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Best Circuit Breaker Installation in Orlando FL

Ace Solves It All Plumbing Service
Over the weekend, I had a family gathering for father's Day, and the topic of the Family Value plan came up. Including myself, 8 of us utilize this plan and services of Ace in the Kissimmee and Orlando areas. The benefits of the plan, I love. Helping prevent a lot of major issues from occurring down the road.  This is genius and pays for itself and is extremely useful for my elderly family members.

The issue that drove this negative review is your customer service with the family plan team. This surprised me but didn't really surprise me. You have a representative with the Ace Family team named Samantha. I have spoken to her a few times, along with my aunt, uncles, friends, and a few neighbors. NO ONE had anything worth pleasing to say about this individual. Being that we are a part of a Family VIP program, it really doesn't feel that way. No warm welcome feeling. Yes, we all received a package in the mail, but that's it. No phone call, no check-in. When speaking with Samantha, she never takes accountability. Never fails to tell you,  she is not a technician or it is not her department. She spoke to my aunt and uncle as if they were incompetent. I have yet to have a a courtesy or empathic experience her. I called and mentioned I had AC issues, and instead of saying sorry to hear that. Nope, you have the wrong department, and customer service can schedule that. When facing any issues, this is the person in charge of assisting me?  Nothing about Samantha is professional. She got into it with my uncle and my neighbor over updating his payment.  My neighbor actually drove to the office back in March because of her attitude on the phone. How do you have someone of this caliber managing VIPs? I have had to call in for maintenance. She's not calling us or following up in 6 months. Everytime you speak with her, she's combative and argumentative. Samantha speaks over you and then had awkward moments of silence. Am I speaking to a human at this point.

Ace is a great company, and myself, family, and friends have spent a lot of money with the company and plan to continue, but I refuse to work with people like this Samantha person. If I am paying for a service, I should receive the utmost support and respect. Treat me like family, and not like someone that is bothering you. Lead with integrity, honor, and respect. You are not better than anyone else. You should NOT have people like this working for you. It is giving your company a horrible reputation.

421 West Robinson St, Ste B, Orlando, FL 32801