We called out All Drains Plumbing to take a look at an issue we had where the toilet was bubbling up every time the shower, kitchen sink, or washing machine was running. Everything we looked up online prior to calling out the plumbers was that this was most likely tied to a venting issue.
When the plumber came out, however, he dismissed this idea outright, and since I'm not a professional plumber, I tend to go with the expertise of the people who do this for a living. He insisted that this was due to a blockage somewhere in the main, that would at the very least require snaking, which would cost $175. Seemed relatively reasonable. In order to snake, however, he also needed to remove the toilet, another $150. Fine.
A few hours and $350 later, after a snaking attempt that failed (which they still charged me for), a camera attempt that failed (which they tried to charge me for) and an inability to reproduce the same bubbling after removing the toilet (which they also charged me for), they basically said, Well, it seems like the problem is fixed.
Now, barely two weeks later, guess what? The toilet is bubbling again, because they never addressed, or really ever acknowledged the underlying issue, which is the venting. They never got on the roof to check to make sure that there was no blockage in the vent, either, which we've since learned is a common issue.
Both guys that came out were definitely friendly, but not professional, and they spent more time ribbing each other and pointing out what the previous plumber had done wrong than doing a good job themselves.
Disappointed---we'll definitely be calling out another plumber to address the ongoing venting issue.