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Best Roof Energy Efficiency Inspection in Phoenix AZ

High Performance Homes Roofing Contractor
Make sure to read the contract fully before signing there is no way for a client to get out of it without having to pay this company 33% of the total I was fully cooperative with all they asked for my side of the bargain so they could have an easy install when the install was ready I removed all my blinds and moved everything out of the way when I received a call saying they have all my products ready for install come to find out my order was never placed after 3 months and the windows they brought were not the correct windows or even the correct sizes for my house it was a different clients I called the next day she said it will take about 2 weeks. the lady that I was speaking to was fired due to messing up other clients orders. It has been over a month since I removed all my blinds and moved everything out of the way (which it's still like that because there's no point in putting them back)  I have not received a call or even heard anything from the company about my windows and doors so I called to cancel my services due to not fulfillment to the contract and Miscommunication on there side and to let them know that I just don't want the windows and doors anymore and immediately the guy said that is impossible due to the contract and they have the high attorneys for this situation and as a company we will not lose
I did not read the contract fully but there is NO EXIT CLAUSE for the client to have the right to cancel after the company has not hold up there bargain so just make sure you read the whole contract because this company only cares about one thing only and that is scamming people into contracts that only benefit them and could care less about a client I knew right away as soon as the guy I spoke to started bringing up attorney and lawsuits right when I said I would like to cancel the order than he also told me that it was my fault that I should of been calling them everyday because in his words and I quote if it was his house he wouldn't put up with that shit (laughing) how is it my fault as company you should of called your client and communicated with them of what's going on
Phoenix, AZ 85021