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Landeros Landscaping Tree Service
Our irrigation system was struggling and needed some immediate attention and potential rework. Our previous service provider (who also does landscaping) didn't have our trees set up correctly, so we had Sprinkler Repair come out and check everything.

Within a couple hours Sprinkler Repair had reworked and set up new emitters according to our watering needs at all locations in question. They evaluated our water programing and made some tune-ups at the timer box which they took the time to explain to us in detail. We feel better about the new set up knowing that it was thoughtfully and knowledgably installed and programmed.

Worth sharing on larger trees and shrubs, is the importance of getting the irrigation distributed into the plant's root zone, near the foliage drip line. From there, the correct amount of water for each plant type, (by size) must be established and adjusted accordingly. This is where the previous company didn't quite have things correct. Sprinkler Repair noted that in addition to mixing and matching some components that were causing literal geysers upon failure, not getting the water right at these high demand locations, in addition to leaving things turned off (like our landscaper did) can really do some damage. I feel Sprinkler Repair set us on the right path moving forward.

Upon collection of payment, their lead installer mentioned that they went over their not to exceed price.  In my book, this defeats the purpose of walking the job the day before and giving a not to exceed number, which generally includes some level of built-in contingency by nature.  Before starting work, we discussed that if they ran into anything major, they would get my approval ahead of time. When they asked for 30% over their original quote (without preauthorization) all it took was a raised eyebrow on my part and a reminder of what we had discussed.  I'm giving the benefit of the doubt here and not knocking-stars-off because the team lead was reasonable when I also pointed out that they saved labor by coming in under the timetable they had originally estimated.  At that point there was a genuine realization and acknowledgment of my perspective, and they honored their quote. I'm chalking this up to the team working daily on multiple jobs, using round numbers, and trying to remember what was discussed with each client. That said, this is something to watch for so that both parties are crystal-clear on the scope of work, price, and materials being used... and this applies to any company honestly; it really needs to be fair for both parties.

All told, we are happy with Sprinkler Repair for the work they did on this project. I plan to have them out twice yearly for seasonal changes and for system health checks, which they offered to perform at a reasonable price when I inquired about follow-up services.  There was no pressure in any of our interactions with both field and office, and their payment methods are modern and convenient.  

Nice going Sprinkler Repair, keep up the great work!

Phoenix, AZ