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Best Irrigation Repair Or Maintenance in Orlando FL

Harvey Baker Plumbing Plumbing Service
In January 2017, I had Harvey Baker Plumbing install a new toilet ring seal because I was getting a rust like color and sometimes a bit of water around the base of the toilet.  The replacement of the ring went fine and he replaced the toilet, but then came the caulking around the toilet. I am a horrible caulker but this guy was worse than me. He applied a minimum of caulk and then wiped most of it off.  I assumed he knew what he was doing but that turned out not to be the case. Yesterday I had a backup on that toilet where the water goes almost to the rim before it drains and I had water flowing from the base.  It was a worthless $91.72 visit from Harvey Baker.  When I called to complain, they said they only warranty their work for 30 days. NEVER AGAIN!!!!

Orlando, FL