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Best Stucco Siding Installation in Phoenix AZ

Jeremy The Handyman Kitchen Remodel
Working with Jeremy was probably the best experience I've had working with a contractor. A few months back my wife and I starting looking into having some work done to the exterior of our home. Specifically, we were looking to have our back wall raised by 2 blocks, have wood rot removed and corrected along the roofline on all sides of the home, and have an old large wooden patio covering removed. Jeremy's quote was competitive, and he seemed very knowledgeable when we completed our initial walkthrough.

What I appreciated most working with Jeremy was the communication. This is one area where I feel many contractors fall short. But Jeremy and his staff communicated by email often during every step of our project. If I had a question or concern, I didn't have to wait days for a response. If I didn't hear back that same day, I would get a response the next morning.

I have to commend Jeremy not only for his service, but for the people he chose to work with him. From the the pleasant and helpful woman who I frequently spoke to in the phone (I think Jeremy's wife), to other individuals who were on site... everyone was kind and courteous.

After the work was completed and the bill was paid, there was one area of wood rot correction that I wanted retouched. I was hesitant to see what kind of response I would get, but I received no pushback from Jeremy and his staff. He quickly put me in the schedule and came out and touched up his work with no extra cost. I really appreciated his attentiveness and willingness to ensure the work he completes is done right. It's now been months later and after dealing with 2 other contractors (for other areas of work), I very much appreciate both the quality of work Jeremy and his staff provided, and and the strong communication he provided throughout. I will definitely be using Jeremy the Handyman again in future, and I've already recommended him to friends and co-workers.
Phoenix, AZ