Here is a poser, a question, if you will: If my new Generac Ecogen generator is the ONLY electric power source causing my off-grid well pump breaker to trip, and after FIVE service calls from his knowledgeable tech Ryan without determining the power failure cause of said generator, why on earth would Spectrum Electric's owner Billy Judy, suggest that my best solution to a tripping breaker would be, Replace your working 20 amp breaker with a 30 amp breaker. Then also recommend bypassing this safety device altogether and change to 20 years of flawless 12 Ga wire with 10 or even 8 gauge wire?! Sure, my safety breaker won't trip anymore... My house will probably burn to the ground and and start a forest fire... But my pesky safety breaker won't trip any more.
Might be time to report Spectrum Electric in Conifer, CO to the State Electrical Board, the BBB and 9 Wants to know. Probably Small Claims Court with the local reporters present might be my best (and you, dear reader's solution). Read on....
Well, I have been fighting with Spectrum Electric and more specifically, Generac generator for 10 months. My Generac Ecogen variable speed 15kw has never operated correctly. Ever. It will not consistently provide reliable power to my off-grid home.
Let me be clear, Ryan, Ben and the field techs are fantastic and knowledgeable folks. They are caught in in the middle. They know my generator should be replaced.
Spectrum's owner, William Billy Judy.. I'm not sure after multiple phone and email chats if he gives lip service or actually cares. Of course of the five times Ryan has been to my house, the owner never has. Billys best solution? Bypass your 20 amp breaker that has and continues to work flawlessly for 18 years (with the Ecogen off) with a 30 amp fuse. Better yet, he says, just bypass the entire breaker and replace the 12 gauge wire with 10 or 8 Guage wire. Then your breaker won't trip anymore! (Sure, my house will burn down, but my breaker won't trip because of the Generac Ecogen generator failing to operate properly!)
The owner's daughter, Kristen Judy? Wow. She is a treat. She should not be the customer service face of Spectrum. She has a unique ability to argue with you when you call with an issue and actually consistently tries to infer that the mechanical issue is your fault. She is one who would smile at you while twisting the knife.
I still recommend we change the well pump breaker in the 110V panel to a 30A
And re-wire to the invertor with #10 ga. copper wire.
This should solve the tripping issue.
As for the Eco Gen Generac will provide warranty support per there warranty parameters.
We can discuss soon.
Have a great holiday weekend.
William J Judy
Spectrum Electric Ltd.
PO Box 452 | Conifer, CO 8043
I am giving them one more shot. They have two weeks. Then it is Small Claims Court and 9 Wants to Know. Stay tuned...