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Fuse HVAC Plumbing Service
The owner is very kind to reach out to me regarding the repair material cost issue. He nicely offered me a full refund of the material cost and I accepted a partial refund. Indeed, providing repair material cost transparency will set a practice apart from its competitors and attract/retain more new/return customers. Overall, I'm very happy with the outcome and will definitely come back for future repairs because the owner does his best to keep customers happy.

I just had my dryer fixed. I have no complaints to the technicians since they are polite and competent. Oh boy!  the material they charged me is way more expensive than their competitors. I paid $120 for an electric dryer heating coil/element which is sold for $20-35 online everywhere! I think it's reasonable to make some money from the materials, such as $50-$70 in my case since they also paid shipping and bringing them to the customers, but from raising it to $120 is simply greedy, 2 stars off.

965 Amstutz Dr, San Jose, CA 95129
Fuse Service Plumbing Service

3314 Victor Ct, Santa Clara, CA 95054