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Best Spider Extermination in Arlington TX

Chorbie Plumbing Service
I am a current customer and really this company is just okay. They are better lately than they were when I first started using them. I did a lot of research to try and find a company to take care of my lawn when we moved into the area and ended up choosing this company for lawn maintenance and weed and feed. The first season using this company, the guys to come and mow were pretty inconsistent. They would come out on the wrong day, miss weeks, etc. They would also come within an hour after a rain which I don't love because we end up with an inconsistent cut. This summer they run like a clock though and it seems like they just needed time to get us fixed into their rotation maybe? Ultimately, they are affordable compared to their competition and I like that they lower their frequency of mowing on their own based on the time of year. I do have less weeds in my yard as well even if the nutsedge is out of control which they tell me they can't do anything about.

Overall, they are good enough that I wouldn't cancel them, but they aren't so good that someone else couldn't earn my business if they really wanted to. Hopefully the trend will continue and I will feel even better about them a year from now.

Arlington, TX