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Best EV Charging Station Installation in Long Beach CA

Victor White Handyman Plumbing Service
Victor was first hired by my company to build our basic store model at our new store location on Balboa Island in March of 2011.  Work consisted of  building 2 fitting rooms, repair of flooring, mirrors, storage units, wall units, lighting, wiring, preparation of wall colors & model cases.  He completed everything ahead of schedule and followed all company standards and even surpassed our expectations.  He did such a good job, that he was always our on call contractor when it came to store issues, repairs, remodels & build outs for present and future stores.  

He's actually scheduled to do a remodel this week. We'll post before and after pics when he's all done.  

His positive attitude, professional work & fair prices made him someone worth working with.

Stop by a Subject Store & check out his work when it comes down to commercial work.

Long Beach, CA