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Best Deep Cleaning in Phoenix AZ

Truvo Roofing Solar Panel
I was shopping to add more solar panels to my system; and indicating that on Yelp, several companies contacted me one way or another.  One company offered me a fantastic deal!

Josh of Truvo was one of the companies that contacted me, and he was eager to get a deal together.  He called me on the day of our appointment to say that adding more panels on my roof would not be economical for me for a number of reasons which he explained very well.

I know that Josh wanted to sign me up, but he could not move forward in good conscience.  Though Josh won't be installing panels for me (and nobody else will either), I admire his concern for my best interests.  This is exactly the kind of person/company you want to do business with.  I am confident that Josh will be straight with you as he was with me.  A very trustworthy person!

Hats off, Josh!
Phoenix, AZ 85044