elegant polished chrome to make her feel like she got something nice. Sheisters.......

Linda K.
Linda K.
Apr 4, 2023
Not good . Avoid doing business with them. Not reliable, overpriced ... just avoid. Xxxxxx

Vince B.
Vince B.
May 18, 2018
We really appreciated the kindness of the men and women we interacted with at Tiger, and we were thankful for their initial quick response. But speed and kindness don't always equal competence, which is where we got caught. Our house is on a septic system, and on a Monday afternoon we started having sewage back-up into our bathtub. We called Tiger immediately and they sent someone right over. He spoke with my wife (since I wasn't at home) and told her that we could try a cheaper option of a few hundred dollars that included snaking the pipes to try to unclog the blockage. However, he thought the blockage was most likely connected to corrosion and/or blockage in the original cast iron pipes that we still had from the house wall to the septic tank. He also explained a $3300 option, which he specifically said included replacing the old pipe running from the home foundation wall to the outside/septic area. As part of this option a septic clean-out would be installed on the way to the septic tank (which we didn't currently have). He also told her that the current pipe fixing on our cast iron pipes was not up to code. Based on this information, we decided to bite the bullet and chose the more expensive option. However, when they came the next day to do the work, they didn't do the work he had told us, they didn't replace the entire pipe he said they would, and when we started checking into it, they said that our cast iron pipe fixing was fine and wouldn't be a problem with house-codes when we want to sell. When challenged, they offered us a $500 refund, but this was unacceptable because the only work they ended up doing was digging out and replacing about 3 feet of old PVC pipe and adding a sewer clean-out. Ultimately, all we had was a clog at the end of the pipe that led into the septic which was discovered when a septic company cleaned out the tank, and after a long letter and some pushing, we finally talked them down to only $2000 for a job that wasn't what we originally agreed to. I don't believe their initial representative lied to us, but he was incompetent at best and they would not stand by what he told us. And because of this, we are paying more for the work they did do than we feel is reasonable based on other estimates and the miscommunication. We would NOT have chosen the more expensive (and as it happens, ultimately unnecessary) job had it not been for the misinformation we were given. And we should not have been charged the same price for a job that only included a portion of what they said it would include. It felt like a shady deal all around and we're sorry we chose Tiger and will definitely not do so again.

Eric E.
Eric E.
Aug 17, 2019
Absolute ripoff and rude! Had them come out and the said a plumbing job would've been $9,000. We did part of it ourselves to save on money. They came back out and was mad we didn't use them on the first part and said it would now cost us $18,000. Then for a different job in our house they tried to charge us $200 for a part that cost $20. I confronted them and they brought it down to $60. Would never recommend them to anyone. I am talking about the one based out of Collinsville IL.

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