I scheduled Craig's Plumbing to come to my house to replace the filters in my four 5-filter reverse osmosis units that they initially installed in my home in 2000. Craig's Plumbing has been the only company to every do any work on these units since they were installed in my home 14 years ago. The last four time the filters were replaced on all four units, it cost me $480.00. The last two times my four unit filters were replaced were on 5 May 2006 and 10 July 2010; both time at a cost of $480.00. Today, 19 Jun 2014, the Craig Plumbing technicians showed up and initially told me it was going to cost me $$1,080.00 to replace the filters in my units. When I balked at this figure, they went out to their truck and called the owner. They came back inside after about 10 minutes and told me that they were now authorized to offer me a price of $800.00 to replace my filters. When I told them that I had only paid $480.00 every time had had replaced my filters since they had been installed, they told me that they were sorry but that was their new pricing. I told them to gather their tools, their services would not be required in my home as I would rather replace the units than pay them that exorbitant fee to replace the filters. The original units only cost $750 apiece to install brand new. As such, every third filter replacement the customer would be paying for a new unit all over again.
I then called the owner and talked with Craig. He told me he was a licensed contractor and was expanding his business and his costs had to be passed on to customers. In other words, he acknowledged that he was ripping customers off with his price to replace filters in these units. I informed him that I would be writing a notice in our homeowner's association newsletter to let me fellow homeowners know that he is ripping them off; and I am writing this review to let the public at large know what they can expect when doing business with him. Beware! Do your homework. The actual cost of my filters is less than $95 per filter. It took me 8 minutes to watch a video on you-tube and all of 13 minutes to take all my filters out so that I could take them to a plumbing supply store to buy replacements. Reassembly time was only 5 minutes. Now I know I was even getting ripped off when I was paying them $480.00.