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Best Roof-mounted Solar Panel Repair in Phoenix AZ

Harmon Electric Electrician
I had Harmon install solar to my house since 2015 and here we are 2020 I'm still paying as much as I was without solar , everyone I know that has solar pay zero dollars at times and that's never happens to me . I have a 3500 sq foot home and yet only 28 panels . I have family members that have smaller houses that have over 48 panels . My producation is not even 50 percent I was promised 75 percent producation and that haven't happed . I also reached backed to them last week for maybe adding more panels they still didn't get back to me . Horrible services from this company . I will be reaching the company CEO Julie king and let her know how her company is screwing me over for that past 5 years I'm still producing the same amount each year  .
945 W Deer Valley Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85027